Just when Zhang Qishan was thinking about how to save Qi Tiezui.

Er Yuehong took the lead.

Er Yuehong, who came down after Qi Tiezui, climbed on the rope with his legs, upside down, and threw a few iron marbles towards the surrounding stone walls.

"Bang, bang, bang--"

The iron marbles hit the surrounding stone walls, making a few crisp sounds, and then the stone walls were actually heard with a series of mechanical sounds.

Then, Er Yuehong's legs loosened, and he slid down vertically along the rope, reaching out to grab the shaking Qi Tiezui.

Qi Tiezui seemed to feel someone pulling him, so he slowly opened his eyes and saw that it was Er Yuehong. He was immediately delighted and said, "Second Master, thanks to you, otherwise I would have fallen off the cliff."

Er Yuehong, who was pulling Qi Tiezui, was speechless and said, "Old Eight, look down."

Qi Tiezui looked down and immediately showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and said, "Why is it like this?"

It turned out that although Qi Tiezui was shaking on the rope, he was sliding down slowly along the rope without falling down.

Because the bottom of the rope was pulled and fixed by Zhang Qishan, he was almost at the bottom at this time.

Er Yuehong did not explain immediately, but rolled down from the rope, landed lightly on the ground, and then looked up and said: "Master Lin, when you come down, don't move too much, and don't walk around casually. There are silk threads all over here, and touching the silk threads will trigger the mechanism."

Er Yuehong's words instantly made Qi Tiezui, who had just come down from the rope and was about to walk around, retract his raised feet immediately, and then widened his eyes and observed carefully, as if to see where the silk threads were.

At this time, Lin Muye, who was just about to enter the robbery hole, naturally heard Er Yuehong's words, and said indifferently: "It's okay."

After speaking, he jumped and entered the robbery hole.

Zhang Rishan, who was still above, was surprised when he saw this, but then he thought of Lin Muye's identity and then felt relieved.

When Uncle Jian saw Lin Muye going down, he did not hesitate, jumped, followed Lin Muye, and entered the robbery hole.

Er Yuehong, who had just finished shouting, saw two figures, one in front and one behind, flying down from the entrance of the tunnel.

That's right, flying.

These two people were Lin Muye and Uncle Jian.

At this moment, they seemed to be dragged by something. In the air, they were light and slowly falling, as if they were riding the wind, and then landed steadily on the ground.

Zhang Qishan and Er Yuehong looked at each other and saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes, and then looked at Lin Muye and Uncle Jian.

After landing, Lin Muye saw that everyone was looking at him without saying a word, so he said lightly: "It's just a trick, don't worry about it."

Everyone heard this, although they were secretly complaining in their hearts, they didn't know what to say, and the scene became a little awkward for a while.

Qi Tiezui suddenly thought of something and asked, "Second Master, why does the layout of this place give me a sense of déjà vu?"

When Er Yuehong heard what Qi Tiezui said, he said, "That's because this is exactly the mechanism of my Red Gate."

"You must have seen some human faces on the stone wall when you were on the rope before, right?"

Qi Tiezui patted his chest with some fear and said, "Yes, after seeing those faces, I felt that my eyes went black, and there was an abyss all around, and I fell down uncontrollably."

Er Yuehong nodded and said, "This is one of my Red Gate's mechanisms - the Eight Diagrams Illusionary Heart Array."

Knowing that Qi Tiezui still had questions in his mind, Er Yuehong did not give him a chance to speak, and then said, "This should be the work of my uncle. You see, there are eight stone walls around this open space, It presents the shape of Bagua, and each stone wall should be engraved with some patterns of the psychedelic mind, and these patterns are the first level of the mechanism. "

"Once someone sees those patterns, those with weak minds will have hallucinations and fall from the rope. This height of almost ten feet, even if they don't die, they will be seriously injured. And once they fall, it is difficult to avoid touching the silk threads on the ground."

"And the silk threads all over the ground are the second level of the mechanism of this illusion array. These silk threads are as thin as hair, and the two ends are connected to the mechanism in the wall. Once someone touches the silk threads, it will trigger the mechanism, and countless crossbows will be shot out. The consequences can be imagined."

Hearing this, Zhang Qishan also nodded slightly and said, "Then those iron bullets before were used to break the mechanism on the wall?"

Er Yuehong nodded and said, "The mechanism on the wall is easy to break, but this placeThe silk thread on the surface, but everyone has to be careful. "

After saying this, seeing Zhang Rishan also coming down, Er Yuehong spoke again: "Just follow me closely, where I go, you go."

Everyone nodded when they heard it, and then followed Er Yuehong, carefully walking through the silk thread.

Uncle Jian was already a little impatient at this time, and he looked in the direction of Lin Muye.

In his eyes, can this be considered a formation? It's just a small mechanism that is a little interesting.

In front of him, it's useless. A thunder method will directly blast it into slag and it's over. Why make so much trouble?

Lin Muye probably guessed Uncle Jian's thoughts at this time, and shook his head at Uncle Jian helplessly, indicating that he should be patient.

Then he followed Er Yuehong to walk through the silk thread Seeing this, Uncle Jian had no choice but to follow. He could not trust anyone, but he completely trusted Lin Muye.

With an expert leading the way, there was naturally no problem. Everyone soon found an entrance to the tomb passage on one of the eight stone walls.

Everyone entered the tomb passage without stopping.

The tomb passage here was similar to the one seen before, but the tomb passage here was full of silk nets.

Seeing this, Zhang Qishan seemed to recall something bad, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed across his face, and he said, "Don't touch these silk threads. "

Everyone nodded when they heard this, and followed Zhang Qishan and Er Yuehong carefully along the tomb passage.

After walking for less than a few minutes, everyone felt their eyes suddenly brighten and suddenly became clear.

Looking up, they saw that at the exit of the tomb passage, there was actually a solemn and magnificent temple. The temple was built against the mountain, with carved beams and painted rafters, and it was extraordinary. Judging from its architectural style, it was very much like a Taoist temple.

Uncle Jian frowned slightly when he saw this. He was already a little impatient, and he was the first to speak: "You dare to show off your little trick in front of me? "

After saying this, Uncle Jian stretched out his right hand, formed a sword finger, and tapped the air three times.


Three thunders exploded, and three tiny lightning bolts flew out from Uncle Jian's fingers and then sank into the temple.

"Boom boom boom——"

Three explosions followed, and then everyone saw that the temple in front of them was disintegrating inch by inch.

And the place that was a temple before was no longer a temple, but an abyss, and the abyss was surrounded by sharp rocks.

It is conceivable that if you fail to see through the illusion of this temple and step into it, you will end up in an irreversible situation!

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