“Why are you showing off, old man? Are you that powerful?

No matter how powerful you are, can you be as powerful as my son?”Looking at the proud and arrogant father Chu, mother Chu was immediately furious and started to scold him angrily.

After being scolded by mother Chu, father Chu subconsciously shrank his neck, his eyes were erratic, and he muttered in a low voice:”Your son is also my son, and I was originally faster than you in cultivation.”

Seeing his parents like this, Chu Huang felt amused in his heart, but he also felt a hard-earned warmth.

“Okay, Mom, stop arguing with my dad.”

“Dad, then tell me about the cultivation situation of other tribesmen in the village.”

Hearing this, Father Chu hurriedly spoke again and told all about the cultivation situation of their Chujia Village during this period.

In general, the entire Chujia Village has embarked on the road to transcendence.

But the cultivation speed of those elderly people is much slower.

Their physical fitness is not even up to that of primary students, but they found that their body functions are slowly recovering to their youth.

Not only have many symptoms and pains disappeared, but they used to walk tremblingly, but now they can walk very steadily.

If they continue to develop in this direction, after the physical functions of these elderly people are completely restored, they will begin to greatly improve their strength and speed.

In addition to the elderly, the cultivation speed of the middle-aged and young generation is much faster.

After all, there are a lot of ferocious beasts to feed on, which can greatly improve their cultivation speed.

Now these middle-aged and young generations of tribesmen have basically entered the realm of primary students, but their strength is different. Some differences.

And among them, some of the more talented ones have actually reached the level of intermediate students, with a total strength of three hundred to four hundred kilograms.

Chu Huang is also preparing to focus on training these people with talent for cultivation, and they will definitely be the backbone of his Chu family in the future.

In addition, there are many children in the clan. Because they are still young, they can’t eat much blood and flesh of ferocious beasts in one meal, so their cultivation speed is much slower.

However, as they grow older, their cultivation speed will become faster and faster, and they will consciously improve their roots and cultivation talents.

After listening to what Chu’s father said, Chu Huang began to think.

According to the current progress of the clan’s cultivation, the plan to buy a large number of marrow cleansing pills may have to be shelved for the time being.

At most, buy some for those more talented clansmen, just in time to train a group of people.

As for the elderly and children, they still have to take it slowly, otherwise forcing them to grow too fast will not only consume their potential, but also waste a lot of points.

“By the way, Xiao Huang, your fifth uncle said he will be back tomorrow. Don’t be partial to one and don’t forget to teach your fifth uncle’s family to start practicing.

Suddenly, Father Chu seemed to have thought of something and said to Chu Huang:

“Uncle Wu will be back tomorrow?”

Chu Huang frowned when he heard this, then nodded. It seemed that Uncle Wu came back to discuss the placement of retired personnel with him.

Dad, don’t worry, how could I forget Uncle Wu? When he comes back, you can teach him to practice in person.”

“Haha, that’s fine.” Father Chu nodded with a smile.

“Well, it’s getting late, Mom and Dad, you guys should go to bed quickly, I’m going back to my room too.”

“Okay, take a quick rest. Didn’t you say you would distribute dividends to the tribesmen tomorrow?”


After telling Chu Huang a few words, Chu’s father and mother returned to their rooms.

After Chu Huang washed the dishes, he went upstairs to take a shower and then lay down in his room. Chu Huang crossed his hands, put them behind his head, looked at the ceiling, and fell into deep thought.

What Chu’s father said before reminded him that the elders in the tribe had not yet fully recovered their physical functions, and their speed was not suitable for practicing Bajiquan.

Otherwise, they could practice Tai Chi and Xingyi, which would not only help them fight against the enemy, but also greatly improve their physical fitness, which was the best of both worlds.

Moreover, the tribesmen of Chujia Village would have more means of killing in the future.

In addition, they would buy some more blood and flesh of fierce beasts, otherwise the speed of the tribesmen’s practice would be greatly reduced.

However, if they could buy the young cubs of fierce beasts and give them to the tribesmen to feed, the expenses of this kind of blood and flesh of fierce beasts would be greatly reduced in the future.

Although the energy in the blood and flesh of fierce beasts fed might be greatly reduced, it was nothing.

Moreover, he also wanted to buy another kind of food rich in energy. After all, relying only on the flesh and blood of a fierce beast is too slow. He also needs to buy a batch of marrow cleansing pills.

In the end, he will buy himself the means to become a mentalist. If possible, he also wants to turn Chu Feng and the other seven people into mentalists.

Thinking of this, Chu Huang directly opened the system mall and began to search for things that could make him a mentalist.


With the appearance of a light blue light curtain, Chu Huang’s eyes kept searching on it.

Yunshen Grass: It can greatly enhance the spiritual power of the user’s soul, and there is a certain probability of awakening telekinesis. Price: 300 points. Awakening God Pill:

After taking it, it can awaken the spiritual power, but the strength varies. Price: 500 points

Soul Summoning Pill: After taking it, the soul power will increase tenfold, and the spiritual power can be awakened. The price is 800 points

Spiritual Proto-nucleus [Planetary]: After purchasing and taking this, it can be integrated into the mind, awakening the spiritual power, and the upper limit is the planetary level spiritual master. Price: 1500 points.

Spiritual Proto-nucleus [Stellar]: After purchasing and taking this, it can be integrated into the mind, awakening the spiritual power, and the upper limit is the stellar level spiritual master. Price: 3000 points


Dayan Shen Jue: A spiritual and soul cultivation method that can awaken spiritual power. As the realm becomes higher, the spiritual power becomes stronger until the primordial spirit is condensed. Price: 5,000 points


Chaos God and Demon Visualization Method: Soul cultivation method, also has the means of spiritual mind master, and can condense the original spirit. Every time it is destroyed, the soul will undergo a great transformation. Price: **** Points


Looking at the rows of items on the system mall panel that were related to becoming a spiritualist, or possessing spiritualist means, techniques, and elixirs, Chu Huang couldn’t help but feel a headache.

According to his idea, the best way to cultivate the soul would naturally be the Chaos God and Demon Visualization Method and other top-level spiritual cultivation methods.

After all, in the early stage, not only can one possess the means of a spiritualist, but when one’s cultivation is sufficient, one can also condense the primordial spirit, and this type of technique is definitely the top of the top techniques.

It’s a pity that this type of technique requires too many points, which is simply not something he can afford now.

Therefore, he can only settle for the second best and try to choose items that suit him.


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