This trip to the Dragon Ridge Maze finally ended here.

Under the guidance of Jiangnan’s invincible skill of listening to the thunder cave, several people returned smoothly to the same way.

Among them, the blessing of the secret material painted on the second half of the Dragon Keel Heavenly Book was held.

Along the way, the black-faced ants completely avoided a few people.

Not to mention the initiative to attack.

This also saves Jiangnan a lot of effort.

After all, no one knows how many of these ghosts are in this labyrinth.

When the four people from Jiangnan came out of the Fish Bone Temple, it just so happened that Chen Yulou also came head-on.

“Hey, old man, your way of divination is really a bit good. ”

“Our brothers have just walked out of this ancient tomb with their front feet. ”

“You immediately followed on the hind foot?”

Jiang Nan was happy when he saw Chen Yulou, who walked like a fly, and did not seem to be blind at all.

“Little brother, the old man’s way of divination is naturally broad and profound, knowing five hundred years before and five hundred years later. ”

“There is no need to talk about the mystery of that. ”

Chen Yulou smiled proudly, and then said with some hesitation: “Little brother, our agreement…”

Of course, he knew the danger inside this ancient tomb.

Think of his good friend, what kind of character is Jin Abacus?

Isn’t this also planted in this ancient tomb?

Although this group of young people, especially this Jiangnan little brother, does have some skills.

But Chen Yulou is still a little worried.

“Naturally, this treasure bag is a relic of the golden abacus. ”

“Can it be used as evidence that we fulfilled our agreement?”

Jiang Nan took out the treasure bag of the golden abacus and threw it to Chen Yulou.

The things inside, except for smelling fragrant jade, Jiang Nan and the others can be said to have nothing to take.

After all… They are all old antiques, props from decades ago, and they are really useless now.

For example, that red Xi Miao Heart Pill, that thing was really a miracle medicine for opening a coffin decades ago, and it was a secret medicine that touched the pulse of gold.

The method of fighting poison with poison can effectively neutralize corpse poison.

But put it now? A gas mask is enough!

This is the progress of the times.

“Sure enough, it’s a relic of my golden abacus brother…”

“It seems that little brother, you have indeed found the body of Jin Abacus. ”

Blind Chen carefully stroked his hands to identify it, came to a conclusion, and sighed softly.

“According to the agreement, we have buried the golden abacus, and the gold touching talisman naturally belongs to our brother, this point, President Chen has no doubt, right?”

“Of course!”

Chen Yulou nodded, his wish was fulfilled, and he was ready to turn around and leave.

“Wait, Mr. Chen, I still want to discuss something with you!”

At this time, Jiang Nan suddenly stopped Chen Yulou.

“I’m quite interested in the human skin map on you that was felt out of the tomb of the Dian King. ”

“I don’t know, does President Chen mean to cut his head?”

“For some reason, a few of us brothers must go to the tomb of the king to investigate!”

Jiang Nan spat out the smoke ring, and said softly in the doubtful gaze of Lao Hu.

“Map of the human skin of the tomb of the king!?”

“Since the little brother knows this map and knows my past, you should know how dangerous it is. ”

“That’s not a tomb that manpower can fall at all!

Chen Blind “looked” at Jiang Nan in amazement.

“Didn’t I say that we had to go for a reason…”

“Of course, if Mr. Chen wants to know, he might as well come with me. ”

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“Our friend is coming soon, and she… But the descendants of Mr. Chen’s head. ”

Jiang Nan chuckled and stopped Lao Hu from asking.

After all, as long as they arrived at the old man’s house before, everything would naturally be explained to them.

Why waste that saliva?



“Uncle, uncle, uncle!”

The four people from Jiangnan, as well as Chen Yulou, and a group of five came to the previous old man’s house again.

Fortunately, it is not too late, and the sun is still hanging in the sky.

Otherwise, if it was really quiet at night, a few of them would really be embarrassed to disturb the uncle.

“Housheng, why are there a few of you who brought Blind Chen with you?”

“How did it happen?”

“Are you thirsty, hungry, tired?

The uncle just swept over Blind Chen, looked at the four people in embarrassment, and teased happily.

As for Chen Blind… It can be regarded as having a bit of a reputation in this ancient blue county.

“Sir, can we have a room and let us rest?”

Huba saw that Jiang Nan didn’t mean to make a sound, and could only say embarrassedly.

“It’s not that I don’t promise you, it’s just that the professor from Four Nine City last time. ”

Every time he comes to live in my house, he has a strange temper, he just doesn’t want to see outsiders!”

“This time, with another female assistant, it is even more inconvenient. ”

Uncle is also powerless, and can only think of a few people to explain.

However, just when Hu Bayi wanted to say more good words, Jiang Nan suddenly stopped him.

“Jiang Ye?”

Several people looked at Jiang Nan suspiciously.

“Here it comes!”

And Jiang Nan just smiled mysteriously and looked into the courtyard.

The next moment, a familiar figure walked over with a smile on his lips.


I saw her smile gently and trotted over, in the eyes of several people who were either surprised or shocked.

Opened the fence and came out and gave Jiangnan a warm hug.

I really let you calculate correctly, this time I come, I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave in a short time.” ”

Saying that, a touch of red lips also poked over.

This Jiangnan must not be instigated.

It took a full five minutes for the two to let go of each other.

Counting up, it had been more than half a month since they parted in Four Nine Cities.

“What a young man now…”

This scene can be regarded as stunned the uncle, shaking his head again and again and sighing, as if thinking about his youth.

“Gee, Jiang Ye, it’s not authentic, these brothers are still thirsty and tired and hungry. ”

“You and Miss Yang fed us so alive!”

Hu Bayi couldn’t help but be amazed, smacked Jiangnan’s stomach, and laughed kindly.

They had thought that Jiangnan and Shirley were separated, that is, forever, far away from the two ends of the earth.

Now that the two of them have reunited in this remote place, Huba Yi and Fat Man are really happy for Jiangnan.

Even the fat man and old Jin coaxed on the side.

“Jiang Ye, you also said before that the two of us talked about you and Miss Yang, and talked about two cars bursting cylinders. ”

“But we see, this is clearly for you, Miss Yang to talk to!”

Especially the fat man, I still remember that before!


The news brought by Shirley this time may not make them happy.

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