There is no other way. Since Dugu Yue doesn't understand what he means, he can only follow him to Changcun Lake Base.

Now that we know the location of extraterrestrial civilization, it doesn't matter to Tang Mu whether he goes to Changcun Lake or not.

He wanted to go there before, mainly to find out what the alien life in the data is.

For Tang Mu now, Changcun Lake Base is no longer of much use.

As for the prototype of the Cosmic Hammer...

Huh? !

Thinking of the Cosmic Hammer, Tang Mu suddenly became interested again.

If it is just to destroy a π+ small meteorite, it doesn't matter whether the Cosmic Hammer is used or not.

But the Cosmic Hammer is a powerful nuclear weapon that can directly destroy meteorites.

If you get this thing, you can use a nuclear bomb to serve anyone you are unhappy with in the future. That's the feeling!


Just thinking about it, Tang Mu is a little excited and expectant.

Who would have thought that an ordinary cat would carry a nuclear bomb that is enough to destroy an entire international metropolis?

Although he was a little reluctant at first, after he became interested in the Hammer of the Universe, Tang Mu became proactive again.

Since he had decided to go to the Changcun Lake Base, Dugu Yue naturally had to start making some preparations in advance.

After learning about Gu Du Yue's idea, the command center on Earth also started research immediately.

But with a little research, it can be found that the goal of going to the Changcun Lake Base is absolutely difficult to achieve.

The engine of the Hammer of the Universe can be used as a substitute for the engine of Apollo 18, but it is very difficult to transport the Hammer of the Universe back to the Moon Shield Base.

The transport vehicle is powered by solar energy. One day on the moon is equivalent to fourteen days on Earth.

Even if it is driven for fourteen consecutive days, the maximum mileage of the transport vehicle is only 6,500 kilometers.

The round-trip distance from the Moon Shield Base to Changcun Lake is more than 8,000 kilometers.

Once it exceeds fourteen days, the moon enters the night.

Without the supply of solar energy, once the transport vehicle's own energy is used up, there is no energy for heating. The low temperature of minus 153 to 180 degrees is enough to kill Dugu Yue.

Therefore, this plan, in the eyes of the people in the command center, has no chance of success.

Dugu Yue naturally understands this.

But since he has decided on this plan, he has already thought about how to execute it.

According to Dugu Yue's plan, he plans to drive in the opposite direction and chase the sun all the way.

After circling the moon, he will pass by Changcun Lake Base and then transport the Hammer of the Universe back to the Moon Shield Base.

However, this plan will take 31 days and 11,920 kilometers to reach Changcun Lake Base in the opposite direction.

After pulling up the Hammer of the Universe, it will take another 10 days to return to the Moon Shield Base.

If there is no Tom, Dugu Yue has no choice but to choose this plan.

But now with Tom, there is no need to consider the problem of returning.

Put an eye in the Moon Shield Base and use the Infinite City to teleport back directly.

With such a convenient method, in the main world, you may not do it in order to hide your identity and seek stability.

But in the mission world, Tom does not want to hide it.

It didn't want to stay in the transport truck for 41 days, that would be too tormenting for a cat.

Seeing Dugu Yue setting up plans with great interest, Tang Mu didn't stop him and went back to his room to sleep.

Anyway, after he determined the destination on the transport truck, the system had a map navigation, and Tang Mu knew the location of the Changcun Lake Base, Tang Mu planned to knock Dugu Yue out directly and forcefully drive the nearest route to go directly there.

In order to make more money from the system boss, Tang Mu didn't plan to talk.

There was no way to explain his teleportation ability to Dugu Yue.

So instead of explaining to him, it would be better to knock him out and take him away, and let him see the result with his own eyes.

It was still late at night outside, and even if the plan was made, it had to wait until the sun came out before it could be carried out.

So he planned to sleep directly in the truck after sorting out the supplies on the transport truck.

After the sun came out, he would set off immediately.

It seemed that seeing that Dugu Yue was about to leave, King Kong Rat stayed in the transport truck and refused to leave.

It looked like he had to take it with him wherever he went.

Dugu Yue naturally swore to die and refused to obey at first.

After having one of his front teeth knocked out by King Kong Rat, he reluctantly chose to agree.

Dugu Yue was busy moving various supplies.

He had no idea of ​​Tang Mu's idea at all. The supplies were completely prepared according to the amount of more than 40 days.

King Kong Rat couldn't help, and his right leg was not fully healed, so he had to rely on crutches to walk.

In this case, it was very troublesome and time-consuming to move.

The survivors on Earth watched Dugu Yue become a porter.

Someone at the command center of the Moon Shield Project discovered something unusual.

In order to get in touch with Dugu Yue as soon as possible.

The people at the command center controlled the moon exploration dog day and night to rush on the road.

But during this rush, Wei Lasi, who was controlling the moon exploration dog, seemed to have discovered something unusual.

She stared at the screen in front of her with a confused look on her face for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Commander! Come and take a look! There seems to be something else on the moon."

Hearing this, everyone didn't care about Dugu Yue anymore, and gathered around Wei Lasi, looking at the screen in front of her desk together.

This console is directly connected to the camera of the Moondog.

That is to say, the picture on the console screen at this time is the real-time picture seen by the lunar dog.

On the small screen, you can clearly see a black monster as big as a human moving quickly.

It is not affected by the extremely cold temperature of the lunar night at all.

Under the camera of the lunar dog, this strange creature only appeared for a few seconds, and then disappeared behind a rock.

"What is that?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

The moon has been developed for so long, and everyone knows whether there is life on it.

In such an extreme environment, the possibility of life being born is extremely low.

But what are they seeing now?

That black thing can't be a stone that moves by itself, right?

"Rewind the video and slow it down."

Ma Lanxing held the back of Wei Lasi's desk and chair with one hand, and supported the other hand on the desktop of the console, staring at the small screen with a serious expression and raised his chin.


Wei Lasi did as he was told.

Play the video backwards, and when the figure appears again in the slow video, press pause immediately and choose to zoom in.

Under the gaze of everyone, the black creature with a long head and a long tail appeared on the screen.

That ferocious appearance immediately made everyone shudder.

"Commander! There is also a new situation at the Moon Shield Base! A monster seems to have appeared at the Moon Shield Base!"

Hear Jupiter shouting.

Ma Lanxing looked up with a look of astonishment, and immediately saw the black monster captured by the camera surveillance outside the Moon Shield Base, which was exactly the same as the monster captured by the Moon Exploration Dog.

"Is there more than one of this monster?"

Ma Lanxing was a little unbelievable.

Then, she thought of Dugu Yue in the Moon Shield Base, and her face changed again.

Oh no! Dugu Yue is in danger!

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