308 Ordinary Nightmare Memories | Tomb Raiders: Touching a Corpse Makes You Stronger! | Grave Robber: Touch the corpse to become stronger! Chapter Reading-Siku Bookstore

Qin Yu shouted directly in this corridor.

“Old Hu, can you hear me? If you can hear me, the space you are in now is a mirror space.

In fact, it is a relatively advanced ghost hitting the wall.

You can jump out directly with the help of the table and chairs there.

Remember the exit: on top, jump out from above.”

It’s true that Lao Hu and Fatty are in that confined space, and they can’t let their voices out.

But they could hear shouting outside.

Hearing Qin Yu shouting like this, he immediately shouted excitedly.

But Qin Yu couldn’t hear them at all.

When they heard Qin Yu say this, they quickly put the chair on the table, the fat man jumped out first, and Lao Hu was a little uncomfortable because he lacked a chair.

But in the end it jumped out.

After Fatty and Lao Hu jumped out.

I saw Qin Yudong in the corridor and hurried over and hugged Qin Yu.

“Old Qin, we were thinking of waiting for you to rescue us. You just came up with a trick after sitting for a while.”

The fat man hugged Lao Qin and said with snot and tears.

On the other hand, Lao Hu just patted Lao Qin on the shoulder, and he felt a lot more at ease.

“How did you find the problem here, Lao Qin?”

The old man asked.

“I guess you are the exact same space I entered.

Two chairs and a table, just so rudimentary.

But have you ever thought that the ship was originally upside down.

But when we enter that space, it all becomes: upright.

This means that it is a mirror space.”

After Fatty and Lao Hu heard it, they suddenly realized, why didn’t they think of him, “Old Qin, and I found something, did we get into this hull as soon as we entered the hull?”

The fat man asked suspiciously.


In fact, the whole ship is a huge illusion.

The one I dug up before… the robbery hole hasn’t disappeared, it’s just the fantasy that makes us think he has recovered.

You have to think about how many people came here to look for King Qin’s bone mirror, how could this ship still be intact.

It is very likely that this ship is in ruins, and all this is just an illusion.

Everything before our eyes is unreal.”

Qin Yu boldly expressed his inner thoughts.

“So Lao Qin, according to what you said, how can we find the body of Master Li? Now we are all in an elephant, if the body of Master Li doesn’t come to the door actively.

It’s really hard for us to find him.”

Fatty said even more puzzledly, “Maybe we can really let the corpse of Mr. Li come to us.

Think about the people who come here.

That thing will definitely find a way to kill the three of us.

Rather than running around, it’s better to wait here quietly and don’t waste your energy.”

At this moment, Qin Yu was extremely calm and spoke in a well-organized manner.

“Old Qin, then we really can only wait here? We really don’t do anything at all”

Lao Hu also asked in surprise.

In fact, Qin Yu already had a countermeasure in mind, but it was inconvenient for him to say it.

Then the king of Qin looked at the bone mirror, but he was a thief.

Qin Yu just made a fictitious gesture, and then nodded, signaling them to stop talking.

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The three of them sat in a triangle like this, facing each other, staring at each other without saying a word.

And Qin Yu looked tired and closed his eyes.

Fatty and Lao Hu saw Qin Yu closed his eyes,The sex also closes the eyes.

And the three people 3 have indeed consumed a lot of physical strength in the past few days.

Because diving also consumes a lot, the three of them fell asleep after a while.

When Qin Yu opened his eyes, he found himself back in the 21st century, and he was in high school.

At this moment, Qin Yu was completely messed up. Could it be that he had a very long dream and traveled to the 1980s was just a dream, and everything he experienced was a dream.

But at this moment Qin Yu calmed down.

Impossible, I was not of this age when I went back to the 1980s.

And now he is actually in: high school, so obviously it is not equal to before.

In other words, he has entered an illusion again.

Qin Yu sneered at the corner of his mouth, knowing that he had entered an illusion.

As soon as Qin Yu thought of this, the ding bell rang.

After a while, the bully students in the class suddenly gathered around, and Qin Yu didn’t say anything.

The three bullies grabbed him directly into the toilet, just punching and kicking.

Qin Yu was about to shout for help when the scene suddenly changed, and he went to the university again.

At this moment, he was standing in the teaching building.

In retrospect, Qin Yu seemed to be depressed this time because he hadn’t passed the postgraduate exam.

I wanted to jump off the building to seek my shortcoming, but finally figured it out and didn’t jump off.

But at this moment, he couldn’t control his body and jumped directly from here.

Qin Yu shouted loudly in the process of his whereabouts.

When he opened his eyes, he was still a 7-year-old child.

Because I like toy guns, I stole 5 yuan from my family.

Finally found by his father, at this moment he is being beaten by his father.

Qin Yu cried out in pain, but the strength of the belt on his father’s hand was getting heavier and heavier, making him unable to bear it.

This picture is always on: turning, and everything is bad.

Either he broke up with his girlfriend, or he was bullied, or he was unlucky at work.

It’s all about the unpleasantness he experienced in this past life.

And his mind is very clear that everything is fake, but these scenes have been constantly changing.

Indeed, the constant changes in these scenes made Qin Yu’s calm heart also irritated.

But Qin Yu is always reminding himself not to be angry, not to be angry, once he is angry, he will fall into the way of this old ghost.

The scene kept changing, and Qin Yu gradually realized that after experiencing these things, it wasn’t so scary.

How desperate and helpless it was at the time, but now it’s just someone else’s movie.

Because he has been reborn, the past life no longer belongs to him, what he has to do is to live well in front of him and live in the present.

When Qin Yu thought of this, he became open-minded, closed his eyes and stopped looking at everything around him. No matter which scene he went to, he would ignore it.

Over time, Qin Yu heard the sound of water droplets around him.

Opening his eyes and looking up, what caught his eye was a broken ship, which was indeed leaking water.

The deck was ticking, dripping water.

Look at the fat man and Lao Hu in front of them, their eyes still tightly closed, and there is no trace of anger.

Obviously, Fatty and Lao Hu also entered into that endless nightmare.

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