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Tải ảnh: 0.057s Scan: 0.029sThe ghost cave was pitch black.

Hearing what Peacock said, everyone quickly turned their wolf eyes to look deep into the dark cave.

They saw that the height difference in the cave was very large. The wide part could drive a tank, and the low part was only more than one meter high.

There were many lava rocks formed more than thousands of years ago, all of which were strange.

But there was no shadow at all.

Hu Bayi and Fatty looked for a long time, but couldn't see anything. They looked at Peacock in confusion:

"Miss Peacock, are you frightened? Where is the black shadow?"

Peacock seemed very scared and said with trembling lips:

"Really...I really saw it……"

Zhang Qiling frowned, and he, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, but only said two words:

"Be careful."

In fact.

Qin Yan also saw it, but he didn't see it clearly.

He was a little surprised that the peacock could see it. It seems that this peacock is not as simple as imagined...

Qin Yan feels that the current state of the peacock is a bit like the goddaughter of Lei Xianming, a bankrupt speculative Hong Kong businessman who appeared in the later period of Ghost Blows Out the Light.

Ah Xiang.

When Ah Xiang was just born, her parents placed her in a glass cover isolated from the outside world with air purification equipment... until she was two years old.

The purpose of doing this is to prevent her from being polluted and affected by the air, making her nerves extremely sensitive.

She can sense things that normal people cannot perceive.

This sounds a bit absurd, but it does exist in the world of tomb robbers.

Just like the dragon body in Qin Yan's listening tattoo, it can help him avoid danger and seek good fortune. To put it bluntly, it is to sense danger in advance.

That Ah Xiang later became an orphan, and Uncle Ming adopted her. down.

She had saved Uncle Ming's life more than once, and was regarded as the apple of his eye by Uncle Ming's eye, especially when dealing with mummies and coffins, which were full of yin energy, he would always bring Ah Xiang with him.

These were all things that happened after Hu Bayi and the others went to the Kunlun Temple, so they didn't know about it now.

However, Ah Xiang's point is somewhat similar to the effect of the dragon body tattoo on Qin Yan.

Unexpectedly, Peacock also has this ability!

Qin Yan guessed that Peacock should not have been sealed in a jar for two years when he was born like Ah Xiang.

It was because her mind was pure enough and she grew up in the depths of Yunnan since she was a child, and she was hardly affected by the environment and the secular world.

Therefore, her perception is naturally stronger than that of ordinary people, and she has an intuition about danger similar to that of wild beasts.

However, Shirley Yang actually saw something. It can only be said that Shirley Yang, who can't be said to be love-brained, is still very sharp.

She looked at the swearing Peacock and said:

"Peacock, I believe you, your eyes may be real!"


Everyone looked at Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang said slowly:

"According to legend, there are six states of vision. In Buddhism, the eyes can be divided into six states."

"The first is the ordinary human eye, which refers to ordinary people with normal vision.

The second kind of eyes is called"natural eyes", which are eyes with sharp intuition like wild animals. Because they are not polluted by the secular world, their vision range is much larger than that of humans. This range does not refer to the depth of vision, but the ability to capture things that normal people cannot see.

"The third is the"third eye", which can see the past lives of sentient beings in the two worlds.

"The fourth is called"Dharma Eyes", such as the eyes of Bodhisattvas and Arhats, which can clearly see events hundreds of kalpas ago and later.

"The fifth is the"holy eye", which can clearly see things that happened millions of kalpas ago and afterwards."

Everyone was mesmerized and asked hurriedly,"What about the last one?""

"Finally, the highest realm is the"Buddha's Eye", which is boundless and can clearly see eternity from beginning to end!"


Everyone took a breath of cold air, this is too awesome!

At this time, everyone looked at Peacock differently, it seems that this little girl is not ordinary.

Peacock himself was confused, looking at Shirley Yang eagerly:

"Sister, are you saying there's something wrong with my eyes?"

Shirley Yang smiled sweetly and touched Peacock's head lovingly:

"No, I mean your eyes are very powerful. You can see things that we can't see, and you may even be able to sense some unknown dangers."


Peacock's eyes lit up, and he looked at everyone excitedly:

"That means I can help everyone! Great, I thought I was just a burden!"

Everyone smiled, and Shirley Yang even held Peacock's hand, comforting her not to be afraid.

It can be seen that Shirley Yang likes Peacock very much.

Qin Yan is very interested in what Shirley Yang said about eyes.

Because he feels that his current eyes are similar to Peacock's, and he can see the vague black shadow just now.

········Asking for flowers

This has nothing to do with night vision, but is somewhat similar to Yin-Yang eyes.

It seems that my eyes are currently at the level of the original eyes as Shirley Yang said.

However, with the evolution of the Di Ting bloodline, my eyes should be able to evolve to a higher level.

Reach the level of the heavenly eyes, and even the level of the Dharma eyes.

Even the holy eyes are not impossible to expect, but that would be a bit scary.

And the hearing of the Di Ting is naturally needless to say...

At this time, Shirley Yang took out a pair of sunglasses from her backpack.

Then she gently put them on Peacock:

"This way, you don't have to be afraid!"

The peacock had never seen such a strange thing before. He felt his eyes darken and felt much safer.

The peacock was delighted and hurriedly said affectionately:

"Thank you, sister!"

The two are as close as sisters............0The fat man couldn't help but complain:"Staff Officer Yang, let Qin Yan take this Peacock sister back. It's great for you two to be together, one big and one small!"

Shirley Yang chopped the fat man hard.���The fat man quickly closed his mouth...

At this time, there were lightning and thunder outside the ghost cave, and the heavy rain was like pouring down with a basin.

But strangely, the ghost cave was very quiet, just dark and quiet.

But the quieter it was, the more weird it felt, more like the calm before the storm.

Hubayi and the fat man, who were passionate at the beginning, stopped talking at this time, but vigilantly paid attention to the surroundings.

The two were ready for everything, and the black donkey hoof would deal with the zongzi.

If it was not a zongzi but a ghost, then use cinnabar-stained glutinous rice to greet the other party...

Although Peacock was wearing sunglasses, his little face was already pale.

But strangely, Peacock did not approach Shirley Yang, but secretly leaned towards Qin Yan.

She was born with an intuition for danger, so she instinctively felt that Qin Yan could give her an inexplicable sense of security.

In the darkness, Shirley Yang did not notice.

But Qin Yan felt it clearly, and he had to sigh at this time that what Hubayi said before was right.

This beauty from the depths of Yunnan is indeed the best, with that small waist, that...

Tsk tsk, simply...

Although Kong Que is only sixteen or seventeen years old, the undeveloped girl's fragrance also makes him feel a little moved.

She is different from Shirley Yang's intellectual beauty, more of a budding wildness.

When Qin Yan was sighing, suddenly two soft things behind him quietly leaned towards him... Factory..._

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