The night was a calm night, and there were no accidents at night.

Early in the morning, a few people who were full of energy got up in the morning sun… Except for the fat man.

“Hmm… What time is that, huh? My watch is broken? ”

Bie Jiangnan and Huba forcibly pulled out of the bed, the fat man was sleepy-eyed, and subconsciously looked at the diving electronic watch on his wrist.

But at this look, the fat man was shocked, and the diving electronic watch on his wrist turned gray.

It’s broken.

“Don’t you even know that your watch is broken?”

“I’ll see, now… My watch is also broken!? ”

Huba was able to scare a fat man.

Saying that, he looked at his diving electronic watch, but, strangely, his watch was also gray and white!

“It wouldn’t be so coincidental, would it? My watch and the fat man actually broke at the same time? ”

“Jiang Ye, Counselor Yang, where is your watch?”

Now sensing that something was wrong, Huba looked at Jiang Nan and Shirley.

“… Isn’t it, you two are so dull? ”

“After approaching those two meteorites last night, all our electronic devices went wrong.”

Jiang Nan sighed speechlessly.

These two people are really big hearts!

“Jiang Nan is right, there is a problem with those two fast boulders, it should be meteorites or something.”

“This has been the case since it was close to the entrance to the valley.”

Shirley, who was preparing a simple breakfast for several people, nodded and said with a chuckle.

“There are a lot of crystals on that stone, which should contain some kind of rare element, and electronic circuit transistors will be affected by it.”

“But fortunately, meteorites do not emit a disturbed magnetic field, and our north arrow is not affected.”

“Otherwise, if we lose our way here, we will really become headless flies.”

Jiang Nan explained lightly.

This phenomenon, he and Shirley discovered last night.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that the fat man and Lao Hu had such a big heart, and they only discovered that something was wrong this morning…



After a simple breakfast, the four set off for their destination according to the scheduled plan.

Prepare to look in the valley for places marked by toads in the town tombs.

However, all four of them were mentally prepared to sacrifice the king to operate here for many years.

Even if the sacrificial passage can pass through the poisonous barrier, it is probably not so easy to walk.

In a short time, the four of them passed through two huge meteorites in front of the valley and advanced towards the depths of the valley.

The climate in the valley is humid and muggy, which is unusually suitable for plant growth.

In order to advance in high-density vegetation, the road can only be opened by fat men in front with sapper shovels.

And the biggest problem of traveling here is the mosquitoes in the shadow of the valley.

The mosquitoes here seem to be a little special, and the insect repellent they prepared in advance has little effect, and it is almost the same as not applied.

But compared to the embarrassed Huba Yi and the fat man, Jiang Nan and Shirley are much more leisurely.

After all, Jiangnan has a precious blood protective body, and ordinary mosquitoes do not dare to approach the half meter around Jiangnan’s body!

For this reason, Jiangnan saved money on buying mosquito nets or mosquito coils in the summer.

True dragon bloodline tattoo, you deserve it!

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And during this journey, Shirley has been protected by Jiangnan in his arms, how can he be harassed by mosquitoes?

This made Huba Yi and the fat man all kinds of envy and jealousy.

If it weren’t for the fact that everyone was a man, I’m afraid they would have already grabbed Jiangnan’s arms with Shirley!

After about three or four hours, the four of them continued to go deeper and deeper into the valley.

There are more and more traces left by humans, and from time to time some collapsed stone statues will be found.

Finally, the four discovered the ruins of a broken section of the wall.

“If nothing else, this should be the first wall depicted on the human skin map and the town tomb.”

“It’s really not easy to find this way!”

Jiang Nan compared in his heart, touched the ruins of the city wall, and sighed.

“It’s really not easy… However, did you find out in Gangnam. ”

“There seems to be something wrong near this wall.”

Shirley nodded, and coming here meant they weren’t on the wrong path.

“Are you saying that the mosquitoes, snakes, and ants around dare not approach near this city wall?”

“Since I arrived here, there have been no mosquitoes biting Lao Hu and Fatty.”

Jiang Nan nodded and pointed to the valley behind the city wall and said.

It was like a dividing line of death, and after here, there didn’t seem to be any snakes, insects, ants, and beasts in the valley, and some were too quiet.

“Eh, don’t you say that we really haven’t noticed it, not only mosquitoes, but even those little lizards don’t dare to approach here.”

“But if something goes wrong, there will be a demon, Jiang Ye, we won’t break into the territory of some dangerous creature, right?”

Huba was not happy and worried, and subconsciously became vigilant.

Compared to unknown dangerous creatures, he is more willing to be bitten by mosquitoes!

Not afraid of death, does not mean that you like to fight hard at any time!

“Not necessarily, have you forgotten the poison barrier of Worm Valley?”

“It is also possible that the air in front of them has been filled with poisonous barriers, and these creatures instinctively feel dangerous and do not want to approach here.”

“To be safe, let’s wear gas masks.”

Shirley shook his head and said worriedly.

Saying that, he was ready to take out the gas mask from his bag just in case.

“No, it’s not the reason you guessed, look ahead!”

Jiang Nan stopped Shirley’s move and pointed to a distance of about seven or eight meters ahead.

The three looked in the direction Jiang Nan was pointing.

The bare ground there is evident in this vine-strewn valley.

“That is?”

The three looked at Jiang Nan suspiciously.

But Huba Yi seemed to remember something, thoughtfully.

“That’s the ‘Broken Worm Road’!”

“It’s the secret medicine of insect repellent buried in the soil, it is sulfur and mercury and other things.”

“Coupled with the harmony of poisonous hemp scatter, yellow yellow qi, lazy bodhisattva, etc., due to the hedging of attributes, it can be buried in the soil and will not be volatile for thousands of years.”

Walking over, Jiang Nan pinched some dirt, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed, and said affirmatively.

This is another application of earth tomb identification.

Without having to enter the mouth, just a keen sense of smell can find some clues hidden in the soil.

I just don’t know who is superior and who is inferior compared to the dog fifth master in the pirate pen.

ps: Just arrived home, thank you guys for your support!! Open dry !!

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