
Yingzi grabbed the reins hard and stopped the horse in front of Jiang Han and the three.

At this time, a horse also galloped behind Yingzi.

Yingzi came with two horses this time, and it was obviously not convenient for four people to ride one horse.

“What’s the matter, girl?!”

The fat man first saw the water spirit born by Yingzi, and immediately asked with a smile.

“Brother Jiang Han, Brother Hu, Fat Brother, I’m Yingzi! Lao Zhishu was worried that you would encounter danger in Niuxin Mountain, so he specially asked me to be a guide to protect your safety. ”

Eiko was very straightforward and said with a smile.

“Protect us?!” When the fat man heard Yingzi’s words, he was immediately happy, “You girl still protects us, what kind of confused is Lao Zhishu?!” ”

“What’s wrong with the girl?”

Seeing that he was looked down upon, Yingzi pouted, “Do you look down on us female streamers?” Without me as a guide, you wouldn’t have found Savage Ditch! ”

The fat man turned his head to look like Lao Hu and said: “Old Hu, this girl is still energetic, you said that Lao Zhishu sent her to be a guide for us, didn’t she come to add chaos?!” ”

“Yingzi, it’s not to look down on you, this operation is indeed very dangerous, you may encounter wild boars on the road, bears are blind or something, I heard that a group of people entered the wild ditch back then, but not a single figure came out.”

“Don’t say it, you’re all going in the wrong direction now!”

Yingzi didn’t pay attention to the words of the two at all, pulled the reins, and threw a beautiful side face to the two.

“Okay, since it was arranged by the old branch book, listen to the old branch book, Yingzi is familiar with the road, with our memory, don’t say that it is looking for the wild man’s ditch, this forest has to work hard for half a day.”

When everyone was arguing, Jiang Han stood up and presided over justice.

Seeing that Jiang Han had spoken, the fat man and Huba Yi also acquiesced.

After all, they really need a guide now.

Seeing Jiang Han speak for himself, Yingzi showed a little smile, and her eyes slightly glanced at Jiang Han’s body.

Living in the tunzi all along, Yingzi has never seen a man as handsome as Jiang Han.

This man is so handsome that she, who is usually very cheerful, is actually a little shy.

“Brother Han, I’ll ride a horse with you, my equestrian skills are better!”

Eiko eased her shyness and then spoke.

“No problem, I don’t know much about riding.”

Jiang Han said with a smile, so he straddled the saddle and rode Yingzi’s horse.

In order to ensure balance, she also gently wrapped her arms around Eiko’s waist.

Although the action is somewhat intimate, Eiko’s personality makes her not care too much.

Although Yingzi has always lived in a poor mountain, her ethnic minority genes have given her very watery skin, often haunted in the forest, and her face is a little dirty.

But this way, it seems to have a different kind of beauty.


After getting on the horse, Eiko took the reins and headed forward.

“Lao Hu, how do I see that the girl is coming to Lao Jiang, you see these two people galloping out of this horse, entangled to the end of the world!” The fat man said as he walked towards the horses.

“Maybe I didn’t catch the baby on this trip, but I gave Lao Jiang a marriage.”

Huba said casually, then also got on the horse and pulled the reins, and followed.


I have to say that Yingzi is indeed a living map of this Niuxin Mountain, and Yingzi has taken many detours.

After three days, the four of them trekked through the meadow, and the group arrived safely near their destination.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, a few people could only lead their horses and find a suitable place to rest.

[Ding-dong… The host has reached the vicinity of Savage Ditch, mission completion: 10%.

[Ding-dong… Congratulations to the host for a chance to win a lottery! 】

“Pump!!” Jiang Han did not hesitate.

[Ding-dong… Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Man of Steel, Innate Divine Power].

After seeing this reward, Jiang Han nodded.

This body is not bad, it is also the material of the soldiers, and the quality is much better than ordinary people, but the big fight is extremely dangerous, and it is not something that ordinary people’s physical fitness can bear.

This body of steel, the innate divine power obviously came at the right time.


“Hey, you two, tie the horse over there, tie it up!”

Yingzi pointed to the two large trees nearby, calmly arranging the fat man and Lao Hu.

Yingzi’s guide did a good job, and Lao Hu and Fat have long lost their previous look at this girl’s film.

It’s just that all the way down, the two of them were called by this Yingzi, and they saw the temper of this minority girl.

“How do I feel that my company commander is like a soldier along the way!” After tying the horse and flicking the reins, Huba said helplessly.

“You said that our two elders, these days let this yellow-haired girl toss the film, like a grandson.”

The fat man also crossed his waist, looking unhappy.

“But I tell you, I don’t think this little girl is simple, we can reach Savage Ditch smoothly, thanks to her!” Huba smiled.


The fat man spat and said in a passionate voice: “Maybe, this wild man ditch is not so scary.” ”

“Also, did you find out, Lao Hu? This girl is calling us around, but she is respectful to Lao Jiangbi, isn’t this playing us! ”


Huba threw the remaining reins into Fatty Wang’s arms, and said with a smile: “Then it should be to find a mother-in-law for Lao Jiang, it is not worth the trip!” ”

“If Lao Jiang’s mother-in-law has this temper, I will be the first to disagree with the fat master!” The fat man huffed.


It was already dark, and the two hares that Yingzi had caught in the daylight took out, “Everyone come and set up the fire, and by the way, solve the body of this hare.” ”

The plot in this world is different from the original TV series, and the original plot of several people killing a wild boar does not exist.

Several people nodded and began to work separately.

“You guys are busy first, I’ll go find some firewood!”

The meal was almost finished, and seeing that there was not enough firewood in the fire, Yingzi took the gun on his back and was about to leave.

“Hey, girl! I’ll accompany you, brother protect you!” ”

The fat man hurriedly stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth and said.

“No, Brother Jiang Han, are you free? Or you come with me! Yingzi looked at Jiang Han.

Hearing this, the fat man’s throat was like a lump of cotton, and he couldn’t spit it out and swallow it.

This is also embarrassing.

Don’t recommend yourself, you have to be with Jiang Han, this is not clearly looking down on my fat master, or showing favor to Jiang Han!

“Well, you are really dangerous as a girl.” Jiang Han had to agree.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Han and Yingzi got into the small forest in front of them.

“Old Hu, don’t say it, these two really have a show, this black light is blindly drilling into the woods, these two people will not be…”

The fat man was talking, but found that the old Hu in front of him didn’t pay attention to him at all.

Instead, he was holding a compass in his hand and was dangling around.

Seeing Lao Hu’s action, the fat man became energetic.

“Old Hu, what are you busy with here? Is there any new discovery, will there be a big tomb in it?! ”

“I really let you say it accurately, there is really a big tomb here, let me tell you about the feng shui here…”

Huba Yi was about to open his school belly and tell the fat man about feng shui on this side of the wild man’s ditch, but suddenly there was a scream in the distance.


It’s Eiko’s scream!

“It’s not good, something happened to Eiko!!”

PS, the new book is released, ask for flowers, evaluate the vote, reward, thank you for your kindness!!

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