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Tải ảnh: 0.127s Scan: 0.051sThe bamboo raft went upstream, and under the push of the slow current, it slowly went deeper into the ghost cave of Zhalong Mountain.

In the dark ghost cave, everyone was alert because of what Zhang Qiling said.

"There is something!"

Qin Yan suddenly said, startling everyone and making them look over.

However, the others did not have night vision, so Hu Bayi quickly used a searchlight to shine over.

As soon as the searchlight beam was shone over, Peacock screamed and collapsed.


The others also took a breath of cold air, feeling numb from head to toe...

In the river ahead, there was a swollen corpse, like a human-shaped balloon, lying quietly on the water...

He was wearing a white burial suit, and his whole body was crawling with maggots, drilling in and out of the corpse. The whole body was The corpse was already highly decomposed and incomplete, and the rotten flesh was somehow scattered all over the surroundings.

It was extremely disgusting.

Even with the gas masks on, everyone could smell a foul stench coming towards them. Peacock almost vomited into the gas mask, otherwise it would have been terrible.

The corpse had long black hair, which was slowly floating in the water with the current...

The weirdest thing was that black blood kept oozing out of the water below the corpse.

That's right, it was black!

Huba couldn't help but curse,"How fucking deep must the poison be to cause all the blood to be black!"

Qin Yan shook his head,"No, that blood is not black!"

"It's not black?!"

Everyone looked at Qin Yan in confusion, and he continued to explain:

"There is something strange in this cave, it seems that all the light has been absorbed by something in the cave, so the blood looks black."

After hearing Qin Yan's words, everyone looked at each other and found that the colors on each other's bodies were not so bright, and there was a taste of black and white.

If Qin Yan hadn't said so, everyone would have thought they were color blind...

However, there are still countless questions lingering in everyone's mind.

For example, this corpse has obviously been dead for some time, but why is it still bleeding black blood?

And what on earth is deep in the cave that can absorb all the light!

Even Hubayi and Fatty stopped laughing and laughed, and their faces became more solemn.

However, the bamboo raft continued to float slowly and autonomously. Except for the corpse in the river ahead, the ghost cave was quiet.

There was not a single ripple, it was a bit too quiet, and even made people feel a little creepy.

Hubayi gritted his teeth:"Damn it, it's too calm. There must be a problem behind this calmness. What is it? It seems that the situation of the revolutionary struggle is becoming more and more complicated..!"

Just when Huba sighed, Peacock, who had not dared to speak, tugged at the corner of Qin Yan's clothes.

Peacock only made a very slight movement, and Qin Yan felt it when his green fingers moved slightly.

He looked back at Peacock and found that Peacock's mouth was clicking all the time, but he didn't say a word.

Qin Yan was afraid that she would suffocate, so he slapped her on the back to let her breathe out. However, Peacock was still too scared to speak and hid behind Qin Yan... But even if Peacock didn't say it, Qin Yan knew what he saw, that is, the corpse that had been lying on the water seemed to move!

He looked carefully, and saw that the corpse's fingers hooked, like a sign that a person who had been in a coma for a long time wanted to wake up.

He did not hide it, and said directly to everyone:"That junior brother seemed to move just now"


Fatty and Hu Bayi turned pale with fright.

Hu Bayi subconsciously pulled out the engineer shovel, which was a treasure he found from Da Jin Ya. It was the equipment of the 1st Division of the US Marine Corps seized by the Chinese People's Volunteer Army during the Korean War. It was well preserved and was definitely the best of the top tools. There was also a logo commemorating the Battle of Guadalcanal on it, and it had a very high collection value. Hu Bayi was even reluctant to use it.

But at this time he didn't care about so much, and ordered in his mouth:"Damn it, no matter what comes out of the water later, hit it with a shovel first!"

Shirley Yang also took out her pistol, opened the safety, and loaded the bullet into the chamber...

Everyone was ready, so they let the bamboo raft drift slowly forward, constantly approaching the corpse.

""Is this thing a zongzi or not?" the fat man asked in a trembling voice.

No one dared to confirm it, so they could only get closer to see it clearly.

If it was really a zongzi, then what on earth was he doing here, and what was his intention?

Everyone was full of doubts, just waiting to get closer to find out.

At this time, Hu Bayi said in a deep voice:"The posture of this corpse in the water is a bit strange. Generally, water burials are face up, but this corpse is face down!"

Zhang Qiling nodded, and faintly said a secret he had heard:

"Generally, most people who drown in the water will float on the river surface in a prone position, which is a normal floating corpse."

For this point, the knowledgeable people will definitely understand, and they just listen to Zhang Qiling continue:

"There is another type, which is a floating corpse lying on its back on the water. This type of floating corpse is abnormal. Don't provoke it. This type of floating corpse cannot be brought to land, otherwise it will be very dangerous. But as long as you don't provoke it, it will be fine."

Zhang Qiling paused and continued:

".The most terrible thing is the floating corpse standing upright in the water. It is very strange and ferocious. It is rumored that it is a person who died in the river with extreme anger. They are unwilling to die and will do everything they can to entangle anyone who approaches them and kill them in the water."

"If you are not a person with extraordinary abilities, even if you do not provoke it, as long as you encounter it, you will die miserably!"


Everyone took another breath of cold air. Could this be the bad thing that Zhang Qiling just mentioned? It seems that this ghost cave is indeed not simple. No wonder none of the locals dared to come in.

Even they felt their scalps tingling, but at the same time they were secretly glad.

The corpse they encountered now was what Zhang Qiling said was relatively normal, a floating corpse lying on its stomach.

If it was standing, it would be troublesome, but...

I don't know why, this floating corpse just moved inexplicably.

This made everyone feel a little uneasy.

Hu Bayi had participated in the war, and his experience in the war told him that the more this time, the more cautious he had to be, because there might be huge dangers and storms brewing in it.

As their bamboo raft continued to float forward, the corpse seemed to slowly move towards the middle of the river... rushing The direction they were heading was exactly their bamboo raft!

Hu Bayi had already grasped the engineer shovel, ready to strike first at any time.

The fat man held a black donkey hoof in one hand and a gun in the other, and the others were also secretly prepared for battle. Even

Qin Yan did not dare to be careless, and his night eyes were always paying attention to the corpse that was slowly floating over.

The corpse was getting closer and closer, and it was becoming clearer and clearer.

The strange thing was that the corpse was floating quietly like this, and there didn't seem to be even a ripple. Just as the few people had been preparing for a long time, the river in front was still as calm as before, and there was no abnormality, of course, except for the increasingly strong smell of the corpse...

Just when the fat man couldn't help but want to try shooting, Qin Yan raised his hand to stop him.

Because he found that there was something wrong with this corpse..._

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