【The Book of Changes has Taiji, and there are two yin and yang. 】

【Two yin and yang give birth to four images, and four images give birth to eight trigrams. 】

【Each gate of the eight trigrams can only have one person enter, life gate gives birth, death gate gives death. 】

【Enter other gates, repeat over and over again. 】


The big words on the floor attracted the attention of the stars.

This is the first time they have seen written records in a tomb!

Everyone was shocked!


"Didn't you say this is an ancient tomb from the Warring States Period?"

The program group camp.

Yan Min questioned Wang Gang: "Why is this word in regular script?"

"Ah this..."

Wang Gang's expression was also a little embarrassed.

He didn't expect why regular script would appear in this tomb.

"I don't know either. Anyway, I still keep the inference just now. This regular script must have other meanings." Wang Gang raised his nose and was too lazy to explain.

"Hahaha, Lao Wang, Lao Wang, you also have this moment."

Zhao Xianzhi next to him laughed.

Seeing this, Yan Min turned around and asked, "What do you think, Old Zhao?"

"First of all, this character is definitely not from the Warring States Period, but the tomb is indeed likely to be from the Warring States Period." Zhao Xianzhi smiled mysteriously and said, "Can't you be more flexible? Isn't it possible that later generations have transformed this Warring States tomb? Didn't people from the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties come here? Didn't they enter this forbidden area in southern Shandong?"



Yan Min clapped his hands and suddenly realized.

The history of Longguo is as long as 5,000 years!

Although the tomb is from the Warring States Period, it does not mean that people from the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties have never entered it!

There are still many people in these dynasties who use regular script!

Perhaps in that era, many ancient people also ventured into the forbidden area in southern Shandong, entered this Warring States tomb, and left some things!

"So what you mean is that these eight doors were all made by people from later dynasties?"

"What is the purpose of several dynasties deliberately making such a big move in this Warring States tomb?"

Yan Min was getting more and more confused.

If it is really as Zhao Xianzhi said, then this tomb is the crystallization of all the people from all the historical dynasties of Longguo? ?

"No matter what their purpose is, what is going on with these eight doors now, where should we go?"

Yan Min asked anxiously.

Because he vaguely felt that things were not simple!

These eight doors may very likely block the way of the stars, and may even reduce the number of people! !

Because such a big move, it is impossible to be just a simple door!

And the words on the floor also made it clear that as long as you enter the death door, you will die!

"I don't know much either..."

Zhao Xianzhi frowned and shook his head, but then he said, "I am an archaeologist and I don't have a deep understanding of Bagua Fengshui, but you can ask Mr. Li..."

"That's right!"

Yan Min patted his head.

Why didn't he think of Mr. Li, the first Fengshui master in Longguo!

As he said.

He immediately called Mr. Li.

It took Mr. Li a long time to get through.

"Xiao Yan, I know what you want to talk to me about." On the other end of the phone, Mr. Li seemed to be smiling bitterly.

Yan Min hurriedly said: "Mr. Li, this matter is of great importance. Please calculate it. As long as you can find the location of the death gate, they can be spared!"

"I know..."

Mr. Li's voice came from the phone: "To be honest, with my attainments for most of my life, it is not impossible to calculate the location of the death gate, but the Bagua Gate is too profound and exquisite, and it takes a lot of time."

"Mr. Li, as long as you can calculate it, how long will it take?"

"Well... at least seven days."


"Seven days?"

Yan Min was stunned.

Seven days, too long!

But he still asked with luck: "Can you shorten the time?"

Mr. Li: "This is already the fastest time..."


"Is there no way to speed it up? Mr. Li, human lives are at stake, I hope you can save them!"

Yan Min pleaded.

He didn't want the guests to be wiped out!

"It's no use begging me. Calculating gossip is no joke. Seven days is the maximum speed at which I sacrifice a lot of sleep time. It's impossible to go faster."

"I understand, Mr. Li. Thank you for your help."

Hang up the phone.

Yan Min still looked worried.

Seven days!

For me on the ground, seven days is not long.

But for the stars in the forbidden area, seven days is too long!

It's like a year!

In that kind of place,Every second you stay, there is a chance of something happening!

So, I'm afraid something is really going to happen this time...

A conversation between Yan Min and Mr. Li.

Netizens naturally heard it, and the comments in the live broadcast room were almost overflowing the screen:

"Don't let anyone get into trouble..."

"The first Feng Shui master in Longguo can't do anything with the Bagua Gate?"

"In fact, the probability of death is not high, only one in eight. We need someone with a spirit of dedication to stand up!"

"It's really scary to think about it. Why did the ancients build eight gates here? What is the meaning?"

"I'm very curious. It says that if you enter the life gate, you will live, and if you enter the death gate, you will die. What should you do if you enter other gates? What does it mean to repeat over and over again?"

"With so many gates, how can we know where the life gate is?"

"There are exactly seven guests. In other words, as long as they find the death gate, they will be safe? Everyone is safe?"

"I think the director should notify the stars and let them camp and wait on the spot. After seven days, Mr. Li will calculate the result before entering. This is the safest way!"



The outside world is shocked.

The stars in the ancient tomb don't know.

They were already speechless after being shocked by the Bagua Gate.

"What do these words mean?"

Big Mi Mi looked at the words on the ground and asked curiously.

"It means that one person can only enter one door. If you enter the Life Gate, you will succeed. If you enter the Death Gate, you will die. If you enter the other six doors, you will repeat the cycle. The meaning of repeating the cycle should be to circle back here again? Isn't that right, Brother Feihong?"

Wu Jing said his analysis and asked Brother Feihong for his opinion.

Brother Feihong listened and nodded in agreement: "This should be the meaning."

"There are seven of us in total. If we want to enter, we can enter seven doors at the same time."

As the captain, Brother Feihong began to analyze calmly.

"Entering seven doors at the same time will produce the following results."

"First, and what we hope to see the most, among the eight doors, we only did not enter the Death Door. Among the seven doors, one of us entered the Life Door, and the other six returned without incident. This would be the most perfect result."

"Second, one of us seven entered the Death Door, but only the Life Door was not entered. The result is that one of us will die."

"Third, one of us seven entered the Death Door and another entered the Life Door. The one who entered the Death Door died, and the others passed smoothly."


Brother Feihong finished speaking.

The stars were all silent.

After all...no one wants to die!

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