The much-anticipated live debut was like a farce.

It was messy and noisy.

But according to the subsequent performance of the survivors, the command center thought that although everything deviated from the original plan, it was a good thing, and the final result was still good.

Although Dugu Yue failed to become a hero, he became a comedian instead.

But at least he did bring joy to the depressed survivors.

At least now most of the survivors have regarded watching the live broadcast of the moon every day as their entertainment program.

Something can divert attention, stop thinking about the pessimistic future, and the mental state will naturally be much better.

At the Moon Shield Base, it seems that because of the commotion, Dugu Yue is finally not so rebellious.

Maybe it's because the man and the cat have been together for a long time, and gradually developed feelings.

It may also be that Tang Mu's plan to use Ma Lanxing's room as a "hostage" has worked.

In short, for a period of time after the first live broadcast, Dugu Yue performed better and better.

Finally, he looks like a poop shoveler.

One morning, Tang Mu woke up and found that Dugu Yue had not prepared breakfast for him. He thought Dugu Yue was upset again.

This guy actually wanted to die all the time.

In his opinion, there should be no living people on the earth.

If he was alone, he would not want to live any longer.

It is precisely because of this that Dugu Yue is now in a pessimistic state of mind.

If a person wants to die, it is naturally impossible for him to care too much about a cat like Tang Mu.

If his last wish was not to stay in Ma Lanxing's room for a while, but was constantly blocked by Tang Mu who occupied Ma Lanxing's room, he would probably have started to die.

Came to Dugu Yue's room.

Tang Mu found Dugu Yue lying on the bed with a bad complexion. It seemed that he was sick.

Originally, Dugu Yue was looking at the ceiling weakly.

As a result, a round-headed cat face suddenly poked out from the side, blocking his sight.

Dugu Yue smiled weakly, "I heard that after the owner dies, if there is no food at home, the pet will eat the owner. Don't do that."

Tang Mu rolled his eyes speechlessly.

He covered Dugu Yue's forehead with his paw and found that his forehead was very hot.

It seems that he has a fever.

The situation on Dugu Yue's side is also known clearly on Earth.

Seeing that Dugu Yue suddenly became so weak, both the people in the command center and the survivors were very worried.

"It's not good. According to the life test, Dugu Yue seems to have a high fever! Now he is so weak that he can't stand up. If it continues like this, his situation will be very dangerous!"

There was a hint of anxiety in the tone of Hulusi's explanation.

"Wait! Tom moved! It seems to have discovered Dugu Yue's situation. It is going to do something! It went out! It went to the direction of the warehouse!"

Dugu Yue's condition worried countless people on Earth.

At the same time, Tom's actions as a cat also touched everyone's heart.

Just as Hulusi said.

Dugu Yue is now so weak that she can't stand up. It's almost impossible for her to save herself.

In the entire Moon Shield base, the only living creature that can still move is Tom, a very human cat who often makes some incredible movements.

Seeing Tom running to the warehouse now makes everyone excited for a while!

As we all know, the scientific research department of the Moon Shield Project has landed a cat on the moon.

And that cat is called Tom.

Although he and Dugu Yue don't like each other.

But when the other party is in trouble, he will still help at the first time.

This is a friend in need!

He ran all the way to the door of the warehouse, and Tom was ready to go into the warehouse to find antipyretic medicine for Dugu Yue.

In the original movie, Dugu Yue, who had fulfilled his wish, was ready to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills.

Those medicines were all in this warehouse.

If he hadn't been beaten by a kangaroo named King Kong Rat inside, there would probably be no Dugu Yue who saved the earth later.

He would have committed suicide in front of countless earthlings watching the live broadcast.

If even Dugu Yue, who was highlighted in the publicity, died.

For many survivors who were already depressed, the negative effects might be even more serious.


The automatic door slid open, revealing a warehouse full of shelves.

Walking into the warehouse with light steps, Tang Mu's ears trembled, and he immediately discovered some other movements in the warehouse.

Turning his head, Tang Mu suddenly met the eyes of a muscular kangaroo chewing a carrot in his mouth.

"Kangaroo? Where did this kangaroo come from?!"

Ma Lanxing saw the situation on the big screen and immediately asked.

It seems that with the previous experience of Tang Mu, the cat, everyone quickly found out the identity of the kangaroo.

Like Tang Mu, this red kangaroo was also landed on the moon by the scientific research department, codenamed King Kong Rat.

Greedy and irritable, like the cats that Tang Mu knew, it has a strong sense of territory!

King Kong Rat, who was originally lying on several large boxes chewing carrots comfortably, also discovered Tang Mu.

After seeing the cat that dared to trespass into its territory, the muscular King Kong Rat narrowed his eyes and exuded a dangerous aura.

"Something bad happened. Tom, who was about to get medicine for Lonely Moon, was blocked by a kangaroo. For a cat, such a heavyweight creature as a kangaroo is too dangerous. How should our Tom act? !”

Hulusi was still explaining passionately, and the survivors stared at the live broadcast screen without blinking, looking forward to the next development.

Although Tom and Dugu Yue were making trouble, after all, they had watched their live broadcast for so long, and they also had feelings for each other.

Naturally, I don't want anything to happen to that person and the cat.

But as Hulusi said, cats and red kangaroos are simply not the same weight.

With just one kick, a kangaroo can kill a cat.

This makes people worry about Tom.

Inside the Moonshield base warehouse.

Tom and King Kong looked at each other for a moment.

The King Kong Mouse had slowly stood up, and the shadow cast by his tall figure completely covered Tom.

This grumpy kangaroo has warned of an attack.

Tom stared at it for a moment, then looked at a shelf behind it.

It contains the fever-reducing medicine that Tom needs.


Finally, the King Kong Mouse could no longer hold back, lowered his body, and took the lead in charging towards Tom!

The survivors watching the live broadcast suddenly exclaimed!

But Tom's eyes were calm, and he jumped up high the moment the King Kong Rat pounced!

He stepped on the head of the King Kong Rat and used his strength again!

Using the King Kong Rat's head as a pedal, he flew toward the shelf behind him!

The King Kong Mouse, who was kicked in the head by Tom as a pedal, immediately fell to pieces.

There was a "crackling" sound on the shelves at the back, and many things were pushed off the shelves by Tom who jumped over.

But a bottle of antipyretic medicine was held in Tom's paw.


When the survivors on Earth saw this, they cheered!

After getting the antipyretic medicine, Tom glanced at the big kangaroo and ran out of the warehouse.

Once Dugu Yue is cured, the shit shoveling officer mission should be almost over.

Next, it has to concentrate on conquering the main missions and side missions.

However, the amount of information hidden in the main mission of [Let extraterrestrial civilization recognize that the moon is the territory of cat masters] is really a bit large.

Thanks to [Autism Sufferer], [Want to Love Xiaodaotong] and myself for the reward, thank you~

Thanks to [Cat Slave], [Jingfei] and my own monthly ticket, thank you~

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