Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 77: The Iron Blood Warriors Watch the Cat

PS: Book review section No. 76

Like the command center on Earth, in a kilometer-long mothership in stealth mode above the moon, a group of Iron Blood Warriors are also observing Tom's situation.

This group of Iron Blood Warriors came from their planet, and their main purpose is to colonize.

This is quite rare for the Iron Blood Warriors, and it can even be said that it is unlikely to happen.

Because their race has not colonized other planets for thousands of years.

Unlike other alien races, the pursuit of resources by the Iron Blood Warriors is far less than their pursuit of primitive hunting.

Because of this, this is actually a race that is not very keen on colonizing.

For thousands of years, they have only been active on their home planet and three colonized planets.

But for some reason, this group of Iron Blood Warriors suddenly left their colonized planet and began to set their sights on the Earth and the Moon, which are also on the Orion Arm of the Milky Way.

They are ready to occupy both planets.

The Earth is their colonized planet for daily life.

And the extreme environment of the Moon can become their training planet.

Different from the old training planet before.

The moon is a satellite of the earth. As a training planet, it is very convenient to travel back and forth. For them, it can save a lot of time and allow them to enter the training state faster.

In order to colonize the earth and the moon as quickly as possible, this group of iron-blooded warriors chose the simplest and crudest method.

Capture an asteroid, fill it with aliens, and aim it in the direction of the earth and launch it!

Before that, they first launched a smaller meteorite as a pathfinder and auxiliary aiming.

There are also aliens on it.

That meteorite is the meteorite that hit near Changcun Lake more than ten years ago.

Although the iron-blooded warriors are strong and stronger than the earth in technology.

But after all, there are fewer people.

So if you want to colonize the earth, directly giving the earth a natural disaster-level asteroid impact is the simplest and crudest way.

But they didn't expect that this group of earthlings would react quite quickly.

It took eight years to launch nuclear weapons when the asteroid approached in an attempt to blow up the asteroid.

Fortunately, they also had a second-hand preparation, changing the explosion center of those nuclear weapons.

So that large pieces of asteroid fragments can still hit the earth, and the rest of the meteorite fragments can only fall on the moon.

Fortunately, even if the asteroid fragments were blown up a lot smaller, they were still powerful enough to make the natives suffer after falling on the earth.

The Iron-blooded Warriors who came late and saw the results of their asteroid weapon launch felt pretty good.

There are still some natives left on the earth. If there are still some strong ones among them, maybe they can be hunted for them.

Originally, the Iron-blooded Warriors thought so.

At the same time, they were also closely monitoring the activities of the aliens on the earth and the moon.

If they found human strongmen, these Iron-blooded Warriors who advocated primitive hunting would definitely collect all those strongmen.

The result did not disappoint them. There is indeed no shortage of strongmen on the earth.

Originally, they were going to drive the mothership to the earth, but something happened on the moon.

When the aliens discovered Dugu Yue, these Iron-blooded Warriors began to pay attention to the battle here in Dugu Yue.

The result was disappointing to them.

Dugu Yue, a fat, homebody, wrinkled old man, did not show the qualities of a qualified warrior.

They were very disappointed.

But with Dugu Yue being captured, the appearance of a cat aroused the interest of many bored Iron Blood Warriors.

Especially after Tom changed the atmospheric environment of the moon by some unknown means, their interest became even greater.

Because even they have not mastered the technology to transform the atmospheric environment of a planet.

After confirming that Tom was going to the alien's nest, some Iron Blood Warriors began to pay close attention to the second highly intelligent creature in the solar system.

"Do any of you know this creature?"

In the Iron Blood mothership, several Iron Blood Warriors surrounded Tom's holographic projection, and one of the Iron Blood Warriors with an eagle face mask asked in the language of their race.

"It looks like Om O (cat)."

While speaking, the Iron Blood Warrior with an elephant face mask glanced at the Iron Blood Warrior with a cat face mask next to him.

"Om'ao, a natural hunter! Agile, flexible and calm. I like this creature very much, I hope it won't let me down."

Cat-faced Ironblood obviously has a deep understanding of cats.

In the case of the same size, the body structure of cats is indeed more capable of fighting than other animals.

Just as Cat-faced Ironblood said, they are a group of natural hunters.

It is precisely because of this that this Ironblood warrior chose to use cats to make masks for himself.

"Om'ao is not good, it is still too far behind the aliens. I have always believed that aliens are the only creatures in the universe that are worthy of our hunting. They are truly natural hunters."

Eagle-faced Ironblood shook his head, obviously looking down on Tom.

"Its fur has no defensive power, and its claws are not sharp enough. Even if they are all stretched out, they can't pierce the ossified skin of the alien. In terms of speed, its speed is obviously not as fast as the alien, and even its perception ability is not as good as the alien."

While speaking, the Eagle-faced Ironblood shook his head and said very pessimistically: "I don't think there is any point in paying attention to a cat. In the end, we can only see it being torn into pieces by the aliens."

"No, according to tradition, we must pay attention to it."

The Elephant-faced Ironblood was obviously much calmer, and said in a low voice: "According to tradition, if we want to colonize a planet, we must defeat the strongest creature on that planet."

"The Earth is not known yet, but on the moon, this Om'ao should be the strongest. If none of us can defeat it, we will not be able to colonize this planet that belongs to the strong."

"Do you think this is possible?"

The Eagle-faced Ironblood obviously did not believe that Tom could defeat them.

"Whether it can or not, this is tradition. We can't break tradition."

The Elephant-faced Ironblood was still stubborn.

"Damn it, you are a dark Ironblood, not a traditional Ironblood. When we attacked the Earth with asteroids, we didn't talk about tradition anymore."

As soon as the Eagle-faced Ironblood said this, the Ironbloods around him suddenly quieted down.

For a while, the atmosphere was so quiet that it was a little scary.

After a while, it was Cat-faced Ironblood who spoke again: "Anyway, let's take a look. At least its technology for transforming the planet's atmosphere is worth it."

There was another strange silence, and no Ironblood spoke.

This was considered a tacit agreement.

On the moon, Tom, sitting on the running kangaroo, didn't know yet.

The two major forces, the Alliance and Dark Ironblood, have begun to pay close attention to its every move.

If Tom knew, it wouldn't matter.

This way, it would be easier to complete the main task.

The new book list category is 23, come on everyone!

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