Some basic Taoist scriptures, such as the Tao Te Ching》,《Nan Hua Jing》、《"Taishang Laojun's Book of Constant Purity and Tranquility" and more than a dozen other books.

Feng Yuanqing spent the whole afternoon reciting Taoist scriptures.

With the progress of cultivation, Feng Yuanqing's memory became stronger and stronger, and he could almost remember everything he saw.

Cultivation itself is a process of evolution.

Through cultivation, people constantly absorb nutrients from heaven and earth, strengthen themselves, and thus achieve the evolution of life, and then gain a long life and powerful strength.

Finally, a leap in the level of life is achieved, which is called ascension in Taoism and Nirvana in Buddhism.

In this process, people's various abilities have been greatly improved.

A strong body and agile thinking are the most common manifestations.

These Taoist scriptures seem to have a magical power.

Every time you read them again, you seem to be able to gain new insights from them.

After reciting them several times, Feng Yuanqing memorized all these Taoist scriptures.

Time passed slowly.

In the evening.

A special guest came to Guanshan Pavilion.

Her long hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head, she was tall and had a delicate and beautiful face.

It was Yang Xueli.

He heard from Professor Chen that Feng Yuanqing opened an antique shop in Panjiayuan and that his business was doing well, so he came to take a look.

"Miss Yang, why are you here? Are you here to see Mr. Feng?"

Fatty Wang just came back to use the toilet. When he came out, he saw Yang Xueli coming in from the door.

"Fatty, you are here too?" Yang Xueli asked

"Yes, Lao Hu and I both work under Master Feng."The fat man replied

"Are you here to see Master Feng? I'll show you the way."


The fat man led Yang Xueli all the way to the third floor.

The third floor is the office area, where Feng Yuanqing's office is.

He knocked on the door with ease, and then pushed the door open.

Feng Yuanqing put down the Taoist scripture in his hand after hearing the knock.

After the fat man came in, he said directly:"Mr. Feng, look who's here?"

The fat man stepped aside and made way.

A beautiful figure walked in from outside the door. At the same time, her crisp and pleasant voice rang out.

"Yuanqing, I didn't expect that your business is quite big!"

Feng Yuanqing stood up and showed a happy smile.

"Shirley, why are you here?"

"What? Can't you come if you have nothing to do? Can't I come to see you?" Yang Xueli said angrily

""Okay, why not?" Feng Yuanqing said.

Seeing the two of them flirting with each other, the fat man didn't want to stay here to eat dog food and be a light bulb. So he quietly retreated and closed the door.

Before leaving, he even frowned at Feng Yuanqing a few times.

""Da Da Da~"

Yang Xueli stepped on the floor with her high heels, making a sound, and slowly walked to Feng Yuanqing's desk.

Feng Yuanqing made her a cup of tea.

"Come, have a cup of tea. Are you used to it?"

"What's wrong with drinking this? I often drink tea in the United States, okay?"

Yang Xueli picked up the teacup, opened her red lips, and took a sip.

"You are such a busy man. I was wondering why I couldn't find you. It turns out you secretly opened an antique shop here."

"Hey, I just want to earn some living expenses. I'm not like you. Your family is a Wall Street tycoon with a lot of assets and no worries about food and clothing. As for me, I can only earn some living expenses myself."

The two chatted for a while, and the topic turned to Yang Xueli again.

"Shirley, you have obtained the legend of the Queen, and you have embarked on the path to transcendence. How are you learning?"

""The inheritance is too much and too complicated, so it's hard to practice!" Yang Xueli sighed softly.

After all, it's only been a short time since she got the inheritance, so how could it be so easy to practice extraordinary things?

"And I also found that the pattern of an eye on my back had turned into a tattoo. If it wasn't hidden, I wouldn't dare to show my back."

"Oh? Tattoo? What kind of tattoo?" Feng Yuanqing asked

""A snake with one eye. From my observation, it may be the Zhu Jiuyin recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!" Yang Xueli replied.

Feng Yuanqing used the system's detection function to detect Yang Xueli.

Suddenly, detailed information appeared in front of Feng Yuanqing.

"Zhu Jiuyin, that is a legendary god with incredible power. Also known as Zhulong"

"Legend has it that he sees day as day, sleep as night, blows as winter, exhales as summer, and even has the power to control time."

"In short, it is very strong. This shows that the snake god is likely to have the blood of the candle dragon."

"Your tattoo is the symbol of your bloodline awakening!"

After listening to Feng Yuanqing's explanation, Yang Xueli's heart was filled with ups and downs.

"How do you know so much?"

"This is about another family - the Zhang family in Northeast China. They also have a magical blood power."

"However, their bloodline is the Qilin bloodline, which has been passed down for thousands of years, and they have been fighting all their lives to protect the ultimate secret."

"The Zhang family members who have awakened the Qilin bloodline often have greatly increased attributes such as strength and physique. At the same time, their blood can also restrain poisonous insects and evil spirits. In fact, every Zhang family member with Qilin blood can greatly extend their lifespan and even stay young forever."

"In every generation of the Zhang family, the one with the strongest bloodline will inherit the title of the head of the family and be called Zhang Qilin."

Yang Xueli's eyes lit up when she heard this. Eternal youth is the dream of every woman.

Then she heard Feng Yuanqing continue to say

"Your Zhulong bloodline is at least no worse than the Qilin bloodline. From now on, your appearance will remain at its peak until you die."

""Miss Yang, what do you think after listening to this?"

Yang Xueli's heart surged, and her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily. She felt a little hot all over.

The candle dragon tattoo on her back that was originally hidden was also revealed.

Yang Xueli's charming big eyes blinked as she looked at Feng Yuanqing, with an attractive blush on her face.

""Yuan Qing, if it weren't for you, how could I have such an adventure? Tell me, how can I thank you?"

Yang Xueli said with a charming voice, smiling.

Feng Yuanqing was distracted by this and couldn't help but want to raise his flag to salute.

This woman, as soon as she came in, tempted him

"It all depends on your sincerity."Feng Yuanqing said with a smile

"Hehehe~ Then you see, should I be your slave or give myself to you?"Yang Xueli said with a sweet smile

"If I had to choose, I would definitely choose to marry you with my body!"

Feng Yuanqing pulled Yang Xueli's arm and let her fall into his arms.

Then, he leaned in close and kissed her beautiful red lips.


Yang Xueli's body trembled slightly. A feeling like an electric shock spread from their lips.

Yang Xueli grew up in the United States and received an elite education in the United States. Her ideas are much more open than those in China. If she likes someone, she will pursue him directly.

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