After a period of rest, Dugu Yue's health has completely improved.

In fact, this guy's fever was cured within a few days after taking the medicine.

But this man was so desperate that he had no choice but to provoke the King Kong Rat.

The fever was cured, but the toes on his right leg were cracked during the fight with the rat.

The broken toe bone was not injured by the King Kong Rat, but mainly because Dugu Yue kicked the King Kong Rat himself. As a result, King Kong Mouse dodged, but he kicked the metal wall behind.

The fever is gone and the headache is gone.

But daily mobility requires an electric wheelchair and crutches.

At the Earth's command center, when they saw Dugu Yue appearing on the screen in an electric wheelchair, everyone looked at Sun Guangyang, who was also sitting in a wheelchair, in unison.

Ma Lanxing also complained: "It seems that someone took your seat before I did."

Sun Guangyang was not annoyed at being looked at by a group of people. Instead, he patted the wheelchair with a smile and seemed very happy that Dugu Yue was also sitting in the wheelchair.

On the moon, after eating the food prepared by Dugu Yue, Tang Mu glanced at Lonely Yue who was putting away the tableware and felt that the plan was almost ready to start.

Now Lonely Moon can basically do a good job as a shit shovel without any supervision from Tom Mu.

The daily feeding work and grooming are done very naturally.

Even though his foot is injured and he is in a wheelchair, he has not forgotten Tom.

It's really different from before.

He grabbed a tissue and wiped his mouth. Listening to the crunching sound coming from beside him, Tom glanced at the big red kangaroo again.

It can be regarded as acquaintance without fighting. Tom Mu and King Kong Mouse had a confrontation in the warehouse.

Dugu Yue spent several days here fighting endlessly with the King Kong Rat.

It wasn't until Dugu Yue kicked herself into a wheelchair that the war stopped.

Speaking of which, it seems that he and Dugu Yue have been fighting non-stop since they met.

Perhaps, this is the friendship between men.

Tom patted the rat's muscular arm.

The King Kong Mouse turned his head and glanced at Tom Mu, his ears drooped slightly, and he looked a little confused.

After getting to know each other, this grumpy kangaroo is actually quite easy to get along with.

Tom looked at it and it was quite cute sometimes.

Faced with the doubts of King Kong Mouse, Tang Mu gave a soft cry, turned around, jumped off the raised stool, and walked towards the T-shaped hall.

Duguyue often hides here alone to look at the earth.

I watched him for several hours without knowing what he was thinking.

But it doesn't matter, his pessimistic attitude won't last long, and Tom Mu is going to give him a shot of blood.

After arriving at the T-shaped hall, Tang Mu directly removed a baffle at the base of the wall. The electrical components and spools of wire underneath were exposed.

Gently brush one of the wires hanging in the air with the cat's tail.

Tom Mu turned to look at the display screen opposite.

It seemed that an electrical signal was received, and the audio signal on one of the real-audio display screens jumped several times quickly.

In the original movie, Dugu Yue and King Kong Rat fight.

As a result, he hit his head and knocked himself unconscious.

Everyone at the Earth Command Center was afraid that something might happen to Dugu Yue, so they started calling Dugu Yue on all frequency bands again.

At that time, the Moon Shield Base received signals from the earth, and just like now, the audio signal in the display screen responded.

Because of this, Lonely Moon, who discovered that there were still people alive on the earth, swept away her depression and began to work hard to find a way to return to the earth.

However, due to a misunderstanding later, the tail of the King Kong Rat touched the wire here, making Dugu Yue think that the signal he received before was also caused by poor contact of the wire here.

The hopes that had finally been raised were dashed once again.

Once again, I wanted to commit suicide.

If the people on Earth hadn't used a very Ultraman way, with a lot of large lights, to clearly tell Dugu Yue that he was not alone, Dugu Yue would probably have died by then.

Loneliness is definitely a negative emotion that is difficult for humans to bear.

Even people like Dugu Yue tried to commit suicide twice on the moon.

Not to mention other people who are not strong-willed enough.

But this time with Tang Mu, he was too lazy to play around with so many twists and turns to resolve misunderstandings.

Tang Mu planned to give Dugu Yue a false signal from the beginning, and never intended to let him know that what he received was a false signal.

Anyway, there are indeed many people alive on the earth.

With this false signal, Dugu Yue's determination to survive can be strengthened.

It can also help Tom Mu complete system tasks.

Maybe this can be considered a white lie.

After preparing everything, Tom Mu started to greet the King Kong Rat by jumping up and down and yelling.

He planned to attract Dugu Yue over and let him see the false signal from the earth.

Tom and King Kong were shouting and barking here.

Of course Dugu Yue, who was not far away, heard it.

Dugu Yue, with messy hair and overalls, came over in a wheelchair.

People were still in the corridor when they shouted with a loud voice: "Come on! Come on! What are you shouting? Are you having sex? I tell you, I absolutely disagree with this marriage! We are all good brothers , don’t make blind decisions!”

Sitting in a wheelchair, Dugu Yue raised her chin, showing a leadership style.

After arriving at the T-shaped hall, he pointed at the King Kong Mouse and taught him a lesson: "Especially you, Gangzi. Although Tom looks cute and cute like a girl, and I was deceived at first, but he is the same as you. Same, he’s a boy.”

Having said this, Dugu Yue turned to look at Tang Mu with a look that looked so cunning, even though she was hiding her gender.

Damn me!

Tom Mu suddenly felt a little itchy in his paws.

Why does this guy deserve a beating? If it weren't for the mission, I would have to teach this guy a lesson today.

The scar is so healed that I forget the pain.

It's only been a few days, have you forgotten how bad you were when you first met him?

Forget it, don't worry about spanking the child for a while, wait until you finish the business.

Tom Mu thought and started meowing again, still staring at the small screen on the wall.

"Tom, what's your name?"

Duguyue finally realized something was wrong at this time.

He glanced at Tom Mu, then turned to look at the wall.

Finding nothing unusual, he was about to turn around and talk to Tom Mu again, but suddenly he seemed to react and turned his head to look at the wall-mounted screen!

The head turned so fast that Tom Mu beside him even heard a "click" sound.

Although his neck was twisted, Dugu Yue's face was full of surprise and disbelief.

Looking at the audio jumping on the screen more than ten meters away, he quickly controlled the wheelchair to move over.

His lips trembled a little. He first pressed the call button, then raised his hand to take off the small screen hanging on the wall, and said in a dry voice: "This, this is the Moon Shield Base, who called just now?"

As he spoke, Dugu Yue couldn't help but shed tears.

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