Professor Chen's feet are still swollen. Reduced mobility.

So Feng Yuanqing stepped forward to help Professor Chen massage his ankles, and at the same time stimulate with true qi to unblock blood vessel meridians and activate blood circulation and remove stasis.

After a while, Professor Chen's ankle was swollen, the original purple-red lump had disappeared, and the bruises had been removed.

However, the sprained meridians still cannot be recovered for a while, and they need to be slowly cultivated to fully recover.

"Eh, it's much better now, I didn't expect that Xiaofeng you still have such a brilliant medical skill, such a serious sprain, you suddenly disappeared the swelling, dispersed the bruise, more powerful than the experts in the hospital!"

"If I see a doctor, I am afraid it will take a week or two to return to the way it is now."

Professor Chen touched his swollen ankle and said in amazement.

At this time, he was no longer in so much pain, and he could barely walk, but it was still a little difficult, after all, this stroke injured the meridians of his ankle.

"Professor Chen is wrong, it's just an ordinary bruise, where can I compare with the experts in the hospital, people are professional, I'm just a wild way to learn by myself." Feng Yuanqing said.

Professor Chen's injury was no longer a big problem, and everyone continued to study Shi Liang and the corpse incense konjac.

The corpse-incense konjac looks particularly gorgeous under the light.

Putting on gas masks, everyone was a little relieved.

I didn't pay attention before, I'm afraid I have long been accustomed to the aroma of corpse incense konjac, if it takes a long time, maybe it is really dangerous.

The fat man removed the light from the coffin and shone it on the stone beam.

Professor Chen keenly discovered the ghost cave characters carved on the stone beams, which numbered in the hundreds.

So Professor Chen instructed Hao Aiguo and a few students to quickly take notes and take photos to collect evidence.

Taking advantage of this moment, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang sat next to each other and rested for a while.

Feng Yuanqing walked over with Yang Xueli.

"Shirley and I will go up to Shiliang to take a look, and you will give Professor Chen and them a fight below, pay attention to safety."

"What Feng Ye, you want to go to the stone beam? That's too dangerous! Hu Bayi said worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's okay to put such a large piece of Kunlun Divine Wood on that stone beam, it's very strong, don't worry." Feng Yuanqing said.

"Feng Ye, we also want to go up and see how that exquisite queen looks." Fatty Wang also got up and thought about it.

However, he was still persuaded by Feng Yuanqing, and the stone beam may not be able to withstand the weight of so many people.

"Shirley, let's go." Feng Yuanqing turned to Yang Xueli next to him and said.

One after the other, the two walked up a circle of artificial planks that surrounded the cave wall.

This boardwalk was carved out of the stone wall and led to the stone beam.

Follow the boardwalk to the stone beam.

The stone beam does not look long, only four or five meters, so it can be comfortably suspended on the ghost cave, otherwise it would have collapsed long ago.

Leaning out of the cave wall and hanging above the ghost cave.

The stone beam has two or three people hugging thickly, and the load-bearing capacity is still possible.

At close range, the Kunlun Divine Wood looked vibrant, and the corpse incense konjac on it was even more so.

"Be careful, if you have any problems, you must call me in time." Feng Yuanqing instructed.

"Wrap your clothes tightly and don't expose your skin."

Hearing this, Yang Xueli sorted out her clothes, buttoned her mouth, wrapped herself around a cloth around her neck, and wore gloves on her hands, fully armed.

The attack methods of this corpse incense konjac are mainly aroma and pollen, which can play a strong hallucinogenic effect.

Therefore, doing so can make a big difference.

As Feng Yuanqing and Yang Xueli approached.

The corpse-scented konjac came to life at all, the leaves and flowers had some swings, the flowers and leaves looked enchanting, and the red and green became more vivid.

The light passed by, and some fine powders flew in the air.

Filled with light.

The two approached cautiously.

The corpse incense konjac did not burst out as expected, attacking them with branches and root whiskers.

It seems that plants are already plants, and although they may have some spirituality, they still cannot think like humans and animals.

"It seems that as long as it is not contaminated with flying pollen and hallucinogenic, this corpse-incense konjac is not a threat." Yang Xueli breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Professor Chen below found the two people who had already gone up the stone beam, so he asked.

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Yang, how did you two go up? Be careful not to break what's on it!

"Professor Chen rest assured, we have a plan in our hearts and will not cause sabotage." Feng Yuanqing responded.

"Okay, then you can clear the dust on the edge of the stone beam, and the text is blocked and you can't see clearly." Professor Chen said again.

It was too dangerous to approach the edge of the stone beam rashly, and Feng Yuanqing used his true qi and waved his palm towards the edge of the stone beam.

A strong wind was removed, blowing all the dust away at once, and spilling it into the bottomless ghost hole below.

After clearing the dust, Yang Xueli and her father stood side by side in front of the Kunlun Shenmu coffin.

This coffin of the Kunlun Divine Wood has a sealing gap on it, and the top is the coffin lid.

Feng Yuanqing forcefully removed the lid of the coffin, revealing a female corpse lying flat inside, dressed in jade clothes and wearing a black mask on her face.

Other than that, there were no funerary goods in the coffin.

This female corpse should be the queen of essence.

However, the face is blocked by the mask, and the face cannot be seen.

"This is the Queen of Excellence, I don't know what she looks like." Yang Xueli said softly.

"If you want to know what she looks like, take off the mask and see soon." Feng Yuanqing said.

Then, Feng Yuanqing reached over and uncovered the mask of the female corpse, and her face was finally revealed.

She has a beautiful face, beautiful eyebrows, black hair like a cloud, eyes closed, and her face is as white as a living person.

"This... How so? Yang Xueli gasped and said with a trembling voice.

This face is exactly the same as Yang Xueli.

Except that there are some differences in hairstyle and complexion.

It's like a mold.

"Unexpectedly, Shirley, you look exactly like the Exquisite Queen!" Feng Yuanqing said with a smile.

"The world is big, Shirley, what do you think now?"

"What do you think, it almost scared me to death."

With Feng Yuanqing's ridicule, Yang Xueli twisted his hand around his waist.

"Hiss~, I'm wrong, it hurts~, let go."

Feng Yuanqing immediately begged for mercy.

Feng Yuanqing remembered the dream Yang Xueli had told him before. So he asked.

"Didn't you repeat the same dream before? Is there anything else in the dream? Yang

Xueli tried to recall the content of the dream.

But every dream comes to an abrupt end before the coffin.

"No more. Once here, there is none. Yang Xueli shook her head and said.

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