"There seems to be no miasma ahead!"

Qin Yan told everyone what he saw.

Everyone was immediately refreshed and hurriedly quickened their pace. After a while, everyone walked out of the range of the miasma and looked back.

They saw that the miasma behind them was like a thick wall, somewhat similar to the miasma in the magic forest in Frozen 2.

Maybe when King Xian arranged it, he did not expect that gas masks would appear a thousand years later.

After entering, it was completely different from the outside world.

Without the miasma of the insect valley, the air was super fresh.

Everyone was able to take off the bulky gas mask.

The fat man said happily:"Finally I can talk normally, but I am suffocating!"

Hu Ba and others took off their masks and took a deep breath:

"Damn, the air is so nice without the virus……"


At this time, the terrain of the Worm Valley gradually became clear.

The few people who had been robbing gold and tombs naturally had some knowledge of Feng Shui, and they also saw some tricks, and they couldn't help but gasp.

Shirley Yang said in surprise:

"Judging from some signs from the outside, King Xian is well versed in strange arts and is simply a genius. What’s most amazing is that he can change the Feng Shui pattern. For such a large-scale royal tomb, not only the shape and qi of the main tomb must have the atmosphere of a fairy cave, but also some auxiliary caves will be set up nearby."

Hu Bayi nodded and said,"If these caves and star positions that assist the main tomb are changed well, it will be like adding wings to a tiger and a dragon entering the water.

Since ancient times, the most difficult part of Feng Shui secrets is changing the pattern, which requires a macroscopic understanding of the world, the mountains and rivers, and the movement of the stars.

Many Feng Shui masters who deceive the world and steal their reputations also claim that they can change the pattern.

In fact, they only know a little bit about some details.

It is not easy to change the ground veins.


"But King Xian did it. This man is not only great in witchcraft, but also a genius in Feng Shui!"

Zhang Qiling also nodded in agreement, but he added:"But the workload of changing the Feng Shui pattern is not something that ordinary people can do. Only those kings and princes who rule a certain area and hold great power have the strength to build such a large-scale project. Otherwise, no matter how great the Feng Shui technique is, it cannot be done without sufficient strength."

Everyone nodded in agreement. At this time, Hu Bayi seemed to have seen something and showed a look of realization. The fat man asked,"Master Hu, did you see something?"

Hu Ba nodded:"This terrain was actually transformed by King Xian into a nine-bend winding mountain shore!"

""Nine bends and turns to the mountain shore?"

The others were stunned, because although they were all proficient in Feng Shui, they were from different schools after all, so there were some differences in the names.

Hu Bayi explained:

"You can see that the Worm Valley stretches and twists.

In its deep part, there are hills on both sides.

The"water dragon vein" running through the valley makes it seem that the host and the guest are not distinguished, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

It seems that the guest is the host.

Presumably, in the"dragon halo" of the water dragon, the terrain will be lower.

Those who sit down will be like sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

They will have no dignity and will feel humble.

Therefore, King Xian wanted to rebuild a nine-bend loop towards the mountain shore at the lock of this dragon vein.


"At every nine turns in the valley, a shrine, ancestral hall or temple was built to add momentum to this"water dragon vein" and make the vein more prominent.

If it is a building like a mountain temple, it must be made of earth and wood, and wood is most afraid of being eaten by insects and ants, so some measures to repel insects must be taken.

So I guess this insect-blocking road is used to protect the mountain temple, and there are at least three such barriers, and there will be other insect-proof structures in the mountain temple.


Zhang Qiling naturally understood what Hu Bayi was saying, so he said:

"So the toad marks in the tomb-guarding records and the human skin map must be the gods of some place. Mr. Hu has a deep understanding of Feng Shui."

Hu Bayi said with some pride:

"Thank you for your compliment, brother Zhang. These are all from the"Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Art". The"Hua" scroll above describes all the means of changing wind and water. In order for the dragon vein to change its shape and momentum, and to change wind and water, at least nine related main acupoints around the earth vein need to be moved. However, now I can only see the last one that turns back to the mountain shore, and the others are not visible for the time being."

Zhang Qiling nodded and praised,"Your book"Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Art" is really amazing!"

Hu Ba raised the corner of his mouth slightly,"Of course, fish cannot live without water, melons cannot live without vines, and tomb robbing and dragon hunting cannot be separated from the"Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Art".》"

Hu Bayi's set of words made everyone smile.

However, they did not want to waste time, so they followed the broken worm path, deviated from the stream in the middle of the worm valley, and headed diagonally to the"Water Dragon Vein" temple site shown on the human skin map...

Everyone followed the route marked on the human skin map and went to the"Water Dragon Vein" temple site.

Hu Bayi was talking as he walked:

"I said there was a mountain temple or something like that on the side of the valley, and I was definitely right, because although these things seem strange, if you understand one principle, you will understand all principles. As long as you master the secret art of Feng Shui, it is not difficult to figure out the reason. As for the layout of the underground palace of King Xian's tomb, I can't tell unless I get close to it, and there is no accurate guess."

"However, the ancient Dian Kingdom has been closed to the outside world since the end of the Qin Dynasty, and has cut off contact with the Central Plains civilization. Although it was later influenced by some Han culture, I think the structure of the king's tomb must have inherited more of the legacy of the pre-Qin period."

Shirley Yang continued:"I once heard a friend in the tomb-robbing industry talk about some deeds of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, saying that human oil was used to make candles, which would not go out for ten thousand years. I wonder if this is true?"

Hu Ba shook his head:"It's not human oil, it's the oil of mermaids in the East China Sea that is used as fuel, which will not go out for ten thousand years. Doesn't the historical record describe 'four gates shoot hidden bows and crossbows, and the machine is infused, and anyone who comes close will be shot at.’"

Qin Yan listened to Hu Bayi's words and said with a smile:

"This is the so-called"Records of the Grand Historian" that is bluffing.

The device of eternal lamp is indeed found in the tombs of many nobles and emperors, but in my opinion, these things are just a joke.

Not to mention that as a fuel, how much marine fish oil would be needed to burn for 10,000 years? Once the underground palace of the ancient tomb is closed, the air will stop circulating.

Without air, the eternal lamp will not be able to burn.

If the air is allowed to circulate, the underground palace of the ancient tomb will have rotted into a pile of ruins within a hundred years.


Hu Ba sighed after hearing this:"Even if the ancient tombs of the Qin and Han dynasties were preserved, it would be difficult to maintain their original appearance if it were not for the special environment. Now we don’t know to what extent the tomb of King Xian can be preserved in the depths of this dense forest valley."


As they talked, they walked a long way inside.

Qin Yan had already found the reference on the human skin map by this time, and confirmed that the route they were walking on was not wrong.

Then, they found the second and third insect-blocking paths paved with secret insect-proof medicine. Because they were in this deep valley, they were sheltered from wind and rain, and the insect-proof medicine contained a large amount of saltpeter and sulfur, so there was no grass on the surface.

At this point in the valley, the terrain has become more and more open, presenting a trumpet shape. Looking around, the valley in front was covered with grass and trees. It was dead silent inside, without any insects or birds singing or any movement.

As they talked, they had already arrived at the foot of the mountain on the left side of the valley.

This place has deviated a long distance from the Snake Creek, but it is almost in the middle of the three insect-blocking walls. As they continued to walk inside, they suddenly saw a bush not far from them shaking violently.


The inexplicable noise made everyone alert, because they had not encountered any evil spirits except miasma along the way, which was a bit beyond their imagination.

Hu Bayi was surprised and said,"No one touched the lush flowers and plants, and there was no wind, so how come the plants moved on their own? Could it be that they encountered strange trees and plants with pythons attached?"

Everyone took out their weapons. Hu Bayi, Fatty and others raised their Chicago typewriters, pulled the bolts, and were about to shoot at the strange plants.

Qin Yan, who was familiar with the plot, raised his hand:

"Wait a minute, this is the dancing grass, which is usually listless. Once it is startled by people or animals passing by, it will pose as if dancing. It has the ability to dance with the sound, and it does no harm to people."

Everyone was relieved when they heard this. After all, what Qin Yan said along the way was accurate, so they naturally believed it.

The fat man said,"I only know about mimosa, but I didn't expect there is such a magical dancing grass."

As he spoke, he wanted to go over to check.

But at this moment, Peacock frowned.

Qin Yan noticed it keenly, and quickly pulled the fat man, looked at Peacock and asked,"Peacock, what's wrong?"

Peacock came back to his senses, looked at Qin Yan and said:

"Brother Qin, I don't know why, but I always feel there is danger. These grasses seem to hide something dangerous."

Qin Yan was shocked and secretly felt that he was still careless.

They encountered too many things that were beyond his expectations along the way, from the legendary giant repair snake at the beginning, to the dark golden nematodes in the dense forest, and the American pilots controlled by the nematodes, etc.

After arriving at the tomb of King Xian, it seemed a little calm, which made him feel familiar with the plot and a little careless.

"It seems that I can't rely on being familiar with the plot in the future, and I have to be cautious in everything."

Qin Yan thought so while completely letting go of his five senses, wanting to know what the problem was with these dancing grasses.

At this time, his keen sense of smell had already smelled the special smell hidden in the dancing grass.

This is a special fragrance, somewhat similar to the fragrance of agarwood, which makes people feel comfortable. Seeing

Qin Yan's solemn face, the others no longer dared to be careless.

Because everything was too smooth along the way, everyone was a little relaxed. At this moment, they finally tightened up and didn't dare to be careless for a moment. After all, they had entered the outer perimeter of King Xian's tomb.

And King Xian's evil, they had experienced a lot along the way, and believed that his tomb must be even more weird and terrifying.

At this time, the large bunch of dancing grass kept shaking like a grass ghost. Qin Yan remembered that in the original book, the dancing grass would gradually split into two bunches, and then half of a large fiery red gourd would appear.

But this scene did not appear now, so he turned around and said to everyone:"You stay here, I'll go and take a look."

After saying that, Qin Yan was about to go over to check.


The originally clear sky darkened.

Everyone was stunned, and they felt a huge shadow rushing towards them, covering the sky and the sun, and constantly pressing towards them.

""What the hell! What kind of prehistoric behemoth is this? I feel it's bigger than a pepper toad!" The fat man screamed.

Hu Bayi also shouted,"Run!"

He shouted and took the lead to run, and the others hurried to follow.

Qin Yan was also shocked and hurriedly looked at the huge shadow.

After the black shadow came out of the surrounding tall dense forest, Qin Yan saw it clearly, and at this time he couldn't help but curse:

"Damn it, aren't these the golden butterflies we saw at the entrance of the valley?!"

Upon hearing this, everyone stopped in their tracks, turned back in confusion, and cursed.

Hu Bayi cleared his throat awkwardly:"Ahem, it's always better to be careful."

Qin Yan unexpectedly continued:"Old Hu is right, it's better to be safe than sorry. Now we have entered the periphery of the tomb of King Xian, and everyone has seen the weirdness of King Xian, so don't take it lightly when you go there, there is no medicine for regret in the world."

Everyone knew that Qin Yan wanted them to be more alert, so they all nodded in unison.

At this time, the overwhelming golden butterflies even blocked the sun's brilliance, like a huge dark cloud, densely packed, layer upon layer, leaving no gaps.

Everyone was stunned. There were too many. Others had locust plagues, but here it was simply a butterfly plague!

The fat man raised his head and swallowed:"With so many rare golden butterflies, if we can catch a few hundred butterflies and take them back to Kyoto to make specimens and sell them, we can probably make a lot of money. It seems that there are many ways to make money in this world, but if you don't come out to see it, how can you think of it if you stay in the city?"

Then, a jaw-dropping scene appeared.

The butterflies that covered the sky and the sun kept pouring into the dancing grass like moths to a flame.

Group after group, they formed balls on the top of the dancing grass, golden and shining, like a golden butterfly ball.

Thousands of golden butterflies rushed in, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

This scene lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour and was not over yet.

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