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Not long after, the grouper began to simmer in the stone pot.

This thing, with just the simple addition of onions and garlic, already exudes a fragrance.

The fish soup is milky white, constantly bubbling, and sprinkled with shredded green onions, which makes people's appetites open just by looking at it.

And the freshness and fragrance are even more amazing!

The fat man who found a can of rice wine from somewhere came back, and all his desires turned into appetite.

"Shit, when I was in Beijing, I thought shabu-shabu was the best delicacy, but I never thought I would want to eat something so much!"

The fat man was so greedy that his eyes were straight!

Before the pot was even put down, he directly picked up a piece of fish skin with a chopstick and ate it. It was so hot that he cried and cried.

Wu Sanxing is worthy of being an old man. His style of doing things makes people feel like spring breeze. He greeted Qin Yan first:

"Come, Master Qin, have a taste first!"

Qin Yan was not polite, he picked up a chopstick and started eating, the taste was really amazing, he praised again and again:"Master San, you are a good cook!" The fat man ate a few bites and shouted that it was so delicious, he directly brought up a large jar of rice wine, and the three of them poured a bowl each.

"Come on, let's drink it up!" The three of them drank it all in one gulp!

It must be said that the glutinous rice wine in Hainan is really good!

It tastes sweet and mellow, and there is no feeling of being difficult to swallow. It is so delicious that people don't even know they are drunk. The three of them were drinking happily when the captain ran over, his face full of shock. He hurried over to grab the glutinous rice wine in the fat man's hand:"Hey, 740, hey, the three gentlemen, this......This is for the Dragon King, why did you drink it?"

The fat man was in high spirits, how could he let the captain take the wine back, he said angrily:

"I wonder why you talk so much nonsense. If the Dragon King drinks this crappy wine, he will definitely take your boat away!"

As he spoke, he took out a bottle of Erguotou from his backpack and stuffed it into the boat captain's hand:

"Take it and change the taste for the Dragon King! This is called the cultural exchange of wine between the north and the south. See, it’s authentic Erguotou, a good thing. Don’t be so ignorant."

The captain stayed there, not knowing what to do, and the fat man ignored him.

And the lethality of this pot of fish is really too great!

After the captain made such a fuss, the other members of the archaeological team woke up and gathered around.

A man who looked like a scholar came over and smelled it, and said directly:"Xisha is good. We can never eat any fish we cook there in our lifetime."

The fat man pulled him away and cursed:"You can flatter me, but don’t spit your saliva into me. It’s disgusting."

Qin Yan recognized that this man was Zhou Yuan. He was not a descendant of the Nine Gates, but just a simple classmate of Chen Wenjin.

Zhou Yuan seemed to be a student and had not been beaten by the society. After being treated like this by the fat man, his face was a little embarrassed.

Wu Sansheng hurried over to make peace:"The fat man is a rough man, don't take it to heart."

The fat man also realized that his street tricks didn't seem to work here, so he shook hands with Zhou Yuan and said:

"Oh, I'm so sorry. You are cultured people, and I'm just a simple-minded person with the surname Wang, a rough man. Don't take it to heart."

Zhou Yuan forced a smile when he heard it, and said,"Cultivated people and rough men are both human beings. Aren't cultural people all rough men transformed? They just have different divisions of labor."

The fat man didn't understand what he was saying and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yuan was still talking:"I wonder what research Mr. Wang specializes in?"

The fat man was stunned and felt awkward. He couldn't act too rough in front of cultured people, so he said,"Well, to put it simply, I'm actually an underground worker."

Zhou Yuan was stunned when he heard it, and suddenly he stood up in awe and said,"Public security soldier, I'm so sorry."

The fat man didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Didn't he brag about it for a long time when he first got on the boat? It turned out that this guy didn't listen to a word he said. Qin Yan, Wu Sansheng, and several descendants of the sect couldn't help laughing when they heard it. Even the young man's mouth twitched. This classmate of Chen Wenjin was really weird.

The fat man was speechless and said quickly:"Don't just talk, it's delicious, eat quickly!"

Wu Sansheng also quickly asked others to start eating.......

In the boundless sea.

The fishing boat looked old, but it was actually not slow. When everyone was eating the fish head pot, the fishing boat could no longer see the land and came to the vast sea. The grouper head pot was really delicious. Everyone ate and drank, and devoured it all...

At this time, a guy on the boat came to report to Chen Wenjin:"Leader, there is... there is a ship in front, and it seems to be in the same route as us!"

Chen Wenjin was stunned, and quickly stood up, walked quickly to the bow, picked up the telescope, and looked forward.

Sure enough!

There was a ship on the sea surface heading in the same direction as them.

"Are they also heading for the underwater tomb?"

Chen Wenjin frowned slightly, feeling that the situation was not good, and turned to look at Wu Sansheng.

Wu Sansheng couldn't tell for a while, after all, it was his first time to go out to sea.

Chen Wenjin was a man with great leadership skills, so he didn't hesitate any more, but ordered the captain:

"Captain, increase your power and get ahead of that boat!"


With the captain's shout, the fishing boat immediately increased its power.


I just felt the ship tremble, and then it began to shake violently, chasing the ship in front...

Everyone came out one after another, stood on the deck, and looked ahead.

Just when almost everyone's attention was on the ship in front.


A large and thick black cloud floated in the sky, blocking the sunlight, and the light around immediately dimmed.

The sunlight shone through the gaps in the clouds, forming a huge golden silk print in the sky, and also scattered a piece of golden scales on the sea, reflecting each other up and down, which was very spectacular.

When everyone was amazed.

The male classmate named Li Sidi couldn't help shaking all over at this time, his lips were a little pale, and he pointed to the front and stammered:

"A big... a big storm is coming!"

According to Li Sidi, his parents were fishermen. In fact, he was a descendant of Banjie Li. What he said made everyone's heart skip a beat.

Looking at the distant horizon.

Sure enough!

A black line was approaching...

Li Sidi obviously knew something about the sea, and continued:"There will be a big storm here soon, we……"

The words are not finished yet


Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, startling the already nervous crowd.

The storm seemed to come faster than they expected!

A cold sea breeze suddenly blew, and the sea suddenly turned a terrifying black, and the waves rolled up in an instant.

The sky was already dark, and the sky changed so quickly that in an instant, it was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and thunders were booming one after another...

In the ominous air, it seemed that a huge change was brewing.

"Quick! Get moving!……."

The captain of the boat spoke in Minnan dialect, and was shouting and commanding the boatmen, and was nervously reinforcing the hull.

Several people on the boat were used to staying in the city, and they were excited to see this scene. They were so motivated that they naively wanted to help.

However, the situation was completely different from what they thought!

At this time, the strong wind on the sea had risen, blowing loudly, and rolling up the waves several meters high. Only those who are familiar with the open sea know that in fact, the waves are not the most terrifying, but the swells.

When the waves surge up, the fishing boats seem to be thrown out. When they surge down, the sea water is on the side of the ship, as if they are about to be swallowed by the huge waves. It is very terrifying.

If you are not familiar with the sea conditions, it is simply impossible to move forward.

Sure enough!

Several students were directly hit hard on the ground by the undulating deck. They were so dizzy that they couldn't get up at all. They could only hold on to the things next to them to prevent themselves from falling into the sea.

Otherwise, they would die!

Everyone began to feel fear.

Wu Sansheng held Chen Wenjin's hand tightly and shouted loudly:"Quick! Go back to the cabin and leave!"

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