Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 489: Injured mice need to take rat poison

"What happened?! What happened?!"

Ron's scream was so loud that it instantly woke up all the Gryffindor students.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall, who had received the news, also arrived quickly.

"It's Sirius! I saw him! He was standing in front of me with a knife!"

Ron was obviously scared. Seeing the people around him, he immediately shouted loudly.

Everyone around was shocked when they heard it.

They all knew about Sirius's escape from prison, but they didn't expect him to run to the student lounge quietly.

After all, the secret order at the door would be changed every once in a while.

In theory, if you are not a teacher or student in school, it is impossible to come in.

So everyone was very confused and suspected that Ron was dreaming.

Sure enough, Professor McGonagall immediately said, "There is a secret order in the dormitory, and no outsiders can come in."

Without waiting for other reactions from the students, Professor McGonagall frowned and asked the secret person, the Fat Lady, about the specific situation: "Just now, did you let anyone in?"

The Fat Lady said directly: "Yes, someone got the temporary password right. Although he read it from a piece of paper, I let him in."

When Professor McGonagall heard this, her blood pressure rose immediately!

She turned her head and scanned the other students in the dormitory and asked, "Who is so stupid?! Write this week's password on a piece of paper!"

In the crowd, Neville Longbottom was startled and finally raised his hand tremblingly.

He forgot the password more than once or twice.

In the end, he thought of this stupid way.

Originally, Neville could not remember the original password of the school.

Now that Tom has come, the passwords of the four colleges of the school have basically been yelled out by Tom.

What kind of Tianwang Gaidihu, Chicken Stewed Mushrooms, what Sesame Open Door, all kinds of things.

In this way, Neville would not remember it even more.

Hearing this, McGonagall sighed, and there was nothing she could do.

At this moment, Draco suddenly squeezed in from outside the crowd.

In his hand, he was holding a wounded rat.

"Hey! Your rat!"

Draco raised his head and handed the rat to Ron, who was still frightened, with a haughty look.

He knew the importance of this rat to Ron, and he could ignore it completely.

Now that he has helped, he still behaves like this, which is really a bit contradictory.

Fortunately, after these few months of contact, Ron and the others have become accustomed to Draco's personality, so they didn't say anything.

Looking at the bloody and listless rat Scabbers, Ron was also startled and quickly reached out to take it!

Only then did he realize that Scabbers, who had been with him all the time, was not by his side at this time.

"Scabbers! What's wrong with you!"

Ron held Scabbers in his arms and looked at it covered in blood. He was a little anxious.

There was a row of obvious teeth marks on the rat's body, and it looked like it was bitten by something.

In the crowd, Lupin, who had just arrived after hearing the news, saw it and instantly guessed that the person who hurt Scabbers was probably Sirius.

Sirius was an unregistered Animagus.

His Animagus form was a big black dog.

The row of teeth marks was obviously caused by the big black dog.

But this made Lupin a little confused.

From his perspective, Sirius escaped from prison and should have come to kill Harry.

Everyone thought so.

But now Sirius had already entered the dormitory, why did he leave Harry alone and attack Ron's pet rat instead?

Lupin put his hands in his pockets, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it was.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the big rat in Ron's arms, and it looked more and more familiar.

Suddenly, Lupin thought of a possibility.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes!

Subconsciously, Lupin pushed through the crowd in front of him with a slightly rough movement and came directly to Ron.

Now he could see clearly.

He had seen this rat before!

Although he didn't know why it was missing a finger, Lupin would never mistake this rat!

Peter Pettigrew!

It was definitely Peter Pettigrew!

When they were students, they lived together for six years, and Lupin had seen Peter Pettigrew's Animagus form more than once!

As one of his best friends, Lupin knew him quite well.


If the rat in front of him was Peter, then the problem would be too big!

In 1980, everyone thought Peter was dead.

Sirius was arrested and sent to Aztaban because of this.

Now Sirius had just escaped from prison, and the first thing he did when he came here was to attack Peter.

Lupin was not stupid, and he quickly realized that there must be something wrong!

Maybe there was something else behind the incident 11 years ago!

Lupin looked at the rat Scabbers with a thoughtful look on his face.

The injured rat also felt Lupin's gaze and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he met Lupin's thoughtful eyes, the rat's body tensed up instantly!

The whole rat was instantly surrounded by a strong sense of tension!

It was not afraid of meeting other people, but it was afraid of meeting Lupin.

Because he was also an unregistered Animagus.

Except for the other three members of the Marauders, no one could recognize his rat form.

This has been the case for 11 years.

Unexpectedly, this year was a bad year.

Lupin, who was wandering outside, was suddenly hired to return to school to teach.

Sirius also escaped from Aztaban, and his situation suddenly became dangerous.

I originally thought of deliberately avoiding these two people.

As a result, no one escaped tonight!

Pettigrew knew that he couldn't stay here any longer, he had to run away quickly!


So, in Ron's exclamation, the big mouse quickly broke away from Ron's arms, relied on its small size, quickly passed through the surrounding crowd, and disappeared in a flash!

Seeing the big mouse running away, Lupine and Ron quickly chased after it!

Ron is worried about his pet rat.

Lupine was 100% sure that there must be something wrong with Pettigrew!

We must catch it and ask what happened eleven years ago!

Seeing Ron and Professor Lupin running away, Harry and Hermione didn't think much and chased after them.

Pettigrew was running for his life, running very fast.

Lupine was so anxious to catch Pettigrew that he even took out his wand.

But in the end Pettigrew ran out of the school and rushed towards the Forbidden Forest.

From Pettigrew's point of view, the only way to escape now was to rush into the Forbidden Forest.

Soon! Just ahead!

Watching the Forbidden Forest Pettigrew getting closer and closer, I felt happy.

While running, Pettigrew's nose suddenly twitched twice, and he smelled a very fragrant smell.

His limbs were still running forward, but his head uncontrollably stretched his neck and looked to the side.


After seeing a large piece of triangular cheese under the tree not far away, Peter Pettigrew's eyes suddenly popped out like springs!

The next second, before Pettigrew's mind could react, his body subconsciously changed direction and ran towards the cheese not far away!


Pettigrew suddenly stopped and stopped in front of the triangular cheese with his mouth full of laughter, and reached out to grab it!

Before the big mouse even touched the cheese, a pair of claws suddenly stretched out from the big tree behind the cheese and grabbed the frantically struggling big mouse!

"Professor Tom!"

Ron and others who had been chasing behind saw this scene, so they gathered around.

It turned out that Tom disguised himself as a big tree, and then used cheese to lure Pettigrew over, and then caught the escaping mouse.

As the North American rat-catching champion, Tom can catch other rats with ease, except Jerry and his fairy relatives.

Ron ran up to Tom, looked at Tom and then at the Pettigrew in his hand.

At this time, he didn't think too much. When he saw that the big mouse was still injured, he quickly asked for help from Tom Mu: "Professor Tom, Banban doesn't look good. Can you treat it?!"


Tom called out, nodded, and pawed at his furry belly. Finally, he took out a glass bottle and handed it to Ron along with Pettigrew.

Ron struggled to take the struggling big mouse, and took the glass bottle with his other hand.

Looking closer to the glass bottle, Ron could clearly see the words "Rat Poison" written on the bottle.

It makes sense to give rat poison to injured rats.

Ron didn't think much, he opened the cap of the bottle, poured the rat poison into Pettigrew's mouth, ignored its struggle, and drank it all in one breath!

"How's it going? Banban, are you feeling better?!"

Ron looked at Pettigrew with concern on his face.

Pettigrew, who drank the rat poison, was still struggling.

But after a while it became quiet.

Ron's face immediately lit up when he saw this.

Immediately afterwards, the big mouse suddenly twitched violently!

Foam kept coming out of the corners of his mouth.

This shocked Ron again!

He turned to look at Tom Mu, just about to ask something.

Suddenly I felt that the mouse in my hand was getting heavier and heavier.

Looking back subconsciously, Ron was horrified to find that the big mouse in his hand was getting bigger and bigger, and he was transforming from a mouse into a human!

"bloody hell!"

Ron screamed and threw Pettigrew out of his hand!

The big rat that had grown in size fell to the ground and kept trembling, and finally turned into an ugly, short, fat man with big front teeth in front of everyone's incredible eyes.

"Peter! It's really you!"

As soon as he saw the man, Lupine stepped forward excitedly, already holding the wand in his hand.


Poor Ron was frightened again and sat down on the ground.

He had been frightened too much tonight.

But it's not as good as this one.

He never imagined that the pet rat he had held in his arms for 11 years would turn out to be such an ugly man.

This made Ron's expression extremely complicated for a moment.


Peter Pettigrew, who had returned to his human form, knew that something was wrong.

He struggled to get up and run away.

But the bottle of Tom's specially made rat poison just now had completely deprived him of the possibility of escaping.

He was so weak that he could only lie on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and let others slaughter him.

"Tell me! What happened eleven years ago! Why are you here!"

Lupine looked at Pettigrew on the ground with a complicated expression.

"Lu, Lupin, you know me all because of Sirius..."

Pettigrew lay on the ground and began to argue hard.

Just then, a rustling sound suddenly came from the Forbidden Forest.

A skinny and desolate figure walked out, and Sirius, as mentioned by Peter Pettigrew, slowly appeared in front of everyone under the moonlight.


Lupin reacted quickly, turned around immediately, protected Harry and the other three students behind him, and raised his wand to Sirius who appeared in the forest!


Sirius also narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to raise his wand.

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