"The reason why the Ju Men formation is called Ju Men is because this formation is mostly used on the passageways and gates of ancient roads."

"All these divinations are evolved from the Luoshu and the arrangement of stars in the sky."

After explaining the Ju Men formation, Hu Bayi said,"Professor Chen, the road inside may be quite long, let's go down quickly, and everyone must pay attention to safety!"

"Okay, let's go down quickly."Professor Chen nodded.

Feng Yuanqing, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang took the lead.

The others followed behind. They carefully climbed down the steps at the entrance of the cave.

Below was a stone path more than one meter wide, with various patterns and murals carved on the walls.

There were also patterns on the ground and the ceiling. The most common of them were eye patterns.

In addition, there were some mysterious sacrificial ceremonies. Some of them were painted with a jade eyeball emitting light, and a black hole appeared in the sky, and a giant eye-like meat egg fell out of the hole.

Some were painted with black snakes crawling out of the meat egg and biting the tied slaves.

Others were painted with black peaks, with a huge black hole on the top.���Crawling with black snakes.

The content of the first painting is exactly the same as the jade eye and the meat eggs in the temple.

Until the last mural.

Above is a huge cave with a long and narrow staircase that spirals downward around the cave wall.

This should be the ghost cave, hence the name of the ghost cave clan.

Professor Chen asked the students to make detailed records again.

Then continue to move forward. In the dark cave, everyone moved forward step by step under the light of flashlights.

The tunnel is still heading downward, with several steps every few steps.

As soon as he entered the cave, Feng Yuanqing felt the humid water vapor inside. After moving forward for a while, Feng Yuanqing found water marks on the wall, and the air became more humid.

"The humidity is getting heavier, it seems the water source is not far ahead!" Feng Yuanqing said

"I felt it too." Hu Bayi said.

Everyone walked forward along the passage.

The sound of underground river water flowing became clearer and clearer.

"We are almost at the underground river." Hu Bayi said

""Yes, let's go forward and see."

After moving forward for a while, the originally built square tunnel came to an abrupt end, leaving only an irregularly shaped cave.

The crowd continued to move forward along the cave and finally came to an underground river.

The underground river crossed and crossed in front of them.

At this point, there was no straight road ahead.

The water flow of the underground river was not small, and it surged from time to time.

"This should be the Zidu underground river."

During the journey, everyone had enough fresh water, so they didn't rush to the river to drink water.

But Fatty's problem came back.

He didn't drink the water he brought with him, but insisted on tasting the water in the underground river.

He lay down on the river bank, on the ground, put his head in the water and drank it directly.

"Oh, damn, this underground water is so cool and sweet, it feels so good!"The fat man drank a few big gulps and lay on the ground.

"Fatty, it tastes good, right? Look there?"Feng Yuanqing's flashlight shone on a raised stone in the water in the distance.

Everyone looked over in the direction of the light.

They saw that it was densely covered with a layer of green mayflies, and they couldn't count how many there were.

Their bodies gradually turned gray and white, and they crawled out of their shells.

There was an extra layer of fluorescence on their bodies. In the dark, they were as bright as the stars in the sky, stretching their wings. After a while, they flapped their wings and flew into the sky. It looked very beautiful.

At this moment, countless huge rats rushed into the cave from all directions. They were not afraid of the people standing there, and even turned a blind eye to them. They jumped into the water and scrambled to swim towards the raised stone.

The rats that came ashore greedily grabbed the insects that had just shed their shells and stuffed them into their mouths to eat them. They ate them all up in a moment like a whirlwind.

Seeing this scene, the fat man's face suddenly became ugly, and he couldn't hold it back and vomited

"These mice seem to bathe and dine here often, otherwise how could their movements be so skillful, don't you think? Fatty."Feng Yuanqing said with a smile

"Stop talking, damn, I'm so sick, I don't know how much rat shit and urine I drank in those few gulps!~~"The fat man cursed

"Let's take a rest here. Let's explore the way first and see how to go next."Feng Yuanqing said.

Then he took Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi and continued walking along the river bank.

After walking a short distance, Feng Yuanqing found that there was a black stone bridge on the river in front of them. It seemed that it was also built with black stones from Mount Zagorama, flying over the turbulent water. At the other end of the bridge was a large cave with a huge thousand-pound gate, which was half suspended by an iron chain as thick as an adult's arm. There was also a large stone underneath.

The three of them went back immediately and told everyone about their discovery.

After everyone had rested, they came to the bridge together.

Professor Chen was surprised:"This stone door is so heavy and deep underground. It is very likely that it is the resting place of the Queen of Jingjue."

"Let's go, the Queen's mausoleum is right in front of us, let's go in and take a look."Feng Yuanqing said

"No, don't go in!"

"If my old bones are buried in there, it would be a worthy death. I am too old to care about anything. But you are still young and want to take risks. I can go in alone.

Professor Chen suddenly said.

Upon hearing this, Hao Aiguo and several students were unwilling to go in.

"How can this be? We also want to go in and see the Queen's Tomb. We are already at the door."

"Yes, we have gone through black sandstorms, army ants, and many hardships to reach the ancient city of Jingjue. How can we not go in when we reach the gate?"

Yang Xueli came here to resolve her own curse, so it is impossible for her not to go in.

"How about this, Lao Hu and I will go explore the way first and see the situation. If there is no problem, we will come back to call everyone. With my skills, there is no need to worry about any danger."Feng Yuanqing said.

Professor Chen knew the situation of several people in his archaeological team, and he was definitely not competent for the work of exploring the way. He had to agree.

Yang Xueli had seen Feng Yuanqing's skills and magical spells, and should be able to easily deal with any danger, so she also agreed.

Fatty shouted that he wanted to go together, but was persuaded by Hu Bayi to go back.

Step over the stone bridge and crawl under the giant stone gate.

There are traces of explosives on the gate, which may be done by Mr. Walter's expedition team.

Behind the gate, there is another narrow ramp slanting downward.

Feng Yuanqing threw a cold firework down, and it rolled down for a long time before stopping. The light was too small to see clearly.

The two walked down the ramp and reached the end.

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