Tomb Raider: Beginning Wu Xie was badly tricked

Chapter 83 The torn notes of Chen Wenjin

Wu Xie continued to walk forward and walked to a small room under the cabin.

I found a rickety cabinet that felt like it would fall apart at the slightest touch.

Wu Xie walked straight to the cabinet, knowing that it contained Chen Wenjin's archaeological notes on the undersea tomb.

Maybe you can find some clues about the undersea tomb from inside.

Wu Xie did not hesitate and opened the precarious cabinet door, and sure enough there was a waterproof bag inside.

Wu Xie took out a yellowed notebook with the words on the cover of the notebook.

"Xisha Archaeological Record"

These words are very graceful and look like they were written by a woman.

Wu Xie flipped through the first page.

It has the same Juanxiu font on it, which is exactly the same as the one on the cover. It was obviously written by the same person.

In July 1984, Wu Sansheng presented Chen Wenjin with a gift.

Seeing this note, the corners of Wu Xie's mouth curved up nicely.

Sure enough, this is the ship that the third uncle took to Xisha, that's right.

Wu Xie continued to look through the notes and found that Chen Wenjin had recorded every detail of their archaeology.

"On July 21st, I entered the Undersea Tomb for the first time, with team leader Wu Sansheng and team member Zhang Qiling..."

"Job: Use air pumps to ventilate the tomb chamber, prepare for long hours of cleaning."

"Excavated cultural relics: golden silk wood double phoenix carved coffin (baby coffin)."

"On July 23, all personnel entered for the second time, but there was no progress!"


Wu Xie looked through this notebook.

I found nothing special, just trivial records.

But Wu Xie discovered a strange phenomenon. He saw that the last page of Chen Wenjin's record had obvious signs that a page had been torn out.

Why was it torn off? Did Chen Wenjin tear it up himself or was it someone else? Is there any important information recorded on that page?

It's been so long that nothing can be seen from her handwriting.

Wu Xie put the notes in his backpack. He would study them carefully when he was going back. Is there any hidden information in them?

Wu Xiegang wanted to turn around and leave.


There was a violent banging sound from the heavy iron door next to it!

The force was so great that even the hull of the ship couldn't stop shaking violently!

The big iron door was already rusty, but after being hit hard by the force, a big bulge was knocked out.

Wu Xie looked at the iron door and listened to the dull impact. It was estimated that the iron door could not withstand a few such impacts.

Sure enough, Wu Xie's idea had just come to an end.

There was a big hole in the iron door, which was directly knocked out by something inside.

A large amount of seawater shot straight in from the big hole like a water arrow.

Fortunately, Wu Xie was standing on the side, and the water didn't splash on him at all.

Wu Xie looked at the hole, and suddenly a pair of scaly claws appeared on both sides of the hole, and then pulled on both sides.

The hole was stretched wider and wider, and then, a ferocious head covered in scales came out of the hole.

Then the figure of a huge monster was finally completely exposed in front of Wu Xie.

It was a humanoid monster with ferocious scales all over its body, more than two meters tall.

As soon as he came out, he looked at Wu Xie with fierce eyes.

It's like I'm looking at something delicious, and there's saliva running from the corners of my mouth.

Wu Xie squinted at the monster.

Is this the sea monkey? Why do you look so ugly?

It is said that the sea monkey is a strange beast in the sea, very ferocious and cruel.

Sea monkeys also have another name, which is water ghosts.

It is said that the sea monkey is so powerful that if it pulls it in the water, there will be no room for resistance.

Ordinary people would die if they encountered this kind of thing in the water.

He is extremely powerful, and with those phosphorus tablets on his body, he is very durable! It seems difficult to deal with.

No wonder there aren't any bones on the boat. They must have all been eaten by the sea monkeys.

Wu Xie faced off against the sea monkey and reached a deadlock for a while.

After a moment of stalemate, Sea Monkey finally couldn't contain his ferocity.

Or maybe he couldn't resist the temptation of 'delicious food' and launched the first attack.


The sea monkey suddenly roared and punched its chest several times like those crazy gorillas.

The scales on his body continued to make sounds similar to metal collisions as he hammered.

Wu Xie frowned.

Facing the sea monkey alone, he naturally had no fear.

But he remembered Aning, who was tied to the deck by him.

If he couldn't take so much into consideration when fighting with Sea Monkey, if he accidentally hurt her.

Then this trip to the undersea tomb will probably be ruined.

Thinking of this, Wu Xie quickly rushed out of the cabin and went directly to the deck.

With the gun in Fatty's hand as a deterrent, the ship's boss didn't dare to make any mistakes and always followed the ghost ship more than ten meters away.

Wu Xie returned to the deck and waved to the fat man.

Fatty also kept staring in the direction of the ghost ship, and saw Wu Xie waving.

The gun in his hand was pointed at the ship boss. The ship boss was afraid of the ghost ship's reputation, but he was even more afraid of the gun in the fat man's hand.

I could only approach the fishing boat with a grimace.

Wu Xie mentioned Aning and threw him on Fatty's boat.

Those foreigner men of An Ning saw An Ning being thrown over and hurriedly caught her.

The foreigners were just about to say something.

Fatty also thought that Wu Xie would jump back.

"Little naive, you..."

Fatty's words were interrupted by a loud noise.

Suddenly, there was a blast on the ghost ship!

An unknown object attacked Wu Xie's head!

Wu Xie seemed to have eyes on his back, and dodged the attack of the unknown object with a flash.

Wu Xie turned around and saw the whole body of the sea monkey jumping up like a cannonball.


With a loud noise, the huge body stepped on the deck.

The deck itself was rotten for the most part, and after the sea monkey's operation, most of the deck was directly collapsed.

The whole ghost ship was shaken by the sea monkey!

Seeing such a violent monster suddenly appear.

Everyone on the fishing boat was shocked.

"Oh, my god! What the hell is this?"

"Devil! This is a devil! This is a devil released by Satan!"

Aning's foreign subordinates were so frightened that they screamed and yelled.

Some of the foreigners even kept making the sign of the cross on their chests.

The captain and his crew were even more outrageous.

They knelt down directly in the direction of the sea monkey, kowtowed continuously, and shouted loudly.

"We disturbed the sea god, please don't blame us, we didn't mean it, please spare our lives, we will leave immediately."

The fat man was stunned by the sudden and coquettish actions of the captain.

Then a nameless anger rose.

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