Tomb Raider: Beginning Wu Xie was badly tricked

Chapter 18 Wu Xie's Familiarity

"Okay, let's figure out how to get out first!"

Wu Sansheng couldn't stand Dakui's stupidity, so he could only interrupt them.

"Yes, look for the old man just now. He should know how to get out."

Only then did Dakui realize why he had forgotten the old man!

He was only halfway through beating the old man when he was interrupted.

I haven’t had enough beatings yet!

As a result, he turned around and saw that the old man had escaped while they were not paying attention.

They were swimming towards the entrance of the cave from which they came, and were almost out of the cave.

"No, that old man wants to escape. We can't let him escape. We still need him to lead the way! Without him, we can't get out!"

Dakui shouted anxiously, but thinking about the group of corpse crickets just now and not knowing if there was anything else under the water, he didn't dare to jump in and chase them.

Pan Zigang wanted to jump down and chase him, but was stopped by Wu Xie.

Under Pan Zi's puzzled eyes, Wu Xie took out a bundle of rope and handed it to Zhang Qiling.

Smile brightly.

"Brother! It's time for you to perform, it's up to you."

The third uncle watched this scene from the side, with the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. This must be so natural for his eldest nephew!

Zhang Qiling took a deep look at Wu Xie, took the rope and swung it without saying anything.

The ordinary rope seemed to have spirituality in his hands.

Like a spiritual snake, it flew out.

He circled the little old man's neck several times.

Zhang Qiling pulled hard with her wrist.

Just like fishing, he directly dragged the little old man back to the boat!

When the little old man fell onto the boat, he was still confused.

He just felt lucky for his escape, but he didn't expect to be dragged back to the boat the next second.

Before the little old man could recover, he was pushed to the deck by Dakui.

Without saying a word, he greeted with fists.

Seeing this, Pan Zi pulled out the dagger hidden behind his back and nailed it hard less than 1 centimeter away from the little old man's eye.

If it were moved even a little further, it might hit his eyes.

The little old man's eyes were so frightened that he almost peed.

"Damn old man!"

"If you want to die, just say it and I'll give you a good time!"

Pan Zi cursed fiercely!


The old man was so frightened that he lost all consciousness.

The sharp cold light reflected from the blade kept stimulating his nerves.

"Spare your life!"

"Please forgive me..."

The little old man was trembling with fear, and his tone even sounded like crying.

There was a pool of yellow water stains flowing out from underneath him, and there was an unpleasant smell of urine in the air.

Da Kui stood up in disgust, kicked the little old man hard, and cursed.

"Damn it, you have so much courage and you still dare to come out and do these things."

Dakui said and kicked him a few more times.

The little old man's face turned red, and he didn't know whether he was embarrassed or angry.

Pan Zi stood nearby and didn't say anything when he saw this scene.

He crawled back from the dead, but he didn't have such a bodhisattva heart.

"Tell me! How can we get out of here?"

Da Kui ignored the little old man's plea for mercy and stepped on his back. The little old man stepped on it so hard that he almost couldn't breathe.

His face turned red from holding back.

a long time!


"There's no point in calling me grandpa. If you know what's going on, please tell me quickly. Otherwise! I can't protect you."



The little old man finally managed to hold back two words, and his hands were slapping the deck desperately, trying to get Da Kui's feet to relax...

He would almost get cold if he stepped on it again.

Seeing that he was willing to cooperate, Dakui relaxed his efforts.


The little old man breathed in the fresh air.

After a while, it slowly calmed down.

I don’t dare to hide it anymore.

Like pouring beans, I explained everything...

In his story, the person in charge was always the boatman, who was just helping to attract customers.

"Don't sound so innocent. You don't even know how many lives you have in your hands."

"Speak quickly! What's in there! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

As Akui said, the force on his feet became a little heavier.

"Master! Master! Please be merciful! I really don't know what's inside. We always escape when we come here. After a few days, when people are dead, we will come back to get something. I really didn't go in." Go inside!"

"What a waste of mother-in-law's time."

"Okay! Be tough! Right?"

"Let's see if it's your mouth or my knife that's stronger."

Panzi was impatient.

He pulled out the knife he had thrown down just now and stabbed the little old man's hand directly without any sign of mercy.

The little old man's eyes widened in fright, and he didn't know where he got the strength to break free from Dakui's feet.

He was so frightened that he knelt down on the boat.

He kowtowed in the direction of Dakui and Pan Zi. When he heard the sound, he kowtowed in earnest, not perfunctorily.

"Have mercy! Master! I really don't know! Please let me go!"

"I was also forced by the boatman."

"There's nothing I can do!"


After kowtowing for a long time and no one said anything, the little old man raised his head and met Pan Zi's fierce face.

Suddenly I felt excited, as if I remembered something.

"Master! I remember that one time when I was drinking with the boatman, he was drunk and mentioned it."

"He said that it was a place similar to a mass grave, with a lot of corpses piled up. It was simply a dead body pit."

"He was a little drunk at the time. I thought he was talking nonsense, so I didn't pay attention to it. I don't know if what he said was true."

"Now it seems that he probably said it at the time."

After all, people speak the truth after drinking!

"That's all I know. I don't know anything else."

"Please let me go! I won't dare to do it again."

He kowtowed several times.

Looking at his true appearance, he should not have concealed anything.

Pan Zi walked directly in front of his uncle.

"Master San, what do you think?"

Seeing this, Da Kui kicked the old man again and walked back.

He also saw the actions of Pan Zi and his eldest brother, and of course heard the words of the old man clearly.

He pondered for a while and nodded.

"If he's not lying! The place where so many bodies are deposited should be a place like a dead body pond or a burial pit."

"These places are generally not peaceful, and they are even more dangerous. You must be highly vigilant when you go there."

Speaking of this.

Uncle San turned to the old man and asked.

"You haven't been in there? Then do you know how he got there?"

The old man raised his head tremblingly, thinking that this gentleman seemed to be easier to talk to.

But when he saw the ferocious Pan Zi standing next to him, he subconsciously shrank back and dared not hide anything anymore.

Shakingly, he shook out everything he knew.

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