"Sister Shirley, you... You..." Eiko's

small mouth was open, unable to utter a complete sentence.

Seeing this, Yang Xueli smiled, Yingzi's appearance looks really cute.

"Yuanqing and I are not ordinary people, since you contacted him, I believe you have also noticed that Yuanqing is not ordinary, and Yuanqing's charm is really not small."

"You'll learn more later."

Yang Xueli looked Yingzi up and down carefully, and then said:

"Gee, Yingzi, your figure is good, if you work harder, you can take him down!"

Yingzi's face turned even redder, and her head was lowered, and she was about to be buried in Xiong Daxiong Erli.

Yang Xueli smiled and said nothing.

Eiko's heart was beating fast, and her brain was buzzing.

Yang Xueli's words made her very moved, but she was a little scared.

Her hometown is a mountain village in the northeast, which is very backward and poor, and her concept of marriage is more traditional, and her acceptance of three wives and four concubines is much higher.

Far more receptive than those new-age free men and women outside.


"Can Big Brother Feng accept me?"

"What if it fails?"

She remembered her girlfriend's words again: "If you like it, chase it, what are you afraid of?" How do you know if you haven't tried?

"Yes, chase, how do you know if you don't try?" Maybe Big Brother Feng likes me too? "

Big Brother Feng is so good to me, it's normal for me to agree with my body."

Eiko is constantly self-attacking.

"Sister Shirley, what you said... Is it true? Yingzi plucked up her courage and looked up at Yang Xueli and asked.

Yang Xueli smiled heartily: "Of course it's true, can my sister still lie to you?" Yuanqing is outside, you go quickly! "

Yang Xueli grew up in the United States, and the atmosphere in the United States is much more open than in China.

She was also affected a lot.

In addition, the gap between her and Feng Yuanqing's cultivation was somewhat large, and she really couldn't bear Feng Yuanqing's vigorous energy.

Every time I make myself very weak, I need one person to share the firepower.

There is so much knowledge that she can't digest alone.

Seeing that Yingzi's heart was moved, Yang Xueli seemed to pluck up courage, so she conveniently turned off the soundproof formation in the room.

Then he pushed Yingzi behind the door and whispered in her ear, "Go quickly." Then

he winked his eyes as a sign of encouragement.

Yingzi blushed and nodded heavily. Cheer yourself up in your heart.

Then take a deep breath, open the door, and head outside.

Yang Xueli watched her walk out with a smile.

In addition to the study, Yingzi looked at the sofa, and Feng Yuanqing leaned on the sofa, playing Tetris.

Yingzi's small hand pinched the corner of her skirt, her eyes became more and more firm, and she walked towards Feng Yuanqing.

Feng Yuanqing noticed Yingzi coming over, so he quit the game and put down his mobile phone.

Looking at Yingzi, he asked, "Yingzi, what are you and Shirley whispering inside?" Hearing

Feng Yuanqing's question, Yingzi stood without moving, her rosy little face became more and more gorgeous, and she was about to drip blood.

Feng Yuanqing got up, held Yingzi's shoulders, asked her to sit down, and then sat down himself.

Yingzi was pulled by Feng Yuanqing to sit down, and the struggle began in his heart again.

Soon, she made up her mind, she believed that Feng Yuanqing would not fail to see her intentions.

"Seal... Brother Feng, I... I hi... Like you. Eiko stammered and opened her rosy little mouth, swallowing and spoke, the more she spoke, the quieter she became, and finally, it became like a mosquito cry, which almost only she could hear.

Feng Yuanqing's hearing is comparable to ordinary people, and with the blessing of cultivation, mosquitoes can hear it clearly.

"Eiko, what did you say?" Although Feng Yuanqing heard clearly, he still asked again.

Although Eiko is a little shy, her own personality is not so twisted and pinched.

After saying it for the first time, the threshold in my heart has passed, and my nervousness and shyness are much better.

So he raised his head, his big watery eyes stared at Feng Yuanqing, and his voice was much louder.

"Brother Feng, I said, I... I like you, do you like me?

After speaking, his big eyes were intent, wanting to get an answer from Feng Yuanqing.

"Silly girl, have you thought about it?" Feng Yuanqing asked with gentle eyes.

"Well, of course I figured it out." Yingzi nodded vigorously in the affirmative, and the ponytail behind her head also flew up.

Then he continued to say in his cute voice with a heroic and refreshing taste: "Otherwise, I, a girl, can follow you out of the country?" That's when I saw you. A

smile hung at the corner of Feng Yuanqing's mouth, and at this time, he heard Yang Xueli in the study say softly: "Little villain, quickly agree."

She knew that Feng Yuanqing could hear her, so she only said in a very small voice.

"Yingzi, it's also my luck to be liked by you, you are so cute and beautiful, of course I like it." Feng Yuanqing looked at Yingzi's big shining eyes and said seriously.

Yingzi got the answer she wanted, happily threw herself into Feng Yuanqing's arms, buried her face in Feng Yuanqing's shoulder, and hugged him hard.

The chest of the bulging sac was pressed against Feng Yuanqing's chest, and the bear and the bear both squeezed and changed their shape.

Soft and plump to the touch, pressed against the chest, like two balloons filled with water.

"So happy. Shh~" Yingzi cheered excitedly in her heart. Even Ye kept rubbing and rubbing on Feng Yuanqing's neck.

Feng Yuanqing patted Yingzi's back and stroked her hair a few times, and the smile at the corner of her mouth never diminished.

Yang Xueli also walked out of the study, looking at the two people hugging together, and her heart was also a little surprised.

Although she agreed, she was still a little jealous in her heart.

I also walked over to the two and sat down.

He said with a smile: "How about it, let's be happy now, get what you want."

Yingzi heard Yang Xueli's voice, as if she had been hit by a deer, and "swooped" out of Feng Yuanqing's embrace.

His face was still flushed and had not subsided.

Turning his head, he took Yang Xueli's hand, his eyes full of gratitude.

"Sister Shirley, thank you, if it weren't for your encouragement, how would I dare to be so bold?"

After speaking, she felt that holding hands was not enough to express her gratitude, so she hugged Yang Xueli.

The two bears and bears squeezed together, which was spectacular.

Feng Yuanqing's eyes straightened a little.

The two hugged for a while before parting.

Then, Yingzi took Feng Yuanqing's hand and asked him to sit between her and Yang Xueli.

Feng Yuanqing was naturally very happy and sat in the middle with a smile on his face.

Then hug left and right, one on each side.

"Hmph, cheap you scoundrel." Yang Xueli snorted softly.

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