""Integrate the thousand mechanical arts!"

The next second, countless mechanical arts knowledge flowed into Qin Yan's mind.

The law comes from the art, and the mechanism comes from the heart!

Mechanical arts are profound and mysterious, and it can be said that a single move can affect the whole body. It is the highest embodiment of human wisdom and creativity, and it is even more vividly reflected in the ancient tomb.

Qin Yan was very satisfied with the thousand mechanical arts he obtained this time. What also surprised Qin Yan was that he actually gained an evolution point by killing the forbidden woman this time.

He flipped through it.

Although it was not enough to support the next step of unlocking, it was only three evolution points away from the next step of unlocking.

"It seems that we need a few more forbidden women."

Qin Yan thought to himself.

He didn't want the sea monkey to appear again. Not only was it ugly, but it was also thick-skinned and hard to deal with.

The most important thing was that it was not a ghost, and it didn't have any inner elixir.......

Qin Yan was thinking and sleeping soundly on the side of the ship.

When he woke up, he found that Wu Sanxing and his gang had not finished the ghost ship.

However, another large ship appeared.

After asking, he learned that the large ship was transferred by Huo Ling.

Qin Yan was not surprised, after all, Huo Ling was the next generation head of the Huo family. The

Huo family was one of the nine admirals who were well-known to everyone in the outer eight gates, and the head of the lower three gates.

It was also the most peculiar of the nine gates. The heads of the family have always been women, which is a rare female family.

And the heads of the family from generation to generation are all famous beauties.

Although it is the lower three gates, it is the best among the nine gates now. With Huo Xiangu marrying to the capital, it has established a firm foothold in the capital, and its power is intertwined and widely infiltrated.

So it is not surprising that Huo Xiuxiu, as the next generation head of the Huo family, transferred a large ship at this critical moment of life and death.

And the entire equipment is also a new look.

The diving equipment is almost the most advanced one that can be found in this era, not to mention the things used in tombs, such as glutinous rice flour, black donkey hooves, cow hair, etc.

The fat man looked at them with envy and leaned over to Qin Yan's ear:

"Mr. Qin, you are right. This archaeological team is indeed not simple."

Qin Yan was speechless. He was not referring to this at all.

Unexpectedly, the fat man continued:

"Mr. Qin, as the old saying goes, it is good to lean on a big tree for shade. I see that Huo Ling likes you very much, why don't you take her down? I just asked around, their family......"

Before the fat man finished speaking, Qin Yan raised his foot and kicked him again.

The fat man screamed in pain.......

The group changed to a large ship, and seemed to have forgotten the horror of the ghost ship before, and their spirits were refreshed.

No one proposed to return.

Everyone had the same goal, which was the underwater tomb.

The large ship continued to set off, heading towards the route planned by the archaeological team before, braving the wind and waves, and moving towards the goal.......

Although everyone was silent along the way, there were no big waves.

Until the morning of the third day, the ship finally found the location of the underwater tomb that Chen Wenjin and his team had decided on before they came.

Everyone was very excited.

However, the most critical question now was:

How to find the location of the underwater tomb in the vast ocean?

"This should be the waters of the ancient tomb. I have investigated before. Some fishermen who come here to fish can pull up four or five porcelains with one net. However, they think that the things that have entered the water belong to the Dragon King, so they usually throw them back."

Chen Wenjin explained the situation to everyone.

But this open sea, at a glance, looks the same no matter how you look at it.

Where is the ancient tomb?

No one can tell.

Chen Wenjin discussed with everyone and had to let the crew members who are better at swimming wear diving equipment and go down to feel it first to see if they have good luck and touch it directly.

However, the crew went down to feel for a long time, but they didn't touch the ancient tomb, but they did touch baskets of porcelain.

It's a pity that these things are almost all rotten, and it's rare to find intact ones. Even if they are found, most of them are parasitic on marine organisms and are difficult to clean.

The fat man was so distressed that he beat his chest and stamped his feet, and cursed in a low voice:"Why wasn't I born when the damn ship sank? So many good things are destroyed!"

Qin Yan glanced at him:"You didn't think about that time, these blue and white porcelains were not antiques at all, now it's just that time has added value to them."

When the fat man heard it, his resentment in his heart dissipated a little...

However, several of Chen Wenjin's classmates were very excited and shouted:"The archaeological value of these things is immeasurable!"

The fat man thought that the archaeological value was useless, but he knew a lot about these porcelains. Although he was not as good as the big gold tooth, he could talk about one for a long time, which made the archaeological team admire him very much...


The underwater tomb has never been found.

Chen Wenjin couldn't help but frowned. This underwater tomb search is like looking for a needle in a haystack. When will it end, unless the Feng Shui technique is used.

Thinking of this, Chen Wenjin looked at Wu Sansheng. She knew that Wu Sansheng was a master of location, so she secretly threw a coquettish eye and her voice was much gentler:

"Old Wu, the next task of locating and finding the underground palace is up to you. I know you are the best."

Here we go again!"

This seductive look made Wu Sansheng feel weak.

Damn, I am the best again at this time!

But this sea positioning...

Wu Sansheng secretly groaned in his heart. He read the notes left by his father Wu Laogou all night last night, but he couldn't find a specific method for sea positioning.

After all, underwater tombs are rare, and even the experience accumulated by the predecessors is very little.

But before coming here, he had already boasted to Chen Wenjin, and now he couldn't shirk it even if he wanted to.

There was no way, so he had to bite the bullet and go in, looking at the���The vast ocean.

But... the ocean is all water!

If it were night, he could look at the stars and locate the acupuncture point based on the stars, but now it was daytime, and the ocean was not like land, there were no reference points at all.

Wu Sanxing looked for a long time but couldn't figure out what was going on, so he had to point to a place he hadn't explored before:

"This... here……"

Chen Wenjin was very smart, so he could see Wu Sanxing's guilty conscience.

But he still asked someone to go down and try, but they still brought up a basket of porcelain...

Wu Sanxing's old face turned red, and he had to explain in a serious manner:

"I am...after all, a local scholar, not a sea scholar.……"

Chen Wenjin raised her hand to tell him to stop talking, and looked at the vast ocean with a frown on her face. She was always smart and clever, but she had no idea what to do.

"How about letting me try?"

A faint voice sounded, and everyone's eyes turned to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan's move made everyone happy.

Although Qin Yan did not participate in any leadership work along the way, he has become the spiritual leader of this team.

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