Chapter 26

Shouldn’t the Qilin bloodline be possessed by the Zhang family?

How come this little devil also has this bloodline?

Chu Huang frowned slightly, feeling puzzled.

No wonder this little devil was so strong, it turned out to be a mutated big devil because of the incomplete Qilin bloodline.

But he still didn’t understand, why did this little devil also have it when it was obviously the unique bloodline of the Zhang family.

Chu Huang, puzzled, raised his foot and continued to walk forward.

Perhaps all the answers are in this hidden secret room.

Walking in this hidden secret room, he saw an iron door after taking two steps.

After opening the iron door, there were actually spiral staircases leading directly to the underground.

Going down the stairs, not long after, he found another passage made of cement.

“”Chief, this place is built so secretly, it must be hiding the secrets of the Kwantung Army.”

Chu Feng, who had followed all the way, looked at the passage in front of him with a serious expression.

“No hurry, let’s take a look first.”

Chu Huang narrowed his eyes slightly. There were more than a dozen rooms in this long corridor.

When he came to the door of the nearest room, he found that the door was not locked and could be opened with a light push.


There was a sound that made people’s teeth ache from the dilapidated wooden door, and Chu Huang and his companions walked into the room subconsciously.

But when everyone saw everything in the room, they couldn’t help but change their complexion, and a terrifying murderous aura burst out from their bodies, and their expressions became extremely cold.

In this room, there were rows of beds, and on them lay corpses that had been dead for who knows how long. Judging from the degree of decay of the bones, it has been at least several decades.

However, the most important thing is that none of these corpses are complete, either missing arms and legs, or there are various instruments clamped on the bones.

The ground and walls are stained with a lot of black blood that has been dried for who knows how long.

Not far away, there are many bottled transparent jars, full of formalin, but they are soaked with various internal organs and heads.

Seeing this, how can everyone not understand where this place is?

“Damn beasts, these bastards are actually conducting human experiments here”

“These are the people of Daxia, but now they have become the experimental subjects of those beasts.”

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! One day, I will destroy that island!”


Looking at everything in front of them, at this moment, whether it was Chu Feng, Chu Xuan, or Chu Yun, everyone couldn’t help but tear their eyes and their hearts were extremely angry.

Human experiment!

How inhumane is this?

Just looking at this scene, one can imagine how painful the people of Daxia were at that time.

Chu Huang looked cold, turned around and walked out of the room, and soon came to another room.

But the furnishings and things inside were no different from the first room.

The third… the fourth… the fifth… more than a dozen rooms, each of which was a place dedicated to human experiments.

Just the bones, there were more than a hundred.

Every time a room was opened, the anger and murderous intent in everyone’s heart became stronger.

Chu Huang’s expression was extremely cold, and he hadn’t said a word from the beginning to now.

When he opened the last room, he found that this room was larger, and no bones were found, but there were all kinds of information on both sides.

In the center, there was a blackboard with various photos and texts on it.

There were texts about their Daxia, as well as texts about their daily lives.

When he saw the words above, Chu Huang’s pupils shrank.

This underground hidden experimental base was not just an ordinary human experiment, but also involved the Zhang family.

When the Japanese army came to this black land, they actually had contact with the Wang family and learned about the Zhang family.

Since then, they have been hunting down and capturing the Zhang family.

Some of the Zhang family were brought here for human experiments in order to copy the Qilin bloodline of the Zhang family and integrate it into their bodies.

Obviously, they failed, but they also succeeded.

The bloodline did copy the original, but it was incomplete and imperfect.

After injecting the Zhang family bloodline, it can indeed make people powerful and their strength increased exponentially.

But they will also mutate and become a monster.

Even in the most perfect situation, they can only maintain a little bit of consciousness, but they need to be suppressed by drugs.

Decades ago, Zuo Qianzhi, the defense officer of Sand City, was one of the examples.

And Zuo Qianzhi, who had also stayed in this experimental base for a period of time.

The former Nine Gates Master Zhang Dafo and his adjutant Zhang Yueshan were once caught here.

“These beasts have been coveting the things of Da Xia all day long, and sooner or later, we will completely exterminate you.”

Chu Huang sneered, and then after a careful search, he turned around and left without looking back when he saw that there was no hidden secret room.

However, when he left, he and everyone else packed up the corpses of all the people of Da Xia, ready to take them outside and bury them on the spot.

As for the organs and heads soaked in formalin, they could only be destroyed on the spot.

After returning to the previous secret room, retrieving the bloody coffin and taking the mercury boy with them, everyone left the Kwantung Army Fortress and returned to the ground.

At this time, the sunset glow in the sky was all over the world, and the afterglow of the setting sun illuminated the entire valley, as if heralding reincarnation and rebirth.

Hundreds of corpses and After the two mercury boys were buried, Chu Huang and others used smoke instead of incense, and observed a moment of silence in front of the hundreds of graves.

Faintly, it seemed that the voices of two children were heard in their ears, and hundreds of wronged souls bowed to thank everyone, and then pushed open the door of reincarnation and disappeared into the world.

To this, Chu Huang and others were all solemn and heavy in their hearts.

The human experiment base under the Kwantung Army Fortress made everyone feel strong.

When he is strong enough and the time is right, all the creatures on the island will be wiped out.

Perhaps, one day, when I can refine magic weapons, I will learn from what the netizens in my previous life said.

Every member of the Chu family holds a Ten Thousand Souls Banner, and they will sacrifice blood to the entire Japan.

【Thank you all for your monthly tickets and rewards. I am very grateful and will add another chapter today!】


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