Pacific Ocean.

An island sits on the blue sea.

In the center of the island, there is a huge base.

In the base, you can see many white men in military uniforms patrolling back and forth.



"What did this boy do?"

In the office on the top floor of the base.

A burly foreigner was cursing.

There was a strange snake tattooed on the right side of this man's face. The snake had four heads, and each head had a different expression, which was joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness.

Such a weird tattoo on the face is really recognizable.

His name is Hans, and everyone in the organization calls him "Snakehead".

At this moment, there is a large LCD screen hanging on the wall of the office, and "Secrets of China" is playing on the screen.

Looking at Su Luo's performance in the water cave, Hans was shocked!

"Snakehead, please calm down!" A slim blonde woman next to him spoke to comfort him.

"How do you want me to calm down!"

Hans waved his hand and shouted, "How much manpower and resources did our 'Four-Headed Snake' organization spend to explore the four forbidden areas of China? This 'Lunan Forbidden Area' alone killed dozens of our brothers!"

"But in the end... our 'Four-Headed Snake' elites are not as good as this little boy..."

Hans was a little surprised, and the muscles on his face couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Don't think about that, snakehead."

The blonde woman adjusted her glasses and said, "Didn't our Delis successfully enter the 'Lunan Forbidden Area'?"


Thinking of Delis.

Hans calmed down.

"Fortunately, Delis discovered the new entrance to the 'Lunan Forbidden Land' and did not take this waterway, otherwise they would all be wiped out again."

"By the way." Hans turned to the blonde woman and asked: "Kelly, what are the casualties in the 'Lunan Forbidden Land' this time?"

The blonde woman named Kelly took out a tablet and began to report to Hans:

"Snakehead, Delis led a total of 20 people on this trip to the Lunan Forbidden Land. 14 people died during the process of entering, and the remaining 6 people successfully entered the 'Lunan Forbidden Land'."

"But after entering the Lunan Forbidden Land, Delis and others lost contact, but from the life sensors implanted in their bodies, they are not dead..."


"14 people died?"

Hans sat down on the sofa, his eyes blank, as if he recalled the past......


Decades ago.

Hans's grandfather went to Longguo for a trip, and by chance, he found out some secrets of the four major forbidden areas in China.

So after returning to China, Hans' grandfather founded the 'Four-Headed Snake' organization.

Hans' family is rich and powerful in the United States, and even many heads of state in the United States have been supported by Hans' family.

So under this background, the 'Four-Headed Snake' organization grew rapidly.

The purpose of the organization is to explore the four forbidden areas of China.

When the 'Four-Headed Snake' was just founded, Hans was still young. He didn't understand why his grandfather used so much power in the family to establish an organization just to explore four places in China? ?

What's the point of doing this?

It was not until the grandfather was dying that he revealed the ancient secret of China...

The story is like this.

When my grandfather was young, he liked to travel around the world.


He went to a Yao village in Guang Province and found a local guide to take him hunting in the mountains.

When the old man was young, he was known as a 'sharpshooter' in the family. He had superb marksmanship and was talked about by people, so hunting was one of his hobbies.

That day.

He followed the local guide and two confidants of the family into the mountains.

I believe some people have heard of the Ten Thousand Mountains in Guang Province.

Especially decades ago, there was no trace of people in the deep mountains of Guang Province, and wild beasts were rampant.

They followed the guide into the hinterland of the mountains. They heard that there were large wild beasts here, so Hans' grandfather chose this place.

At the beginning.

Grandpa shot a few large lynxes and wild boars, which was very exciting.

But what people didn't expect was.

Just when they were resting, they actually encountered a tiger!

The tiger hid very well, and Grandpa and his friends didn't find it at first, but when they found it, it was too late.

The local guide was the first to be bitten to death by the tiger.

In the chaos, Grandpa's two confidants fired randomly, but failed to hit the tiger, and were instead broken by the tiger's claws.

Grandpa was the only one left in the hunting team.

His hunting rifle was also lost in the chaos. The situation at the time was extremely critical!

But just as he closed his eyesWaiting for death.

A figure suddenly rushed out from the bushes next to him. I don't know what method he used, but with a "bang", the tiger actually flew several meters horizontally!

What kind of power is this?

The tiger weighs at least several hundred kilograms. It would probably take a truck to hit it, right?

There are more surprises.

After the tiger flew out, it was not reconciled. It passed through the dense vegetation and pounced on grandpa again!

Grandpa was so scared that he couldn't move.

At the moment of life and death, suddenly, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, a pale white light flashed by, and the tiger's head and body were separated in front of him with a "bang", and he died on the spot!


Faced with such a situation.

Grandpa was directly shocked!

After countless ups and downs in emotions, Grandpa's heart couldn't bear it, so his eyes went black and he fainted directly.


When Grandpa woke up again, he found himself lying by a lake.

The lake is surrounded by dense mountains. It must be in the hinterland of the mountains.

Grandpa sat up and looked around. He saw a small wooden house built on the lake beach and a figure sitting on a rocking chair in front of the wooden house.

He was stunned, and then crawled over.

He came closer to the man.

This man turned out to be a sixty-year-old man.

He had gray hair and gray beard, but he was tall and straight, and his spirit was very good. For a moment, I couldn't guess how old this man was.

Grandpa tentatively asked: "Benefactor? Did you save me?"


The old man didn't look back, but just said "um".

"Thank you for saving my life!"

Seeing the old man admit it, Grandpa immediately knelt down to thank him.

Having been playing in Longguo for many years, Grandpa's Chinese is very good. He kowtowed three times in a row and said, "Benefactor, to thank you, I want to give you half of my assets!"


The old man shook his head and said two words: "No need."


Grandpa smiled awkwardly.

He thought, this person refused so straightforwardly, maybe he didn't know what half of his assets meant?

Grandpa paused, then said, "Excuse me, benefactor, where is this?"

"It's where I live, not far from where you had the accident." As he said that, the old man turned around and looked at Grandpa.


This turn scared Grandpa so much that he sat back.

Because this man's face actually looks like a young man! !

That's not right!

Grandpa was shocked.

The old man's body shape, hair and so on are indeed very old, but his eyes are black and white, without any turbidity.

Moreover, the skin on his face was tight and just like a young man in his 20s!

The body is that of an old man, but the face is that of a young man?

Isn't this too weird?

"How old are you?"

After all, my grandfather was a foreigner, so he couldn't hold back the question in his mind, so he asked it directly.

Unexpectedly, the old man didn't get angry. He thought about it, and then replied: "More than a hundred years old..."

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