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"Zhou Yuan?!"

Wu Sanxing exclaimed.

However, although Qin Yan looked surprised, his eyes were quite calm, as if he was not particularly surprised.

"This old fox really saw something.

Qin Yan did not rush to take action, but observed everything calmly.

"Zhou Yuan, what are you doing?!"

Chen Wenjin and the others were also shocked and shouted hurriedly.

Zhou Yuan smiled coldly:

"What are you doing? Didn’t I just tell you what you are doing?.....Get out of here, everyone!"


Chen Wenjin was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

The other people had different expressions, some were shocked, some were angry, and some were thoughtful......

Li Sidi was quite excited, pointing at Zhou Yuan and cursing:

"Zhou Yuan, you traitor, you......Do you want to keep the cultural relics for yourself? We, the"740s", are here to do archaeology, so let the third brother go!"

Zhou Yuan looked at Li Si with disdain:

"Humph, idiot, you are still the third brother, do you think this archaeological team is really just for archaeology? Innocent!"


Li Sidi was not very good at speaking, and after being scolded by Zhou Yuan, his mind was even more confused. What did he mean by the archaeological team was not for archaeology?

Zhou Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to him, and directly took Wu Sanxing and forced everyone to retreat:

"Everyone, stand back or I'll shoot him!"

"Don't be impulsive, let's retreat now, don't hurt Lao Wu, we are already two people short, don't kill each other anymore!"

Chen Wenjin quickly led everyone to retreat......

Qin Yan was not in a hurry, because he was sure that Zhou Yuan would not dare to do it.

Because if he killed Wu Sanxing, he would not be able to escape with himself and Zhang Qiling around. Zhou Yuan would not be so stupid.

He probably just wanted something in the tomb.

Everyone was forced to retreat from the previous stone gate.

Zhou Yuan took Wu Sanxing to the stone gate and kicked him hard on the butt, making him stagger and rush out of the stone gate.

Then, Zhou Yuan pressed the mechanism of the stone gate.


With a muffled sound, the stone door slowly closed, and Zhou Yuan's face with a sinister smile gradually disappeared.......

"Damn, his ancestors dared to keep the treasure for themselves. I say your archaeological team is really......Damn, the more educated you are, the worse you become. This makes me so mad......."

Seeing that he had missed a huge golden nanmu coffin, the fat man cursed in anger.

The others were silent.

Apparently, except for Wu Sanxing and Qin Yan, no one realized that Zhou Yuan, who had been honest and quiet all the way, actually wanted to take the cultural relics for himself.

But Wu Sanxing and Qin Yan knew that Zhou Yuan might be from the Wang family.

But they couldn't figure out who Zhou Yuan was.......

The fat man cursed for a while but still couldn't swallow his anger, so he wanted to use the method he used before to open the stone door, but found that it was useless.

Zhang Qiling said lightly:

"It was useless. This mechanism was extremely clever. It changed every time it was opened. It was a strange and ever-changing device. Without the clues left by the tomb owner, no one could find out."For a moment, everyone didn't know what to do. The road ahead was blocked. And then there was the ghost's hanging soul ladder.

Just when everyone was hesitating,


A black shadow rushed past them.

Everyone was startled and looked closely, and it turned out to be a small zongzi covered with long hair!


Zhang Qiling only said one word and chased after him. The others hurried to catch up.

The little Zongzi was so fast that he led everyone around several corners and disappeared.

"Damn it, the little zongzi is here to tease us too!"

The fat man cursed and shone his flashlight forward, trying to find the little zongzi.

After seeing this, he suddenly opened his mouth and slowly uttered two words:


When everyone heard the sound, they came forward and found that there was a white marble door in front of them that was exactly the same as the one Zhou Yuan had closed before.

"Have we come full circle?"

"We are not going to enter the Soul Ladder again, are we?"

Everyone looked suspicious.

Zhang Qiling shook his head and said calmly:

"It's not the same door. You can see it's covered in dust, so it's obviously never been opened."

Then he stepped forward and put his slender fingers on the door:

"Same mechanism, try the same method as before."

Several people hurriedly ran to a small stone tablet not far away that was exactly the same as the one just now, and began to try the previous method.......

At this time, Wu Sanxing did not participate in it, but said angrily:

"Damn it, we can't let Zhou Yuan, the traitor, get away. He'll have to apologize to the people of the country if he does this! I'll go hide the diving equipment so he can't escape!"

Having said that, he left angrily, regardless of whether anyone agreed or not......

"Hey, Old Wu......"

Everyone was still fiddling with the stone gate, and there was no time to dissuade them..........

"etc.......Wait for me!"

Li Sidi even wanted to follow him, but he found that Wu Sanxing had disappeared......

Qin Yan knew that Wu Sanxing's plans to leave the team had been messed up by him several times, so he finally couldn't help but resort to this desperate measure. He left a word and ran away...

But before he could take any action, a voice rang in his mind.

【Ding, trigger the god-level option】

【Option 1, secretly follow Wu Sanxing who is worried about something and see what he is going to do. You will be rewarded with 10 cubic meters of portable space!】

【Option two, follow Chen Wenjin's team, open the stone door, deal with the things behind the stone door, and be rewarded with one thousand cubic meters of portable space!】

【Option three, go and intercept Zhou Yuan to see what tricks this fellow is playing, and you will be rewarded with 100 cubic meters of portable space! 】

Portable space?

Qin Yan was delighted and chose option two without thinking.

The portable space is like a house, who doesn't like a big one.

Besides, there are many priceless treasures in the tomb, all of which are very small.

For example, the huge bronze tripod in the ghost tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the golden nanmu coffin just now.

Ten cubic meters are useless, and there is no space for a coffin.

Besides, after tossing Wu Sanxing so many times, he was satisfied for once. Anyway, this guy will come to the door again sooner or later.

1.3 As for Zhou Yuan, he wants to torment him, and then he can kill and rob him. Wouldn't it be great?......

But option two, I don't know what's behind the stone door...

When Qin Yan was thinking, the stone door creaked and slowly opened.

Everyone was happy and hurriedly checked with flashlights.

At first glance!

Everyone's eyes widened as if they had seen a ghost.

"This is exactly the same tomb as the one we just entered. This little Zongzi is taking us to find treasure!"

The fat man shouted excitedly.

The others were also confused, looking at the huge golden nanmu coffin lying there quietly.

If they hadn't been forced out by Zhou Yuan just now, they would even suspect that they had entered the same tomb.......

It was like copy and paste, and there was something weird about it.

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