"It's okay. It just took some time to investigate the situation. There's no danger. Everyone can go down."

Feng Yuanqing then briefly introduced the situation below.

"Behind the jack gate is a downward ramp with a large platform at the end. You can continue down along the rope. The drop is only more than 30 meters. There is a square below, and the space is quite large."

"There is still a long way to go along the square, and then you will reach the end, where is the ghost cave in the mural."

"Okay, let's go!"After listening to Feng Yuanqing's description of the situation below, Professor Chen decided to go down immediately.

A group of nine people passed through the jack gate and went down the ramp.

On the platform, Professor Chen asked Chu Jian and Sadipeng to put down three rope ladders and go down to the square.

There were originally mountains of gold and silver treasures piled here, but they had been taken away by Feng Yuanqing, so everyone saw nothing but an empty, dark space.

If it was according to the original plot in memory, these treasures would eventually sink under the yellow sand, and there would be no trace of them.���Can't take it away.

A big earthquake will collapse the underground palace.

A black sandstorm will bury the ancient city of Jingjue again. If you want to organize people to come again, you can't find a place.

"Therefore, it is better for me to take it away, so that I can make use of my remaining energy and contribute to my path of cultivating immortals."Feng Yuanqing thought silently.

Ever since Professor Chen heard Feng Yuanqing say that there was a ghost cave ahead, he had focused all his attention on the ghost cave. He didn't even bother to study the giant pupil stone statues around the square.

Professor Chen didn't know where he got the strength from, but he took the lead and led everyone forward, heading straight for the ghost cave.

Along the way, the cave tunnel was straight towards Mount Zagorama, and everyone kept moving forward in one direction. They didn't know how far they had walked.

The stone walls around were all dark rocks. It seemed that they had arrived at the hinterland of Mount Zagorama.

The main body of Mount Zagorama was buried under the yellow sand. Like an iceberg on the sea, only a corner was exposed, and the overall proportion was less than one-tenth.

Its real main part was all hidden underground.

Not long after walking, the circle of light in front of Professor Chen's eyes suddenly disappeared.

It turned out that they had reached the end, there was no road ahead, and there was a cliff.

Professor Chen walked carefully to the edge of the cliff and stretched his head to look down.

It was like a bottomless abyss below, and the light of the flashlight was directly swallowed up.

"finally......"We're here. Is this the ghost cave?"

Professor Chen muttered to himself, unable to suppress his excitement.

The people following behind were also shocked by the huge bottomless pit.

The flashlight was not bright enough to illuminate such a large dark space.

So Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi took out a large searchlight, which is a powerful lighting facility.

It weighs more than ten kilograms.

It uses an ultra-high-pressure spherical xenon lamp and a pure platinum-nickel reflector, which can illuminate a radius of three kilometers nearby.

The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of power. Fortunately, everyone brought a lot of batteries.

The advantage is that this kind of light has strong penetrating power.

"Everyone, pay attention. If you don't want to become blind, don't look at the light. Too strong light can cause blindness."

After assembling the searchlight, everyone stood behind the light.

The fat man turned on the switch, and a beam of light like a solidified beam shone straight ahead.

The strong light hit the stone wall, and the diffusely reflected light illuminated the surrounding space.

The light swept around, and the surrounding situation was clearly seen.

The entire ghost cave was surrounded by this kind of black rock. It seemed that this place was indeed under Mount Zagorama.

The place where the treasure was originally piled up was a cliff. In addition to the burial objects, there were also a large number of tall stone statues with huge pupils.

Below the cliff was a bottomless circular hole.

This hole was similar to the underground cave of the previous temple. The murals in the passage are exactly the same.

At a glance, this big hole, with a diameter of nearly a kilometer, could not have been dug out. The amount of work involved is too huge, and it would have been impossible to do it with the productivity of ancient times.

The only confirmed trace of human activity is a staircase that spirals down along the big hole.

The light circled along the stairs for several circles, and then the stairs stopped abruptly at this point.

The fat man shone the powerful searchlight directly at the bottom of the cave.

The light can illuminate a distance of several thousand meters, but it still cannot reach the bottom and is swallowed up by the abyss of darkness at the bottom of the cave.

This beam of light seems extremely small in this huge and bottomless ghost cave.

"This is the Ghost Cave! Even the name of the Ghost Cave Clan comes from this."Feng Yuanqing said

"It is hard to imagine how such a bottomless abyss appeared, and I don’t know where it is connected to.

This is a mystery, and Feng Yuanqing doesn’t know.

"Maybe the place below is connected to hell, damn, it makes me feel uneasy!" Hu Bayi felt a chill in his heart

"Xiao Hu, you have been a soldier, how can you believe in these ghosts and gods? The creation of nature is mysterious and unimaginable. The ancients two thousand years ago may have regarded it as a miracle."Professor Chen said. Professor Chen has lived for so many years and has not experienced any supernatural events involving ghosts and gods. In addition, he is firm in science and does not believe in ghosts and gods.

However, Hu Bayi has seen it, and as a tomb raider, he naturally believes it.

But it is really hard to say it out loud. So there is no rebuttal.

At this time, the fat man has turned the direction of the searchlight and explored above the ghost cave.

""Look, there's something up there!"

The fat man shouted and asked everyone to look at his discovery.

There was a suspended stone beam there, which looked thin and long above the ghost cave. It popped out from the cliff, and one end just hung above the ghost cave.

And, at the end of the stone beam, which was where the fat man's light was shining.

There was a huge piece of wood placed there. The diameter of the giant wood was about two meters, and it looked like a section cut off from a big tree at some point.

Without any processing, there were still many branches and leaves growing on it. The strange thing was that these leaves had retained their tender green color.

There were more than a dozen large iron chains on the trunk, which trapped the giant wood on the stone beam and fixed it there. There was also a strange plant growing on the wood.

It was emerald green all over, but had red leaves. The flowers were as big as buckets, with curled petals, roots and stems rooted in the wood, and branches and leaves wrapped around the wood like vines.

"This is the Kunlun sacred tree! It only appeared in the legends recorded in ancient books, but there is such a big piece here!"

Feng Yuanqing's breathing became a little rapid, this is excitement.

Unexpectedly, the coffin of the Kunlun sacred tree of the Queen of Jingjue is so big.

And it still looks full of vitality.

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