Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 491 Battle of Hogwarts

Voldemort is coming?

Tom's eyes widened exaggeratedly!

His ears stood up!

Looking at Hagrid, who was anxious, Tom couldn't believe it and even doubted whether he had heard it wrong.

This was only the end of Harry's first school year.

If the original plot was developed, it would be a few years before Voldemort started the Second Wizarding War.

Even if Voldemort was resurrected early because of his appearance and the change in the plot, with his personality, he shouldn't have invaded Hogwarts so aggressively.

After all, Hogwarts was still guarded by Dumbledore.

Although Voldemort was average in intelligence and small in scope, he was definitely not stupid.

In such a situation, it was absolutely impossible for him to go head-to-head with Hogwarts.


Tom recalled the performance of old Dumbledore in the past few months and suddenly thought of a possibility.

The cat jumped out from behind the desk and looked up at Hagrid and meowed a few times.

Hagrid's nose twitched when he heard this, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Dumbledore, Dumbledore taught him, he..."

As Hagrid spoke, his tower-like body suddenly softened and fell to his knees.

Dumbledore meant a lot to Hagrid.

Just like Lupin.

Dumbledore also helped Hagrid a lot in his growth.

Seeing the usually strong and humorous half-blood giant become like this, Tom knew that Dumbledore was in trouble.

Only in this way can it be explained why Voldemort was so bold and suddenly came to confront Hogwarts.

It must be said that although Voldemort's pattern was criticized, his strength was definitely not bad.

As long as there was no Dumbledore on the side of the righteous, the entire British wizarding world was basically pressed to the ground by Voldemort and his Death Eaters, and there was no power to fight back at all.

Even in the original work, Harry and others won the final victory because of a series of strategies arranged by Dumbledore before his death.

Tom wanted to ask how Dumbledore died.

But it is meaningless to dwell on this point now.

The most urgent task now should be to get rid of Voldemort who came to the door.

It is helpless to say.

According to Tom's original plan, it did not want to do anything to Voldemort.

After all, Voldemort's resurrection is a matter of a few years later.

Tom was too lazy to wait that long.

Unexpectedly, just when his mission was about to end and he was about to leave the Harry Potter world, Voldemort himself came to the door.

Tom felt 100% sure that this matter was related to Dumbledore.

As early as last Christmas, Professor Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, suddenly left school, and Tom noticed something was wrong.

Now it seems that this should also be arranged by Dumbledore, and the purpose is probably to give Voldemort a chance to resurrect.

With old Dumbledore's planning ability, this is very likely.

While thinking, Tom and Hagrid, who was full of sadness, left their office and walked out quickly.

Not long after walking along the corridor, Tom saw Professor McGonagall and others not far from the main entrance of Hogwarts.

It can be seen that all the professors belonging to Hogwarts have arrived on this open space.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape are confronting a large group of people outside the school with a serious face.

The crowd outside the school is black.

The leader is a bald man with gray skin, no nose, and wearing a black robe.

He is the Dark Lord of the wizarding world, Voldemort!

Voldemort and his Death Eaters have always been a dark cloud over the British wizarding world.

Now Voldemort and his Death Eaters have suddenly returned, and the whole Hogwarts can't help but fall into a panic.

Professor McGonagall and others have activated the school's magic shield, but the shield does not give people much sense of security.

The professors can barely keep calm.

The panic of the students is written on their faces.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters are notorious, and they have not experienced any actual combat, so the fear at this time is instinctive.

"Everyone, Tom is here."

Hagrid brought Tom to the crowd.

Hearing this, everyone turned around and looked at Tom.

The moment they saw the cat, the students and professors' original nervous mood relaxed a lot.

Although everyone did not know how strong Tom was.

But after a year of contact, everyone had a rough guess about Tom's ability.

At least it should be about the same level as Dumbledore.

Voldemort also saw Tom who had just appeared in the school.

But he didn't care much about the cat.

All along, in Voldemort's eyes, there were only two enemies, Dumbledore and Harry Potter.

Now Dumbledore has been tricked by him to the Ministry of Magic.

Then let Fudge and others who were controlled by him under the Imperius Curse sneak attack and kill Dumbledore!

Once Dumbledore was eliminated, most of the obstacles to his return to the wizarding world were instantly removed!

But Voldemort thought he was cautious.

Even if there was only one Harry Potter, who was only eleven or twelve years old, to deal with, he had to be fully prepared.

After all, in 1980, he was defeated by Harry, a weak little kid, in his prime.

During the half year of possessing Loki, Voldemort also discovered that the wand Harry used was his brother wand.

Therefore, if he wanted to defeat Harry more safely, he had to change to another wand.

Coincidentally, the Elder Wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows in Dumbledore's hand, was a very good choice.

Legend has it that the person who gets the Elder Wand will be invincible in a duel.

To get the recognition of the Elder Wand, you need to defeat its current holder.

As for which defeat method to use, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, when Fudge killed Dumbledore by sneak attack.

The ownership of the Elder Wand was transferred to Fudge.

Then Voldemort killed Fudge again with an Avada Kedavra without saying a word, and transferred the ownership of the Elder Wand to himself.

The moment he held the Elder Wand, Voldemort felt the extremely powerful power in it.

At this moment, Voldemort's self-confidence was extremely inflated.

Of course, in addition to this, Voldemort made another preparation to deal with Harry Potter.

That is, during the six months when he possessed Professor Lodge, Voldemort found ways to get Harry's blood.

Speaking of which, I have to thank Tom for getting Harry's blood.

If the cat hadn't gone crazy and started taking physical education classes, he wouldn't have gotten Harry's blood without anyone noticing.

If Voldemort wanted to be resurrected, he needed his father's bones, the flesh of his servants, and the blood of his enemies.

In fact, this "enemy's blood" was not limited to Harry's.

As the second generation of black magic, Voldemort had many enemies, and anyone's would do.

But Voldemort finally chose Harry.

There are two reasons.

First; in 1980, it was Harry who destroyed his great cause, so the proud Voldemort would not make any other choices.

Second; Voldemort was quite afraid of the "love protection spell" on Harry.

Thinking of the so-called most mysterious magic called "love", Voldemort hated it.

He really couldn't understand why a love that didn't make any sense could be so powerful.

But that's the truth.

Voldemort, who had experienced its power for 80 years, had to accept this fact no matter how unwilling he was.

He also knew that this so-called love protection spell could only protect Harry until he was 17 years old.

But at the same time, Voldemort thought of another possibility.

That is to revive with the help of Harry's blood.

In this way, the love protection spell on Harry will regard him as his own, and will no longer block his attack!

Voldemort thought so, and did so.

Now Voldemort has full confidence that he can completely take down Harry and Hogwarts.

In the case of absolute crushing strength, Voldemort is too lazy to engage in any conspiracy.

He just wants to tell everyone in the wizarding world with this high-profile attitude now.

He, Voldemort, is back!


Outside the protective shield, Voldemort opened his arms and showed a rampant smile.

"Harry Potter is dead today! Merlin can't stop him! I said it!"

After Voldemort finished speaking, the Death Eaters behind him also laughed heartily!

It can be seen that everyone seemed very happy.

The laughter slowly fell after a few minutes. Voldemort still had a smile on his face, holding the old wand in his hand, and slowly walked to the school's magic shield.

The tip of the old wand gently tapped the shield, and ripples suddenly appeared.

Voldemort grinned and swept over everyone in the shield. His eyes paused slightly on Snape's face, and finally looked at Professor McGonagall: "This kind of thing can't stop me, but I can give you a chance."

"Send Harry Potter out within an hour, and I promise not to do anything to the rest of you again."

As soon as Voldemort finished speaking, everyone in the school was silent for a while, and they stepped forward and blocked Harry behind them.

Although they were a little afraid of the legendary Dark Lord.

But they still chose to protect their classmates.

Harry, who was protected by his classmates and teachers, was deeply moved.

But he didn't want to let the teachers and students of the school get into trouble because of himself.

Voldemort sneered at this scene.

But he was not too surprised.

This was completely within his expectations.

Therefore, he was well prepared.

"Fenrir, bring him up."

After receiving Voldemort's order, the Death Eaters behind him suddenly parted, and a tall and strong man who looked like a wolf strode out holding the collar of a red-haired child.


Seeing Ron in Fenrir's hand, Harry and Hermione in the crowd shouted anxiously.

Other members of the Weasley family also seemed a little anxious.

They were just wondering why they couldn't find Ron, but it turned out that Ron had been captured by Voldemort at some point.

Little Ron was held in the hands of the werewolf Fenrir, looking at the teachers and students in the school, and his little face was full of grievance and bitterness.

"Harry Potter! The deadline remains the same! If you still want your good friend to be alive, you'd better come out."

Voldemort declared loudly again, and then he didn't say anything.

He was full of confidence when he attacked Hogwarts today.

"Professor Tom, what should we do?"

After all, Harry was still young, and it was inevitable that he was a little at a loss when faced with such a situation.

Seeing Harry and the others looking at him, Tom gave him a reassuring look.

Then Tom looked at Ron outside the school and put up a wooden sign with a cat and a cat fighting against him, hoping that Ron would have the courage to resist.

Fenrir also saw Tom's wooden sign and laughed contemptuously!

In his opinion, it was a joke that Tom asked a little brat who was only one year old to resist him.

How could the weak body of the wizard resist a strong werewolf like him?

Not to mention, Ron was still a little brat.

But something Fenrir never expected still happened!

Ron seemed to trust Tom quite a lot.

Tom asked him to have the courage to resist, and Ron really took a deep breath, roared and struggled hard!


Fenrir felt the strong struggling power of the child in his hand, and his eyes widened in shock!

He subconsciously wanted to grab Ron harder.

But Ron's strength far exceeded Fenrir's expectations.

Fenrir let Ron escape from his control without noticing.

Ron's sportswear was torn by Fenrir's sharp nails, revealing his strong muscles underneath!

"This is 11 years old?!"

Fenrir almost thought he was dreaming!

Voldemort and a group of Death Eaters beside him were also dumbfounded.

At this moment, inside the campus, Tom jumped onto the winged boar statue on the stone pillar of the school gate, picked up a brick and threw it out!

It immediately smashed a big bump on Voldemort's head!

Harry understood and immediately shouted: "Brothers! Grab your weapons!"


The professors haven't reacted yet.

The students took off their sportswear one by one, revealing their strong muscles, and rushed out with a roar!

The Death Eaters outside the school widened their eyes and suddenly felt that this world was a little strange.

Although they had long expected a fight between them.

But the scene in front of them was beyond their expectations.

Not only were the students in front of him physically strong, they also held wands in one hand and various weapons such as short sticks, short knives, and one-handed swords in the other.

There were even many holding benches and bricks.

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