Chujia Village!

Late at night!

On the top of the mountain behind, Chu Huang sat cross-legged, looking up at the bright moon hanging in the sky.

In the palm of his left hand, a pill was emitting wisps of blue starlight, hovering three inches above his palm.

“This… is the Soul Summoning Pill?”

Looking at the pill in his palm, Chu Huang raised his eyebrows slightly.

After the dividend distribution meeting in the daytime, he discussed with the elders about the raising of the ferocious beast cubs.

He handed over fifty ferocious beast cubs to several tribesmen who were good at raising them.

These tribesmen were all over 40 years old and had a lot of experience in raising livestock and poultry.

Now they have also stepped into the extraordinary path. After learning that Chu Huang wanted to raise ferocious beasts, they naturally took the initiative to undertake this task without any hesitation.

The fifty first-level ferocious beast cubs are not the same. There are snake beasts, cattle beasts, and many pig beasts. They are all the kind of beasts that produce a lot of meat.

They are still cubs, so naturally there is nothing. Attack power, even if it grows up in the future, it is only a first-level beast after all, and the attack power is not that strong.

This kind of first-level beast grows very fast, and it can reach adulthood in half a year at most.

Moreover, these beasts are both male and female, and after a certain period of time, they will continue to produce ferocious beast cubs.

After half a year, the demand for ferocious beasts in the entire Chujia Village will no longer need to be purchased with points in a short period of time.

With the breeding experience and strength of those tribesmen, even with so many first-level beasts, there will be no danger.

When the tribesmen’s strength is improved in the future, they will buy second-level beasts at that time.

In addition, he also took the spiritual blood rice seeds He brought it out and asked the tribesmen to prepare for planting.

The spirit blood rice seeds are rich in great energy and are naturally helpful for cultivation. Moreover, the spirit blood rice seeds are easy to plant and can be planted by anyone who has experience in planting rice.

After planting hundreds of kilograms of spirit blood rice seeds, it won’t be long before the staple food of the tribesmen in the entire Chujia Village will no longer be ordinary rice, but this kind of spirit blood rice.

The tribesmen were so happy and delighted about this that they couldn’t wait, so how could they delay.

After finishing all the things, he came to the back mountain.

Now that everything has been arranged, it’s time for him to prepare for a breakthrough.

Looking at the Soul Summoning Pill in his hand, Chu Huang had no choice but to Without any hesitation, he swallowed it in one gulp.


The Soul Summoning Pill melted in his mouth, and instantly turned into a strange energy that flowed through his limbs and bones, and finally rushed directly to the top of his head.

A large amount of strange energy poured into his mind, and it exploded directly three inches between his eyebrows.


As if the world was created, a strange world appeared three inches above his eyebrows.

Chu Huang found that he could look inside, and his consciousness sank directly into that strange world.


Golden light filled the space, and a ball-like bead that was shining with golden light was suspended there.

“This… is my sea of consciousness?”

“Could that golden bead be the spiritual nucleus?”

Looking at the space around him and the golden sphere above the center of the space, Chu Huang had an epiphany.

Has he officially become a spiritual master?

“Tsk… this spiritual nucleus seems to be even more solid and massive than the spiritual nucleus of the destined protagonist of that world?”

“It seems that my own spiritual soul power is extremely strong, so after taking the Soul Summoning Pill, it was ten times stronger and became a spiritual thought, and this spiritual nucleus has this appearance.”

Chu Huang smacked his lips, and was quite happy in his heart.

The spiritual thought power is stronger than that of the destiny protagonist. It seems that in the early stage of this road to eternity, his advantage will become greater and greater.

“Now that I have become a spiritualist, it is time to break through.”

Chu Huang retracted his consciousness, and at the same time, he put his five hearts toward the sky and began to practice according to the Eternal Immortality Sutra.

This was the first time since he became a warrior that he absorbed energy from the universe, which would definitely bring him earth-shaking changes and transformations.

Moreover, the physical body and spiritual power are cultivated together, and they will prosper together.

As the practice method was running, between the heaven and earth, outside the planets, wisps of strange cosmic energy were converging towards Chu Huang.

Feeling the energy constantly pouring into the five hearts, the wisps of energy quickly merged into the internal organs, flesh and bones.

Under the tempering of this energy, he The body was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Moreover, the spiritual nucleus that had just been born began to continuously improve under this energy.

Not only did the spiritual nucleus become harder, but even its volume increased slightly.

And the space of the sea of consciousness seemed to have signs of expansion.

Under this energy, Chu Huang seemed to be in the vast ocean, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

As time passed, the sky gradually began to brighten.

The golden crow rises in the east, and the morning glow illuminates the sky!

After a night of practice, Chu Huang finally slowly opened his eyes. Eyes.


When he opened his eyes, he found that the world in front of him seemed to be a little different from before.

Even without using his eyes, he could clearly see everything around him. His mental power was released, fifty meters, one hundred meters, three hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters.

His mental power could actually cover a radius of one kilometer, and no movement could escape his perception.


Suddenly, a stone in front of him, wrapped in mental power, slowly floated up from the ground, and like a large-caliber bullet, it quickly broke through the air and flew a thousand meters away. Go.


A thousand meters away, the stone instantly pierced a tree nearly one meter wide, creating a fist-sized hole.


Seeing this, Chu Huang couldn’t help but widen his eyes slightly, but his heart was filled with joy.

This mentalist is really terrifying.

A small stone, under the control of his mental power, is no different from a large-caliber bullet.

What if it is a bigger stone?

Chu Huang tried to lift a heavier stone with his mental power. Under his control, he found that with his current mental power, the upper limit is fifty kilograms.

If you want to improve further, you can only improve the level of your mentalist.

“Now that I have officially become a psychic, it is time to choose a weapon that is exclusive to psychic masters.”


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