Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 476 New Students Admission

During the two months at Hogwarts, Tom did a lot of things, but there were also many things that he hadn't done yet.

If you want to bring changes to Hogwarts, it is most intuitive to wait until school starts.

Therefore, everything Tom did in the past two months was mostly just some necessary preliminary preparations.

In addition to opening the Oriental Store on the first floor and importing a batch of goods.

Tom's biggest move was to sponsor a better and safer new train for Hogwarts.

And naturally became the new boss of the employees on the high-speed rail.

Apart from that, Tom did not make any "big moves".

This made Dumbledore, who was always paying attention to Tom's actions, relax a lot.

Although the meeting between the two was not very friendly.

But after two months of getting along, Dumbledore also had a lot of changes in his views on Tom.

Not only Dumbledore, but other employees in the school were also accustomed to the existence of Tom, the cat.

At this time, in the office of Principal Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall was discussing this year's sorting ceremony with Dumbledore.

"What do you think of these lyrics of the sorting song?"

Dumbledore held up a piece of paper.

Professor McGonagall looked at it and nodded gracefully.

Dumbledore put down the paper and said with a smile: "That's it. Now that there is a high-speed rail, the little wizards should enter the school earlier than usual, and we have to prepare in advance."

"This is a good thing. Faster transportation can save more time to do other things."

Professor McGonagall said, and naturally thought of Tom, and said: "Mr. Tom has been in Hogwarts for two months. It seems that he really just wants to open a small shop."

Maybe as a cat, Professor McGonagall has a good impression of Tom.

Although she is a serious person, she will not express it.

Dumbledore nodded and said, "It seems so. Maybe it's not a bad idea to add a small shop to Hogwarts."

Then, Dumbledore, with white hair and long beard, stood up and walked out of the office, saying, "Call Mr. Tom to the sorting ceremony. After all, he is now a part of the school and should be introduced to the students."

The kind-hearted Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall relaxed their vigilance against Tom, thinking that he was just a cat who wanted to do business.

I really didn't know that Tom really started his actions on September 1st, the day when Hogwarts opened.

The system task is to change Hogwarts.

A businessman is just his identity.

The gargoyles moved away, and Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall walked out.

Just after taking two steps, Dumbledore suddenly took two steps back, looking at a small stone lion beside the corridor, wondering: "Is this the only one here?"

Professor McGonagall was also a little confused, but still nodded: "It seems that there is."

With that, the two of them left the stone lion alone and left directly.

On the mural in the corridor, the people in the painting watched Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall leave, and then looked at the stone lion.

Under their gaze, the stone lion seemed to suddenly come alive.

The zipper on the back was unzipped, and Tom climbed out with a smug look on his face.

Tom, who looked well-behaved in Dumbledore's eyes, tap danced and came to the gargoyle stone beast very proudly.

The stone beast raised its eyelids and looked at Tom, and reluctantly made way.

The cat held its head high and walked into the spiral staircase with a step that did not recognize any relatives, and entered the principal's office again.

On the gilded perch, the old and frail bald bird Phoenix Fawkes stood there, with its head lowered, as if it was sleeping.

It didn't look up until the arrogant Tom came in.

After discovering Tom, it perked up a little.


Tom raised his paw happily and said hello to Fox.

During this period, he would come to the principal's office to play with Fox and the Sorting Hat when he had nothing to do.

He was even more frequent than going home.

Therefore, Fox and the Sorting Hat liked Tom very much.

However, the cat came here mainly for the Sorting Hat.

Dumbledore and the professors were preparing for this year's Sorting Ceremony. Tom thought that he was now a part of Hogwarts, so he naturally had to show some appreciation.

"Hey, brother, you're here!"

On the bookshelf, an old pointed wizard hat suddenly made a sound.

The wrinkles on its hat body seemed to form the eyes and mouth of the hat.

It could make a sound when it opened and closed.

"Hurry up, teach me again, I still don't remember that part well."

The Sorting Hat jumped off the bookshelf and landed directly on Tom's head.

No problem!

Tom came here for this.

Mao Mao took out two clappers from behind without hesitation.

"Wow! You are well prepared!"

The Sorting Hat spoke with a Tianjin accent.



Mao Mao and the Hat laughed wildly together.

It seems that they are really looking forward to the performance at the Sorting Ceremony.

Fox, who was perched on the gilded branch next to them, saw the two brothers laughing so happily and laughed "Gaga Gaga Gaga".

The unbridled laughter of a cat, a hat, and a bird echoed in the principal's office.

The gargoyles guarding the gate heard it, and immediately lowered their eyebrows and sighed.

Poor Dumbledore and the professors have not realized the true face of Tom's happy cat until now. As the earliest person to know, it is almost helpless.

A few hours later, the Great Hall.

Because they arrived at Hogwarts in advance, the students certainly could not hold the sorting ceremony directly.

Otherwise, everyone probably couldn't eat.

Therefore, after the students arrived at Hogwarts by boat, Professor McGonagall asked the prefects of each college to take the freshmen around the school first to familiarize themselves with Hogwarts in advance.

During this process, Tom's Oriental Canteen was surrounded by students many times.

Because it was not just the freshmen.

The rest of the old students also saw this new facility in Hogwarts for the first time.

There is no doubt that this is big news.

After all, since the establishment of Hogwarts, its facilities have basically been similar.

Occasionally, one or two things will be added due to some special circumstances.

But it is the first time that a functional building like a canteen has been built.

Compared to the freshmen who only knew a little, the seniors were the most curious.

However, Tom was not in the store at this time, so the store was closed.

Everyone could only see the dazzling array of goods inside through the glass window.

And the cat head sign at the door.

The students stood in front of the door and talked.

One of the red-haired twins looked eager to try. Seeing that there was really no one in the store, they came forward and wanted to take a closer look at what was inside.

"It seems to be the things sold on the high-speed rail."

George said.

Fred smiled: "I saw that someone bought those snacks. They seem to be some good trick toys."

"I want to go in and take a look."

"Me too."

The Weasley twins were restless and immediately wanted to pry the door to enter the store.

Others regarded the snacks sold by Tom as snacks or alternative potions.

Only the Weasley twins who like to play pranks thought that this was a good trick prop.

But before the two of them could make any move, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid had already arrived, signaling that the sorting ceremony was about to begin, and everyone had to go to the auditorium now.

It was already dusk.

After everyone was sorted, it was just right for the dinner.

In the auditorium, there were four very long rows of dining tables.

These four tables represented the four schools of Hogwarts.

The senior students were the first to enter the auditorium.

They sat down in batches according to their respective schools.

This year's freshmen waited outside the door for the time being.

When the seniors left, the first-year freshmen looked at each other.

Only then could they seriously observe their classmates in the future school next to them.

Compared with ordinary people.

The number of wizards is really small.

Unlike the Muggle world, any school has at least dozens or hundreds of freshmen a year.

That's still a small town with a small population.

And Hogwarts.

It recruits young wizards from the entire British wizarding world.

Occasionally, there are even foreign wizards enrolled.

Even so, there are only more than 50 freshmen this year.

This number is not as good as previous years.

Especially Tom also interfered.

He secretly used the admission book to enroll several freshmen who were supposed to enroll next year one year in advance.

This includes Ginny, the youngest sister of the Weasley family.

A certain Harry Potter fan who likes to take pictures.

And Luna Lovegood, who is called a crazy girl.

Among them, Tom's favorite is the girl named Luna.

Considering that he will probably only stay in Hogwarts for one year.

And these students in Hogwarts will face Voldemort and his Death Eaters in the next few years.

Therefore, Tom plans to recruit his favorite children in advance, conduct unified training and unified strengthening in this year.

As long as a good foundation is laid this year, I believe that even if Tom does not exist in the future, they will be stronger and will be more calm when facing the battle with Voldemort.

This can also be regarded as a little selfishness of Tom.


Ron stood beside Harry, wanting his sister to come over.

But the lovely Ginny looked at Harry and ran away with a blushing face.

She was very shy and only dared to look at Harry from a distance.

"What's wrong with her?"

Harry asked Ron.

Ron was also puzzled. As a straight man, he couldn't understand Ginny's thoughts.

"It seems that what they said just now is true. Harry Potter came to Hogwarts."

Just then, a blond guy with a back hair suddenly looked at Harry and spoke, which attracted everyone's attention.

Draco Malfoy obviously enjoyed the feeling of being in the spotlight.

"This is Clark, this is Goyle, my name is Malfoy."

Draco introduced himself and his two fat followers to Harry.

While speaking, Malfoy took two steps to Harry, as if showing off his family background, and emphasized again: "Draco Malfoy."

Draco was born in a pure-blood wizard family.

His father, named Lucius Malfoy, was Voldemort's lackey.

In his time, every child had heard the story of Harry Potter.

There is a saying that Harry killed Voldemort entirely by his own ability, and he may become the next generation of the Dark Lord.

Draco's father is a supporter of this saying.

Draco, who was deeply influenced by his father, wanted to bring honor to his father, so he came forward to take the initiative to get to know Harry Potter at this time.

Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy also have a certain relationship.

They both come from a list called the Holy 28 Pure Blood Families.

However, because the Weasley family is not actually a supporter of the pure blood theory, they are even close to half-blood wizards and even Muggles.

Therefore, many pure blood families are very repulsive to the Weasley family.

Among them, the Malfoy family where Draco belongs is even worse.

Just when Draco introduced himself, Ron next to him couldn't help laughing.

This made Draco turn his head and look at Ron instantly, with a bad look in his eyes: "Do you think my name is funny?"

Ron didn't know what to say, so he didn't speak.

"I know your name, with your hair in the back and an old robe, I think you must be from the Weasley family."

Draco's tone was full of disdain for Ron.

Ignoring Ron no longer, Draco looked at Harry again: "You will find that some families are superior. Don't make friends with people of questionable character."

It was very obvious who he was referring to.

Ginny in the crowd was so angry that her face was puffed up.

Draco stared at Harry and stretched out his hand: "I can help you."

Harry was not opposed to making friends, but Draco insulted his only friend right away, which instantly reduced Harry's good impression of Draco to negative.

"I think I can tell the good from the bad, thank you."

Harry ruthlessly rejected Draco's kindness.

This made the young master Malfoy stunned for a moment.

Angry, he immediately realized that the rumors from the adults were probably wrong.

The kid in front of him could never be the next generation of the Dark Lord.

He actually mixed with the Weasleys!


At this time, Professor McGonagall came back.

She clapped her hands, attracting the attention of all the students.

Professor McGonagall stood in front and led everyone to the hall.

The door of the hall opened automatically.

The little wizards quickly forgot the small conflict between Harry and Draco, smiled one by one, and looked at the situation in the hall intently.

A large number of candles were suspended above their heads to provide lighting for the hall.

The ceiling of the hall was cast with magic.

Although they were indoors, everyone looked up and saw the sky outside and the orange clouds under the sunset.

"Look, there's a cat."

Ron stood next to Harry, and he found that there was a big cat behind a seat among a group of faculty members in front.

The presence of the cat obviously attracted the attention of many children.

Seeing that they were all looking at him, Tom took off his head happily and greeted the students with a smile.


This action caused a burst of exclamations among the children.

Dumbledore and others glanced at Tom and said nothing.

Snape tugged at his robe, looking a little disgusted with Tom.

"Okay, kids, please stand here."

Professor McGonagall led the freshmen to stand in front of the Sorting Hat.

"Before the ceremony begins, Professor Dumbledore wants to say a few words to everyone."

The students stood up one after another, waiting for the old headmaster to speak.

Today, Dumbledore wore a gorgeous red robe and a pointed hat like a nightcap on his head.

Or, was it actually a nightcap?

Tom doubted this.

"I have a few things to pay attention to at the beginning of the school year."

Dumbledore stood up.

Tom pretended to be calm, whistled, and stuffed a speech manuscript to the old headmaster.

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