With his excellent sense of smell, it didn’t take long for Jiangnan to discover the source of the fragrance.

It was a dry bone.

“Hey, don’t say it, this skull is fragrant enough!”

The three followed, approached and smelled the taste, and marveled one after another.

This is the golden abacus!

At the same time, the system’s prompt sound sounded at the right time.

Congratulations to the host for completing the first mission: finding the remains of the Golden Abacus. ”

Now start calculating the mission reward, calculating…”

“After calculating, start distributing mission rewards now: 1000 redemption points; move mountains and learn – Kuixing Kick Fight!”

“Ding! The mission reward has been distributed, please check it with the host. ”

Release Mission Second Ring Mission: Explore the Tang Dynasty Ancient Tombs!”

Jiang Nan was overjoyed.

It’s really what to say!

I was still regretting that I didn’t get the stunt of moving mountains before, isn’t this right away?

Although it is not the mountain moving technique that Jiangnan wants the most, but Kuixing kicking is also quite good.

Jiang Ye, this won’t be the golden abacus you said, right?”

Just when Jiang Nan was immersed in the prompt of the system, the fat man couldn’t help but start rummaging through the bones of the golden abacus.

“Ah? Ah, let me see…”

Jiang Nan was stunned and reacted, and the result was that the things in the fat man’s hand were carefully examined.

“This golden talisman is the sharpest grasp of a pangolin, first dipped in the ditch for seven seven forty-nine days. ”

“I also want to bury it a hundred meters deep underground in the Dragon Tower and borrow the Earth Vein Spiritual Qi for eight hundred days. ”

“More than an inch long, black and shiny, extremely hard, the talisman body carries two ancient seal characters engraved with ‘touch gold’, which has the purpose of protecting the body and is extremely repellent to evil!”

“Look at this, obviously the genuine gold touching talisman didn’t run!”

As soon as he got it in his hand, Jiang Nan noticed the extraordinary nature of this gold touching talisman.

This thing has the same effect as Fa Qiu Yin, but of course, compared to Fa Qiu Yin, this thing still has a somewhat inferior taste.

Casually throwing the gold talisman to the fat man, Jiang Nan was not interested in this thing.

After all, he has better.

“Fatty, old Hu, you two look at this thing. ”

In fact, if you calculate the time, Shirley almost rushed over with two gold touching talismans, right?

Saying that, Jiang Nan returned his attention to Jin Abacus.

A hole was opened on the top of the golden abacus, and it seemed that it should have been sucked dry from the top of the head by a black-faced ant.

Start taking a closer look.

Jiang Nan felt a treasure bag from his body.

It contains some small things commonly used to touch gold, and the smelling jade that Jiang Nan cares about is also in it.

This is a small dragon-shaped jade pendant, which looks like something from the Warring States period.

“Jiang Ye, can you let me pass over?”

Seeing this little thing, Big Golden Tooth couldn’t help but speak.

After receiving it from Jiangnan, the big golden tooth carefully rubbed it and exclaimed: “Sure enough, this is Wen Xiangyu!”

“This thing is a secret treasure of the nobility, first seen in the Warring States period, it is rare among the people, and the drier the environment, the stronger its memory. ”

“Jiang Ye, this is a good thing!”

After careful viewing, the big golden tooth returned this smelling jade to Jiangnan.

“No, isn’t this thing worth a lot!?”

Seeing this, the fat man couldn’t help but ask, the treasure that can be favored by Jiang Nan and the big golden tooth is definitely not a simple thing.

“Worth? It’s not just worth it!”

Jiang Nan shook his head and sighed: “Look at this workmanship and pattern, this is a dragon-shaped jade pendant from the Warring States period.” ”

“Such a size and sophistication were also used by the highest nobles to symbolize their status at that time. ”

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Put away the smell of fragrant jade, several people discussed, and simply dug a shallow pit on the spot for burial.

A few stones were piled on it, which was regarded as a seal.

After all, they had promised Chen Blind before, to collect the corpse for Jin Abacus.



“Jiang Ye, now this cemetery is close at hand. ”

“But there are several big spiders in front of this cemetery, how do we get in?”

After doing all this, Jiangnan and they returned to the previous passage.

Looking at the grave road on the stone wall from afar, I felt a little worried.

That hollow has long been decorated with spider silk into a coiled silk hole.

And inside, roughly counted, there are at least four or five large spiders inside.

If you want to pass, I’m afraid it’s not easy.

“Three in total? Gee!”

Jiang Nan listened carefully to the movements inside the hollow, and couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

“But it’s not impossible…”

“Old Hu, fatty, look favorably on Old Jin here. ”

“I’ll come when I go, three big spiders, it’s not enough to have fun!”

Jiang Nan removed the black gold treasure knife fixed next to his backpack, and at the same time took out the pistol from his waist.

One knife and one shot is enough for Jiang Nan to play and kill those three big spiders in minutes.

Saying that, without waiting for Lao Hu and them to agree, Jiang Nan rushed in.

As a Heavenly Official of Fa Qiu, the grave road is close at hand, where is the reason to retreat?

The moment Jiang Nan stepped into the void, the three big spiders detected Jiang Nan.

Sticking his head out of the spider silk nest, without saying a word, three spiders surrounded from three directions.

Old Hu, Fat Man, and Old Jin pinched a cold sweat in their hearts, and in their worried eyes, Jiang Nan moved!

Without waiting for the three spiders to come around, Jiang Nan had already rushed towards the spider in the middle.

Laugh at!

The Black Gold Treasure Knife cut a cold glow in the dim void.

In the next instant, the foul-smelling blood belonging to the big spider splashed everywhere.

Jiang Nan just turned around and dodged the splattered blood.

Bang bang bang!!

At the same time, the pistol aimed at the wound cut by the black knife, pulled the trigger, and three bullets were fired into the wound of the big spider in a row.

Seeing this, Jiang Nantou left without looking back.

He knew that the three shots had gone into the big spider’s head, and it was dead.

Sure enough, in a wail, the big spider fell to the ground.

“The first!” he said with a grim face.

By the time the first big spider was killed, the other two spiders had already surrounded him.

Jiang Nan did not retreat as always, and halfway through, his figure flashed one after another, avoiding the disc-shaped spider silk sprayed by the spider.

Jiang Nan knew that the spider silk of this black-faced ant did not have the toughness and strength of ordinary spiders, but the viscosity of its spider silk was high and scary.

Once glued, it’s hard to break free.

After a pause, he turned around, dodged the oncoming claw, aimed the pistol at its mouth, and directly fired a burst of shots.

It wasn’t until all the bullets were empty that Jiang Nan put away his pistol.

And this spider, several bullets shot into the brain along the mouth, is already helpless.

“The second one!”

Jiang Nan smiled at the remaining spider.

Then, hold the knife in both hands, jump forward high, and slash down with all your strength!

The big spider head was actually cut in half by Jiang Nansheng from the center position!

“Third one!

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