Feng Yuanqing took Xiao Shenfeng and handed it to Yang Xueli.

Yang Xueli currently has no means of attack.

Inherited from the mountain-moving climbing digging armor. The King Kong umbrellas that inherit and touch gold are all defensive, self-preservation, and insufficient attack.

This little divine blade is a sleeve hidden sword made of extraterrestrial meteoric iron, which is now forged by forging masters thousands of times, and it is extremely sharp.

eight-sided sleeve hidden sword - the length of the small god blade

is about 35 cm, small and delicate, very suitable for Yang Xueli.

On the ridge of the sword, there are strange and magnificent patterns formed by thousands of hammers.

The sword is divided into eight sides, smooth as a mirror, reflecting cold light.

The hilt and scabbard are made of old sour wood, which has a smooth feel, bright and bright color, and clear and lustrous stripes.

The upper bread was covered with brass carved decoration, small and delicate, Yang Xueli took it, gestured a few times, and couldn't put it down.

"Thank you old man, I really like this little divine front." Yang Xueli said happily.

"Old man, it's inconvenient for you to be here alone, why don't you go to the capital with us?" You are my grandfather's sworn brother and my elder, how can I watch you alone and miserable?

"It just so happens that Yuanqing and I both have small assets and have opened an antique shop in the capital, and we need seniors like you to sit in town."

Feng Yuanqing also nodded and agreed: "Yes, it is said that there is an old man in the family, and if there is a treasure, we need a treasure like you."

"When you come to the capital, you can also experience a different life, which is much better than in the past."

"Good, good, it's rare that there are still people who are worried about my blind old man, well, since that's the case, I won't shirk with you."

Chen Yulou also seemed very happy when he heard this, after so many years of living alone alone, since Chang Shengshan and the others were dispersed, he had never experienced the feeling of being cared for, and he sighed for a while.

If his eyes are not ruined, I am afraid that he will not be able to stop tears at this time.

In the afternoon, Chen Blind said goodbye to a group of neighbors who knew each other.

"Fellow villagers, I'm going to go to the capital with my grandniece, and I'm going to be alone with the big guys, this time, I'm afraid I'll never see it again, it's really reluctant." Blind Chen sighed with emotion.

"Oh, Master Chen, don't worry, you are going to enjoy blessings, you are so old, you should have enjoyed blessings a long time ago."

"Yes, our ancestors and friends have been here for generations, and you don't need to worry."

"We will miss you, Master Chen..."

Feng Yuanqing gave some cigarettes to the neighbors, thanking them for taking care of Chen Yulou over the years.

After helping Chen Yulou pack his luggage, the three of them rested for the last night in Gulan County, and set off for the capital early the next morning.

Even when the Chen family was at its most popular, they rarely made cars.

One is because at that time, warlords were in chaos, life was not so good, and it was not a metropolis such as the magic capital and the capital, and the car was not so convenient.

The second is also the inverted bucket business they are engaged in, going out day and night, and the places they want to go are basically remote mountains and forests, and there is not even a road, how to drive?

So except for a few occasional trips, I rarely take a car.

And after the Chen family fell into loneliness, they were blind and wandered alone, and they didn't have the opportunity to take the car.

Nowadays, with the development of technology, cars are much more advanced than they were then.

Chen Blind is still the first time to make such a good car.

Only a few years into the new century, cars are far less popular than later generations, and have become a necessity for the masses.

After getting into the car, he curiously touched left and right.

Yang Xueli's car belongs to a relatively high-end model, after all, the family is also a Wall Street tycoon, not bad money.

The interior decoration, seat cushions, and cloth cushions are all high-grade goods, and the workmanship is delicate and exquisite.

Blind Chen sat on the seat, feeling more comfortable than lying on the bed.

I couldn't help but praise: "The old man also made a car a few times back then, but it was not as comfortable as this car, and there was no noise, and the speed seemed to be very fast?" "

After Chen Blind lost his research, a pair of ears practiced even more, and he could distinguish all kinds of sounds in detail.

At that time, his ability to hear mountains and defend dragons was also a great prestige on the road, and as soon as he heard the echo, he could know the distribution of the underground tomb.

Nowadays it is naturally stronger.

"That's for sure, the current development of science and technology is very powerful, this car can drive to 150 miles, the kind of old car you made back then, I am afraid that the fastest is fifty or sixty miles." Feng Yuanqing said to Blind Chen with a smile.

"The old man doesn't have any special feelings, I think that when I come to the capital, I will have a better experience, after all, it is the capital, and it is definitely different from the poor backcountry in Gulan County." Blind Chen nodded and said.

"That's for sure, when the time comes, we will take you around and experience the experience." Yang Xueli also interjected.

After the three of them chatted a little, they ended the topic and rested separately.

Feng Yuanqing drove the car, galloped all the way on the highway, and at noon the next day, returned to the capital again.

Feng Yuanqing arranged him in the backyard room of his luxurious courtyard.

After all, he is a lonely old man, blind, and so old, no one to take care of him.

Since her grandfather and parents passed away one after another, Yang Xueli has no relatives in the world.

Now, as the brother of the partridge whistle, Chen Blind is also his only relative.

Therefore, Yang Xueli is also very attentive.

Originally, he wanted to hire a servant for him to take care of his life, but he refused, he has lived alone for decades, he has long been used to it, and he needs help from others, so he has to forget it.

Feng Yuanqing planned to let him make a pilgrimage in the shop, but he refused on the grounds that he was blind and could not distinguish the authenticity of antiques.

The idle Chen blind man set up a stall not far from the Guanshan Pavilion, and came to the old fortune teller to come to Bu Guan.

I have to say that Chen Blind's mouth is very good at fooling people.

It is worthy of being the former leader of the unloading of the mountains, asking for words with one hand, and being brilliant.

The customers who came to tell fortunes, whether men, women and children, were stunned and obediently paid the money.

I also think that he is very accurate and intelligent, so there are many repeat customers.

There is no need to rush around to make ends meet, this is also the meaning of his future life, and Chen Blind is also happy with it.

After returning for this period of time, there was nothing to do, Feng Yuanqing inquired about the news of various ancient tombs, especially the strange, dangerous, and powerful ancient tombs, which were basically not stolen, and the treasures inside were still there.

And this danger is dangerous for other tomb thieves, but it is not a matter for Feng Yuanqingqing.

But it didn't go well, and there was little decent news on the market.

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