“It is recorded in ancient books that this sacred wood is as old as the Kunlun Mountain, and Qin Shi Huang wanted to find this sacred wood as his coffin.” Sydney Yang looked at Kunlun Shenmu Dao.

“Then this piece of wood must be worth more than any wood.”

As soon as the fat man heard this, even Qin Shihuang was looking for this kind of wood.

How else, it’s worth it!!

Suddenly, Sydney Yang’s mind flashed the scene that he had appeared in his dream before.

The environment matches almost exactly as it is now.

“Is it exactly the same as in your dreams?”

Jiang Han saw Sydney Yang and asked.

Sydney Yang nodded blankly.

“Exactly the same!”

“Why the hell is that?!”

“What does it have to do with me? I have to figure it out! ”

Sydney Yang was dazed and very excited.

The mysterious dream that has bound her for many years is about to be revealed.

She has to figure it out!

What is the relationship between this exquisite queen and Sydney Yang is indeed an unsolved mystery, and even Jiang Han does not know.

Even in the original play, the true relationship between Sydney Yang and the Exquisite Queen was not explained.

But Jiang Han felt that there must be some close relationship between the two, otherwise, it would not be possible for Sydney Yang to have the same dream every night.

“Go up and take a look.”

Jiang Han and Sydney Yang took the lead and led everyone to continue to explore and approach.

“There seems to be something on this sacred wood?!”

After walking for a while, everyone saw something on the Kunlun Divine Tree, glowing brightly.


Professor Chen was stunned to see it, took two steps forward, and almost lost his footing and fell.



“Professor Chen!!”

Fortunately, Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng next to them reacted quickly and grabbed Professor Chen.

“You guys took a good look at him, scared me to death.”

The fat man frowned: “My heart is about to jump out…”

“It’s okay, I looked at the top and neglected the foot.” Professor Chen didn’t care.

Seeing Professor Chen’s reaction, Jiang Han’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew that the corpse scented bath had the effect of bringing illusions.

Although I don’t know how extensive the environment coverage of this corpse incense konjac is, the current Professor Chen may have entered the illusion caused by the corpse incense konjac.

Professor Chen pointed at the strange thing above the divine tomb with his crutches and said, “What do you think is on that divine wood?” ”

Old Hu wondered, “What is that?” ”

The fat man looked at it: “It’s like a big taro, won’t it be the queen of essence buried here as a seed and planted taro?!” ”

The fat man’s ideas are quite ahead of their time and full of imagination.

“This is the legendary corpse incense konjac.”

Jiang Han said.

“Corpse Incense Konjac?!”

Professor Chen suddenly became excited when he heard these four words.

The corpse incense konjac was no stranger to him, an expert who studied the ancient cities of the Western Regions.

“I really didn’t expect that there really is such a thing in this world, it is said that it is very dangerous when he blooms!”

The expression on Professor Chen’s face was extremely shocked.

“Corpse incense konjac, isn’t that still a taro?!”

The fat man listened with a confused look.

Corpse incense konjac, this word sounds a little magical.

But at the end of the day, isn’t it just a big taro?!

Professor Chen introduced to the fat man: “This corpse-fragrant konjac grows in ancient tombs, he can not only keep the corpse from decay, but also make the corpse emit fragrance, which is extremely precious. ”

“It’s amazing to have these two things waiting for the Exquisite Queen here.” Huba Yi also found it incredible.

Kunlun Divine Wood and Corpse Incense Konjac, these two fetish things that can make corpses immortal for thousands of years, were present at the same time.

It is conceivable that the body of the Exquisite Queen must be very well preserved.

“Lao Jiang, you said that we are all here, and we can count it as nine deaths, and we must go up and see it.”

After that, the fat man turned around and walked in the direction of the corpse incense konjac.

“Can’t pass!”

As soon as the fat man was about to leave, Professor Chen shouted angrily behind the fat man: “Don’t go over, legend has it that the corpse incense konjac is rich in demonic souls, once it grows up, the living can no longer approach it, it’s too dangerous!” ”

“We noticed no, there are also ghost cave words on this stone beam!”

Ye Yixin took a flashlight and shone on the stone beam from a distance, and a row of ghost cave words appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Chu Jian was also extremely excited after seeing the ghost paper.

“I think these words must have a lot to do with this ghost cave, he must have extremely important information, I want to go up and copy it.”

As soon as he heard that Chu Jian was going to step forward, Professor Chen immediately had the intention of refuting.

But at this time, Sa Dipeng next to him also spoke, “Professor, I also want to go up.” ”

“Okay then, don’t come close, just write it down.”

The two students applied to go at the same time, and Professor Chen finally had to reluctantly agree, warning them not to approach.

“Don’t worry, Professor.” Chu Jian said with a smile.

“Stay safe!”


So, after Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng filmed the ghost cave text on the stone beam, they went on the stone beam.

“Xiao Chu, Xiao Sa, you guys come back!”

Professor Chen saw that the situation was not right, how did these two children run up the stone beam?!

Didn’t it say that it is okay to only shoot, not to get close?

“Those two boys, why are you two going? Don’t go near that broken taro! ”

The fat man saw that the situation was not good, and immediately yelled at the two.

But the two of them didn’t seem to hear everyone’s voices, and they didn’t care at all.

“Xiao Chu, you two come down, come down quickly!” Huba Yi also said loudly to the two.

It’s just that these two people are still indifferent.

There was a whining sound around the corpse incense konjac,

It sounds like a mad laugh, which makes people feel creepy.

Huba’s expression became frightened, “Something is wrong, it’s so wrong!” ”

“Old Hu, what’s wrong with you?” The fat man leaned over and asked.

“I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel right.”

The fat man said, “What’s wrong?” ”

“It’s not clear, it’s feeling.” Huba Yi had a sense of foreboding, “No, we must let the two of them down!” ”

“Lao Hu, Lao Hu, you come back!”

The fat man saw that Huba had already walked towards the stone beam, so he chased after him.

“Why did you guys come here?”

As soon as Lao Hu turned around, he found that Sydney Yang and the fat man had followed.

“Old Hu, look!”

Sydney Yang pointed at the two people on the stone beam, looking terrified.

Everyone stopped and immediately looked at the stone beam, but saw a strange scene happen!

Chu Jian was filming the Kunlun Divine Wood and the stone statue konjac in front of him, and Sa Dipeng in the rear suddenly picked up the sapper shovel and smashed Chu Jian’s back.

Looking at Sa Dipeng’s appearance, it was as if the demon was possessed, and the situation in front of him was like his enemy for many years.

Chu Jian was smashed down fiercely, there were already signs of fainting, turned around, originally wanted to fight back, but Sa Dipeng directly did not give a chance, and a shovel smashed on Chu Jian’s head.

The force of this blow was not clear, and the sword was directly killed by the enemy Peng, smashed down and rolled down the stone beam.


In the blink of an eye, Chu Jian let out a scream, and was engulfed by the pitch-black ghost cave.

Fell into a ghost cave and disappeared completely.

“Chu Jian!!”

Professor Chen was overwhelmed with grief and roared.

And weirder things in the market appeared.

After killing his friend and companion, Satipeng let out a devilish laugh.

Immediately afterwards, he took a flashlight and slammed his head.


One time!

Blood flowed from his forehead.


Three clicks!

Satipeng knocked himself unconscious, and then fell in front of the corpse incense konjac.

Everyone was stunned!

How is this Sa Di Peng like the devil?!

“Xiao Sa!!”

Seeing that Sa Dipeng also fell over, Professor Chen cried out anxiously, “What’s wrong?” How did this come all of a sudden?? ”

“They’re the best friends…”

After speaking, Professor Chen was so grief-stricken that he lacked oxygen on his head and fainted on the ground.

Huba said to a pair of fat men and Sydney Yang: “You two go to take care of the professor, I’ll go up and take a look.” ”

Huba came to the stone beam with a machine gun in his hand and saw the fallen Satipeng and the corpse-incense konjac in front of him.

Suddenly felt that there was something behind him, and when Huba turned around, it turned out to be the fat man and Sydney Yang, and there was Jiang Han.

It’s just that the fat man and Sydney Yang are holding rifles, and they look freakish.

Huba said: “Didn’t you take care of Professor Chen?” What are you doing with you? ”

“Who knows what the hell will be up there, I don’t worry if you are alone on it, besides, it’s hard for you to carry Sa Dipeng, let’s carry it together, so as not to have another accident.”

The fat man aimed his rifle at the corpse incense konjac and said.

“Old Hu, how are you going to see Sa Dipeng?”

Jiang Han also said to Huba Yi.

Lao Hu had to nod, and then walked towards Sa Dipeng.

“Fatty, come!”

After approaching Sa Di Peng, the fat man and Lao Hu immediately pulled up Sa Di Peng, who had fainted.

Although Jiang Han did not help, he kept observing the surroundings and paying attention to the danger.

At the moment of lifting Sa Dipeng, Lao Hu saw that it was the tail vine of the konjac, and it actually grew.

Old Hu, who didn’t know what strange events had happened, immediately picked up the sapper shovel and smashed the vine of the corpse-incense konjac.

Old Hu looked like crazy, but Jiang Han held a long knife and swept away, erasing the vine tail of the corpse incense konjac.

Sydney Yang took Sa Dipeng to the clearing, touched his pulse, and shook his head.

“No more pulse.” Sydney Yang regretted.

If there is no pulse, doesn’t that mean that the person is dead?!

Huba Yi said sadly: “How can we explain to his family? This must not kill their families. ”

“Death cannot be resurrected…”

Before Sydney Yang finished speaking, Sa Dipeng, who was already dead, suddenly sat up sharply.

“She lived, she lived!”

Satipeng, who sat up, was still chanting the words of God.

“I obviously didn’t have a pulse just now…” Sydney Yang felt that this thing was too weird.

“Look, the flowers are blooming!”

The fat man pointed forward, frightened, trembling.

Everyone immediately looked, and saw that the corpse-incense konjac in front of them actually began to squirm.

Immediately afterwards, that corpse-incense konjac actually raised its head and bloomed petals!

Corpse incense konjac!

Really blooming!!

“Lao Tzu would like to see his true face in Lushan.”

Huba held a sapper shovel in his hand and trembled slightly.

“Don’t you want to see it too? Just let me see, what kind of demon and monster is this thing?! ”

Huba said loudly, but seemed to be emboldening himself.

However, when he turned around, he saw that Jiang Han, who had not moved much before, had already walked towards the corpse-scented konjac that had bloomed!

“Lao Jiang!”

The fat man shouted loudly: “Come back soon!” ”

However, Jiang Han didn’t listen at all, and the coffin seemed to carry magic, attracting Jiang Han step by step.

PS, the second more arrived, these two chapters are all large chapters with multiple word counts, take a break, and will continue to release other updates one after another in the evening, please subscribe to all the graces, kneel and beg.

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