Chapter 103 Force the wolves back! (First update!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold With Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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After the train arrived at the station, the group walked out of the dilapidated railway station. As soon as they exited the station, they saw a fat man with a unique appearance in Xinjiang beckoning over enthusiastically.

“Is that Mr. Zhang?”

“It was Rexi who asked me to take you to Mengmu! The car is over there!”

Zhang Chen followed the direction of the fat man’s finger and saw a dilapidated Iveco.

“Let’s go.”

Zhang Chen looked back at everyone and said.

After getting in the car, the fat man started the car and took everyone away from the train station, and it didn’t take long for him to follow a path to the highway.

According to what the driver said, it takes about two and a half hours to drive to Mengmu. There is a small town there. There is definitely no problem with the place to live, but the conditions may be a little rough.

The driver is very talkative, and has been introducing the scenery of their hometown to everyone along the way. It can be seen that the driver is very proud.

Huang Lei, Huang Bo, and Sun Honglei were all familiar people, and they quickly became acquainted with the enthusiastic driver. From the chat, “840” learned that the driver’s name was Kurban, and his home was 300 kilometers away. Yeseri, whose wife and parents are in poor health, relies on him to solicit customers for money.People were very impressed with this warm and humorous person.

Zhang Chen originally planned to take a break while he was on the road, but unfortunately, Iveco, which was about to be scrapped, was too upset, so he simply leaned against the window and watched the scenery along the road.

Although it was late at night and the light outside the window was dim, it was nothing to Zhang Chen.

When it was hot, Huang Lei suddenly asked about the Kunlun Glacier in Kurban.

But to everyone’s surprise, Kurban suddenly fell silent after hearing the Kunlun Glacier.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

After about half an hour like this, the car suddenly stopped, Kurban checked it, cursed badly, and let everyone wait in the car.

It is said that there are often wolves on the grassland, and it is not safe to get out of the car casually. Is the car an old problem? He can go down and fix it!

Zhang Chen wasn’t surprised at all. Like the lungs of an elderly person, this IVECO’s engine made abnormal noises everywhere, and the problem would happen sooner or later.

Sun Honglei turned to Zhang Chen and whispered, “This Kurban is dishonest, he must know the secrets of Kunlun Glacier!”

Zhang Chen nodded, but didn’t say anything. Even at that time, Kunlun Glacier had many bizarre legends, and it was normal that Kurban didn’t want to talk about it.

The plateau climate in Xinjiang is very cold. Huang Lei was sitting next to the car door. Although he was wearing a fat coat, he couldn’t stand it, so he pulled the car door closed.

In fact, Kurban asked them to help, and they were a little reluctant.

People who are new to the plateau always have some mild altitude sickness. It’s okay to lie in the car, but once you go out, you feel that your breathing is very difficult.

Pang Di and the three girls are all from Xinjiang, and there is no discomfort at all.

Everyone waited for a while, and found that Kurban hadn’t come up yet, and felt a little anxious. Huang Bo stretched out his head and flashed a flashlight to see Kuer pouting his butt while repairing the engine.

“It’s over, it’s estimated that there is a problem with the engine, I’ll go down and have a look, it’s okay to wait like this!”

Huang Bo got up and was about to get out of the car, but the flashlight flashed, and suddenly he saw seven or eight pairs of green eyes approaching Iveco in the distance!

He was suddenly shocked!

“Damn it! Wolf!”

Everyone was taken aback, and they all leaned on the window and looked out the window.

Zhang Chen, who had been squinting the whole time, heard Huang Bo’s voice, opened his eyes and glanced out the window. On the cliff beach thirty meters away, there were indeed seven or eight gray-yellow wild wolves standing!

It should be a pack of wolves that came out to hunt at night!

This kind of wolf is very big, and it is an ordinary large dog on the top of its head, but its combat power is not at the same level, and it knows how to work as a team!

In fact, wolf disasters often occur in Xinjiang. The reason is that in the desert cliffs, wolves have no natural enemies. A long time ago, Xinjiang tigers restricted the growth of wolves, but after the extinction of Xinjiang tigers, wolves became the only overlords here. !

“No wonder Kurban didn’t let us go down just now, there are really wolves!”

Just now, Sun Honglei, who felt that Kurban was dishonest, immediately had a good impression of Kurban in his heart after seeing the wolves appear.

“Hey! Kurban, come up, there are wolves!”

Huang Lei opened the window and shouted at Kurban, who was repairing the engine with his butt on his back.

Kurban didn’t notice the existence of the wolves at all. After hearing the movement in the car, he stuck his head out suspiciously and said, “Wait a minute, it will be all right!”

“There are wolves! Hurry up and get in the car!”

Huang Lei was in a hurry and scolded this guy for something wrong with his ears.

Kurban heard it clearly this time, turned his head in horror and saw seven or eight tall figures appear around him!

The wolves scattered and approached, blocking all of Kurban’s escape routes!

Living here, especially for a driver like him who often travels in the wild, it is not uncommon to encounter wolves, but it is the first thing that happens when a car like this is lying in a den and is besieged by wolves.

Although the squad leader Kuer’s people are tall and big, it would be fart to say that you don’t panic!

Even this guy’s legs are shaking~!

He moved towards the wrench, grabbed it in his hand, and slowly approached the door with his back against the car…  

He understands that he must remain calm at this time, and he must not turn his back to the wolves. As long as he turns around, the wolves will immediately pounce!

He clasped the door handle with his backhand, but found that he couldn’t open the door!

Seeing this, Huang Lei hurriedly jumped to the position of the car door and twisted the door handle forcefully, but it was like hell, he couldn’t open it!

Kurban was about to cry!

“Who locked the door!”

“Lord! Save me!”

The wolves have already surrounded them, and starvation forced them to be no longer cautious, baring their fangs and biting on Kurban’s body!

Kurban’s thick cotton pants were quickly torn by the wolves, and the wrench in his hand hit the hungry wolves, which had no effect at all!

It is about to be torn apart by the wolvesBroken Kurban, in desperation, suddenly saw a figure picked from the glass window.

He could clearly see that the man’s face was none other than Zhang Chen, but Zhang Chen had no weapon in his hand, so it was useless to come down alone!

But strangely, as soon as Zhang Chen appeared, the seven or eight wolves suddenly let go of Kurban as if they had a premonition of great danger. .

Kurban was stunned!

Don’t know what’s going on at all!

Zhang Chen didn’t attack the wolves either, just walked up to Kurban and waved to him.

Kurban took a long time to react and stood on Zhang Chen’s side, only to see Zhang Chen shake the door handle twice. After finding that it still couldn’t be opened, he inserted his long fingers into the gap!

Then pull hard!


The door made a sound of metal breaking 5.3, and then a gap popped up.

Batu was dumbfounded, and saw two depressions on the edge of the door lock!

The car lock has been completely broken!

It’s like prying open with a crowbar!

But Zhang Chen used his fingers to wow!

He just felt that his brain was buzzing, but he didn’t have time to think about it, he got into the car without a life!

Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced at the wolves, frowning slightly, the wolf king at the head suddenly let out a scream, turned his head and ran towards the dark cliff.

When the remaining wolves saw the wolf king leaving, they immediately chased after them in horror.

Kurban was wearing a big padded jacket, but his back was soaked with sweat. He sat in the driver’s seat, his legs were still shaking.

Now what he is afraid of is not the wolves, but the man who picks the car lock with his fingers!


A slight modification of the place name is that Xinjiang is not Mongolia and it does not affect reading.

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