Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 63 Live broadcast begins (edited)

30 days later, the live broadcast time announced by the Moon Shield Project Command Center arrived as normal.

Because of a series of previous preparations, survivors around the world are eagerly watching the start of this live broadcast.

They really want to know what is happening to the hero Dugu Yue who lives alone on the moon.

It is different from the expectations of survivors outside.

In the command center, everyone in the Moon Shield Project who was always paying attention to the situation on the moon had sad faces.

Although I thought Tom the cat might be a variable at first, it shouldn't be a big problem.

But after a month of actual observation, Ma Lanxing and others became less and less optimistic about the success rate of this plan.

It would have been difficult to turn an unreliable Dugu Yue into a great hero.

Now that there is a strange cat, it is even more difficult.

The scientific research department that was withdrawn from the Moon Shield Base was also questioned.

They did drop a cat and a kangaroo on the moon.

I haven't seen the kangaroo yet, so I won't mention it for now.

But this cat has already caused great trouble to the advancement of their plan.

The boss of the scientific research department still had doubts on his face.

How could a perfectly good cat become like that when taken to the moon for an adaptive experiment?

It's like the genes have mutated.

Over the past thirty days, Tom Mu has really not been idle for a moment in order to complete his mission as a shit shoveler.

You can torment Dugu Yue hard.

Now one person and one cat on the moon are almost crazy.

If their daily scenes were broadcast live, no matter how they were dubbed, it is estimated that the survivors on Earth would not regard Dugu Yue as a beacon of life.

Everyone in the Moon Shield Project was very critical of Tom Mu and often complained.

But Tom Mu was actually quite uncomfortable.

It also wants to complete the task of being a poop shoveler as soon as possible, so that it can save trouble.

But what's the result?

Over the past month, Tang Mu has been working very hard to train Dugu Yue to become a qualified shit shoveler.

As a result, Dugu Yue was just like a smelly stone.

Push it, move it.

Without any subjective initiative at all, such a shit shovel officer is undoubtedly unqualified.

After a long time, looking at Dugu Yue's wrinkled old face, Tang Mu wanted to slap him twice before speaking.

This guy is not stupid, why can’t he even learn to take care of a cat?

Everyone in Tang Mu and the Moon Shield Project had some difficulties.

Another thing that is the same is that both sides have arrows on the string and have to shoot.

On the other side of the earth, Ma Lanxing finally made the decision: "No matter what, we have already reached this point. This live broadcast must continue no matter what. Have you brought the person we are looking for?"

"Coming, coming!"

Jupiter responded loudly, trotting in from the gate, then turned to look at the yellow guy coming from behind, stretched out his hand to lead the way: "The only remaining dubbing teacher in the country is here!"

This young man with dyed yellow hair looked very proud. He casually put his satchel on Jupiter's hand, which made Jupiter's smile become a little embarrassed.

Seeing the young man whose stage name was Hulusi sit down next to him, Ma Lanxing looked at him and asked again worriedly: "You know what you are going to do, right?"

Hulusi sat on her seat and moved her buttocks, as if trying to adjust to a more comfortable position.

His mouth and tongue are still moving vigorously. This may be a warm-up before work.


Hulusi finished her warm-up and casually pointed at the big screen in front of her: "I'm dubbing the people on the screen."

"Yes." Ma Lanxing nodded: "This live broadcast is very important, you have to perform well."

"Don't worry, it'll be no problem, leave everything to me."

Hulusi patted her chest hard and raised her chin towards Ma Lanxing, acting very confident.

Seeing this, Ma Lanxing said nothing.

"All members, get ready, the live broadcast will start in ten seconds!"

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!"


The earth is already preparing to start the live broadcast, and Tom Mu on the moon is also preparing to change his mode of action.

For such a cute cat like him, if it were anyone else, he would have surrendered under his flesh pad and become a qualified cat slave.

But Dugu Yue had no such thoughts at all.

Tang Mu felt that he must be too good to him.

Dugu Yue looks like a very mean person at first glance.

It doesn't want to eat soft things, so it has to continue to strengthen its tough attitude.

Since it is impossible for Dugu Yue to take the initiative to become a shit shovel and serve her.

Just draw a schedule for him, and he must follow the plan on the schedule every day, otherwise, he will destroy Ma Lanxing's room to show him.

During this time, Tang Mu also noticed it.

This man is thick-skinned and hitting him will have no effect.

He just screamed twice when he was beaten.

Then soon I started doing whatever I wanted.

On the contrary, when she was stretching some time ago, she accidentally scratched Ma Lanxing's quilt, but Dugu Yue felt extremely distressed.

From this point of view, if you want to train Dugu Yue, you can only use Ma Lanxing as a breakthrough.

As a qualified poop scraper, he must provide meals and water to the cat owner at a fixed time every day, groom the cat owner, and always pay attention to the cat owner's health.

You also have to accompany the cat owner when he needs it and play with the cat owner.

The most important thing is that he must have a place as a cat owner in his heart.

Dugu Yue can't do these things.

Although it was a bit difficult, Tom Mu was not the kind of person who would give up easily.

The worst thing is to take your time.

There was only one thing that made Tom Mu particularly concerned!

That was Dugu Yue, who was so sure that she was a female cat that she secretly put on a cat skirt while she was asleep last night!

How could Tom Mu endure this!

Tom Mu, who must avenge himself, has no intention of enduring it! So I walked around the Moon Shield base and finally found a maid costume in a certain adjutant's room.

So without saying a word, Tang Mu picked up a maid uniform and ran towards Dugu Yue's room!

Although he was quite curious about the little brother who liked maid uniforms, now Tang Mu wanted to force Dugu Yue to put on a maid uniform too!

Let him experience his mood at that time.

I don’t know how long I will stay on the moon after that. Duguyue needs to be treated well.

Now I dare to secretly wear a small skirt for myself. Later, when we get to know each other, it will be fine!

Facing Tang Mu who asked her to wear a maid uniform, Dugu Yue strongly protested.

He is a normal good man and would never do such a thing.

Unfortunately, the protest against Tom Mu, who wanted revenge, was ineffective.

Tang Mu stepped forward, threw Dugu Yue down, grabbed the maid uniform and put it on him.

For a while, Duguyue's "Ping Tie Tong Pong" sounded into a piece. In the end, Tang Mu still put on a maid dress to Duguyue as expected.

She even had a big bow hair accessory on the back of her head!

Seeing Dugu Yue's appearance, Tang Mu immediately covered his stomach and laughed loudly, patting his thigh with one hand in slow motion. The whole cat almost burst out laughing!

He looked at the cat in front of him who was laughing almost crazy.

Dugu Yue couldn't help but yell!

At the same time, the live broadcast on Earth has also started after the countdown ends!

"Three! Two! One!"

"Start live streaming!"

Seeing Dugu Yue's face appear on the screen, Hulusi immediately started dubbing.

"What a day full of energy——!"

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