"The sun is about to set, and we don't know what is in the Worm Valley. Let's quickly find the remains of the embankment in front of the Worm Valley and set up camp nearby to rest."

Qin Yan suggested, and everyone quickened their pace after hearing this.

According to the human skin map, everyone walked into the flower forest.

At first, these low flowers and trees were blooming in all colors, and the deeper they went into the bushes, the more red flowers and leaves they were.

Looking around, it was like a huge cloud of fire, and groups of golden swallowtail butterflies shuttled through the red flowers.

The scenery was very magnificent, just like arriving at the place where the gods lived.

Hu Bayi sighed:"Compared to the gloomy jungle where we spent the night not far away, it's like two different worlds."

Shirley Yang also had some experience with these flowers, plants and trees. When she saw these trees and butterflies, she couldn't help but said in surprise:

"These trees with red flowers and red leaves are called Feathery Ferns.

They were formed before the Tertiary Period, tens of millions of years ago.

The creatures of the same generation have basically become extinct in the vicissitudes of life, and these alien large butterflies should be the legendary money butterflies.

I didn’t expect to see so many almost extinct Feathery Ferns and Money Butterflies here!

"As they talked, they walked among the flowers and trees, looking for the remains of the ancient sacred road, and came to the area where the flowers and trees met the forest.

This is the entrance to the Worm Valley.

As they gradually approached the tomb of King Xian, the ancient relics became more and more obvious.

There was indeed a broken wall at the entrance of the valley, which was full of the vicissitudes of history.

However, after thousands of years of wind and rain, this broken wall still stands, guarding the entrance of the Worm Valley like a loyal guard.

Qin Yan once again compared the human skin map and said,"That's right, it's getting late, let's set up camp here and rest."

Everyone found a relatively secluded and open place near the broken wall and camped there.

The setting sun cast its last rays of light, shining on the flowers and trees, which looked very beautiful. Coupled with the fragrance of the flowers and trees, everyone felt relaxed and happy.

This is indeed a great place for camping.

Although night has not yet fallen, everyone has already started a fire, because by this time the weather was a little cool.

Although Peacock stumbled along the way, she also saw a lot of magical things and grew a lot, and everyone took good care of her along the way.

So she wanted to thank everyone, so she took the initiative to stand up and proposed:"Everyone, let me prepare dinner tonight. I'll make you some special Yunnan food."

Naturally, everyone was not polite. On the one hand, they wanted to taste the special food of Yunnan, and on the other hand, they wanted to let the little peacock girl show off her skills.

They hunted some wild rabbits and the like along the way, as well as the eagle owl meat from before. Peacock also picked a lot of wild vegetables along the way, so the food was quite rich.

While Peacock was preparing dinner, the others were not idle either.

They searched around the entrance of the Worm Valley and found quite a few ancient relics, such as the base of the wall, rubble and the like.

However, these were already dilapidated and had no value.

At this time, Hu Bayi suddenly shouted,"Come here quickly, there are two strange stones here."

Hearing this, everyone came to Hu Bayi's side, only to see two large bare rocks near the valley entrance that were very conspicuous.

However, this place was blocked by forests on forests, and the bare rocks inside could not be seen from the outside.

No one expected that there would be two such huge rocks in such a dense jungle, which looked abrupt and weird.

Everyone looked up in the last rays of the setting sun, and they all thought that the two stones looked like something.

Qin Yan, who had amazing eyesight, said:"Look, do those black circles look like an eye?"

After Qin Yan's reminder, everyone could see that there was an eye painted with black paint on each of the huge stones, but it was not the eyeball shape of the Zhuchenzhu, but an eye with eyelashes, with a deep and majestic gaze. Although the composition is rough, it is extremely vivid.

Hu Ba said half jokingly:"Could this be a foreshadowing that the dead King Xian is watching everyone who dares to enter this valley with his eyes?"

After hearing what Hu Ba said, everyone thought it was nothing, but now they felt it was a little spooky and scary.

No matter how they looked at the two huge eyeballs, they felt that this place was wrong. They always felt that they were being stared at by those eyes, which made them feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, suddenly, a strange"screaming" sound came from nowhere, which was very piercing. Before everyone could react, there was the whistling sound of a flying plane.……

""What the hell!"

The sudden noise startled everyone who had been paying attention to the strange giant eyeball, and they looked around nervously.

Hu Bayi was also confused, he felt that the sound came from behind him.

But before he could check, suddenly!


A huge explosion suddenly sounded, and everyone was startled again.

After the explosion, there was the pilot's nervous call, which was the same sound they encountered in the dense forest...

At this time, the rumble of the plane, the explosion, and even the pilot's cry for help were mixed together, which was very chaotic and realistic.

"There are ghosts in the Worm Valley, run!"

For a moment, everyone was confused about the situation. How did they encounter the crashed plane here again? So they had to choose to stay away from the Worm Valley first. After all, the Worm Valley was too weird.

However, as they moved away, they felt that the voice was always following them.

But the realistic sound gradually weakened, and finally became less and less clear, and turned into the strange"squeaky" sound at the beginning.

Everyone hurriedly checked and found that the source of the sound was Hu Bayi's backpack.

Hu Bayi also found it, and hurriedly took off the backpack and fumbled around.

Soon, he took out something from the backpack.

The people who were nervous just now suddenly didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It turned out that what Hu Bayi was holding in his hand was the radio he had picked up from the wreckage of the plane before.

Everyone realized at this time that these were all the sounds coming from the radio, but the sound was so realistic, as if there was a real explosion.

After Hu Bayi's radio entered the mountain, there was no signal, so he had been pressing it at the bottom of the bag. No one expected that it would suddenly sound at this moment.

"Old Hu, why the hell are you still carrying this thing? Are you trying to scare people to death?"

Everyone rolled their eyes at him.

Hu Bayi ignored them and checked the radio in his hand, saying strangely:

"It's so fucking weird, how could it suddenly ring? Could it be that the pilot's spirit has been following the radio?"

Qin Yan shook his head:

"It shouldn't be. You see, we just heard it very clearly at the two big rocks, but it immediately turned into noise after we moved away from the two big rocks. This should be related to the two big rocks with eyes painted on them."

When everyone heard it, they all felt that Qin Yan's analysis made sense, so they went back to the two big rocks.

When they got back there, the noisy and real sounds really became clear again, as if they were happening right in front of them.

This time everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully to the sound coming from the radio.

They only heard that the sound on the radio truly recorded all the sounds during the plane crash. Everyone was amazed and full of doubts.

Hu Bayi asked,"Could it be that these two stones recorded the sound of the accident at that time?"

Qin Yan, who was familiar with the plot, combined with his own inference, basically understood the whole picture of the whole thing, so he said:

"Yes, these two pieces are meteorites that were split in half. Most of the nearby plane crashes are probably related to them."

Hu Bayi continued to ask:

"I see these two rocks sticking out here, although they seem abrupt, there is nothing special about the rocks themselves. If they were meteorites, there should be a meteorite crater here. Do you see any traces of meteorite impact nearby?"

Qin Yan replied:

"This should be placed here by King Xian. There are many crystals on this stone. It is estimated that it contains some rare elements. Electronic circuit transistors and radio equipment will be affected by it. Once the plane approaches this sky, all electronic equipment will fail. This is simply the Bermuda Triangle of Yunnan."

Everyone went to the rock to take a closer look. There were indeed many tiny crystals on it.

Hu Bayi said:

"I have been an engineer for several years, digging holes in Kunlun Mountain for many years. Kunlun Mountain has a superimposed geological structure with almost all kinds of rock layers, so I know most of the rock characteristics, but I have never seen this kind of gray crystalline mineral rock."

Qin Yan smiled and said,"There are many things you have never seen."

Hu Ba nodded:"That's right, but what about the sound?"

Qin Yan analyzed:

"There may be some kind of electromagnetic energy in the stone that can record something briefly, and the radio happens to receive this kind of radio wave, just like the voice of ghosts can sometimes be received by the radio, so it plays it out."

"Perhaps it is precisely because of this ability that these two stones were moved to the valley entrance as a sign of the entrance to the king's tomb, and two eyes were painted on them."

After listening to Qin Yan's analysis, everyone finally realized it.

Hu Bayi sighed,"I claim to be knowledgeable, but every time I encounter a problem that cannot be solved, it is Master Qin who comes out to solve it. Master Qin, where do you know so much?"

Qin Yan smiled but said nothing.

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