"Okay, it looks like a dark room there, let's go take a look." Feng Yuanqing said.

Everyone walked to the big hole smashed by the red hound.

Hu Bayi shone the flashlight into the hole, and it was pitch black and bottomless.

The four people went into the hole one by one and walked all the way to the end along the passage.

Without the pursuit of the red hound, everyone was free of pressure and moved forward carefully.

When they reached the end, the flashlight shone on the wall, and they saw a red road sign with a row of big characters on it:"Underground Garage of the Manchurian Black Wind Mouth Fortress".

Feng Yuanqing understood, it seemed that this was indeed the underground fortress of the devil.

Hu Bayi and the fat man looked at each other:"Is this the secret fortress of the Kwantung Army?"

They didn't expect that the underground passage of the devil's fortress was only separated from the back room of the ancient tomb by a wall. If they dug half a meter further, they would have dug up the ancient tomb long ago. If the red hound hadn't hit the tomb wall and smashed a big hole, no one might have ever discovered this military fortress hidden deep underground.

At the end of the passage, there was a large iron door, which was half open. It seemed that the Japanese retreated in a hurry and did not close the door properly.

Several people pushed the large iron door open and went down the stairs.

On the wall, they found a floor plan of the fortress.

From the map, it can be seen that the fortress covers a large area and has many rooms.

There are warehouses, dormitories, canteens, weapons collection warehouses and other places, all marked on the map.

"The Japanese are really ambitious. This fortress is more than 30 miles deep, and the mountain has been hollowed out!" Hu Bayi said angrily.

Then Feng Yuanqing found the power room.

"It's pitch black here, and you can't see clearly with just a flashlight. This is the power room, let's go see if the generator can still be used."

Arriving at the power room, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang checked the condition of the generator. Although it was a bit old, it was still usable.

There happened to be gasoline nearby, so they poured the gasoline into the tank.

Fatty used a hand crank to start the generator, and a buzzing roar resounded. Feng Yuanqing found a switch not far away and pushed it up, and suddenly all the lights in the fortress lit up.

Then, several people followed the passage to the area dedicated to storing weapons.

The space here is huge, with several rails laid on the ground, and several infantry guns placed within sight.

On the shelf There were also a large number of long-barrel bolt-action rifles, but they had not been maintained for a long time and had rusted.

There were also some wooden boxes next to them. When they were opened, they were all Sakamoto-style rifles, commonly known as Type 38 rifles, which were well preserved.

So one of them took one and put it on his back, and took a few boxes of bullets. With guns in hand, they were braver.

Guns alone were not enough, and the fat man dragged out a box of grenades from the side, and each of them picked up a few and put them in their pockets.

Hu Bayi rummaged through the shelves and dragged out a wooden box with a plaster flag painted on it. When he opened it, he found that it was a submachine gun.

"Wow, I didn't expect there was such a good thing as the Type 100 submachine gun. It's much better than the broken Type 38 rifle just now!"

Hu Bayi picked up one directly, pulled the bolt, and tried it.

"Don't use rifles, take a submachine gun for self-defense."

Then he picked up a submachine gun and took a few magazines of bullets. He played with it in his hands.

Although Feng Yuanqing had never used a gun, he could easily master it with his strong body control acquired through practice. He just needed to practice a few more times and it would be OK. After several people got their weapons and equipment, Feng Yuanqing put all the remaining weapons into his personal space.

Although there were many weapons here, they did not hide there. After all, it was just an underground fortress.

But Feng Yuanqing's space was as large as 100 cubic meters, which was more than enough to put down these things.

In the horrified eyes of Hu Bayi and others, Feng Yuanqing almost emptied the warehouse.

Except for those rotten and unusable guns and cannons, they were left in place.

Suddenly, Yingzi said with a horrified tone and laughter:"Brother Hu, I seemed to... see a little kid running past you just now."

"What? Yingzi, did you see it wrong? How could there be children in this Japanese fortress in the deep mountains and old forests?" Wang Pangzi asked.

Feng Yuanqing heard Yingzi's words and turned his flashlight to the open space behind Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi and Pangzi also turned their flashlights and shone them around, but found nothing.

"I really didn't see it wrong. There was a child running past the passage behind you just now. I couldn't have seen it wrong. I didn't hear any footsteps, I just saw the silhouette of a child running very fast, whoosh it passed by... Do you think there was a ghost?"

"It's a new era now, where do ghosts come from?"Fatty Wang still didn't believe it. He still thought that Yingzi, the tiger girl, was dazzled and saw it wrong. He completely forgot that the zongzi he encountered before was also unscientific.

However, Feng Yuanqing knew that Yingzi was not dazzled and saw it wrong. However, people have a natural fear of ghosts, not to mention that there are real ghosts at this time?

In the original plot, the little ghosts appeared and asked several people to take them out for burial, but now it is a real world, and it is unknown whether other things have been derived. If it is completely according to the plot, I am afraid that I will die without knowing how I died!

""Have you forgotten about the red husky so quickly? Isn't it normal to have ghosts?" Feng Yuanqing said

""Ah? Is there really a ghost? Mr. Feng, please don't scare me!" The fat man shuddered immediately.

"Let's go quickly, safety first!" Hu Bayi was also scared. Zongzi were easy to deal with, but he didn't know how to deal with ghosts.

But according to the map, if you want to go to the exit, you have to go through the passage behind Hu Bayi.

So everyone had to pluck up their courage and walk towards the passage.

Feng Yuanqing knew that the front was the territory of the pig-faced bats, but he was not afraid at all.

Feng Yuanqing took the lead and cleared the way in front, followed by Fatty, Yingzi in the middle, and Hu Bayi in the rear. At the end

, there was a cave, and the passage stopped here.

Feng Yuanqing glanced at the big pig-faced bat above and said nothing.

But the fat man asked tremblingly:"Master Feng, what should we do? How about we go back?"

"Fatty, what's wrong? Is there something in front?"Hu Bayi was at the end of the team and couldn't see the situation in front of him.

But suddenly, Hu Bayi felt something pushing him and bumped into Yingzi in front of him, and the fat man fell forward and bumped into Feng Yuanqing.

However, Feng Yuanqing didn't move at all. A strange feeling came over.

The four people seemed to have been hit by electricity. They were numb all over, but cold to the bone.

Feng Yuanqing's blood and qi were stimulated, and the true qi flowed, immediately clearing the abnormality.

"Lao Hu, what's wrong with you?" The fat man turned around and asked

"I don’t know, it felt like I was electrocuted, maybe I touched the wires."

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