Chapter 134: Fire Bug

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Everyone looked sluggish, as if they needed to digest Zhang Chen’s words.

“It seems to be the case. If there is no exit over there, then the Rexi brothers were sucked in by the eyes of Queen Jingjue!”

Huang Lei nodded.

“There should be an exit over there. Zhang Chen just said that Queen Jing Jue’s eyes can suck people into an imaginary space!”

“Although I know what imaginary space is, it must not be the abyss it is now, right?”

Lin Yu also agreed.

Hearing this, Sun Honglei understood what was going on, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The Rexi brothers looked at each other with an incredible look in their eyes, but they nodded slightly to express their approval of Zhang Chen’s analysis.

Huang Bo used a flashlight to take a picture of the stone road that the Rexi brothers came over, with a depressed look on his face: “It’s over, the road has been trampled by these two goods, what’s the matter!”

Then everyone raised their eyes and saw that the ground was full of rubble, and the previous golden light had disappeared.

A hint of surprise flashed in Huang Bo’s eyes, he groped his chin and said, “Strange, where did the bugs go?”

“Why doesn’t it light up, are you afraid that people will fail?”

“What bugs?”

Rexi looked at Huang Lei suspiciously.

“Did you not see the golden light on the ground just now?”

Huang Lei frowned and stared at Rexi suspiciously.

Rexi looked surprised: “Isn’t that fire?”


Zhang Chen suddenly frowned, staring suspiciously at Re Xi and said, “Did you find something?”

Rexi nodded, lifted up his scorched clothes from behind, and looked at Zhang Chen with a blank expression.

“Then do you see what burned you?”

Huang Lei hurriedly said, suddenly feeling a little uneasy in his heart, Zhang Chen said it was a bug, and now Rexi said it was a fire, what is it?


Rexi shook his head and said, “After Tubal and I woke up, we saw our clothes were on, and we heard voices from your side, so we ran down the trail!”

Zhang Chen showed a slightly solemn expression on his face, took a few steps forward, and looked carefully at the depths.

Sun Honglei also helped Zhang Chen with a flashlight to take a picture.

At first glance, I really couldn’t see any traces of insects, but when he was above, Zhang Chen did see the meat insects shining with golden light, but why are they suddenly gone now?

Zhang Chen picked up a stone and waved to Rexi, motioning to give him his coat.

Rexi was stunned for a moment before she reacted, and hurriedly gave Zhang Chen the jacket.

Zhang Chen wrapped his coat on the stone and threw it towards the depths.

Everyone also looked curiously. Now they don’t know what’s going on with these bugs. They don’t dare to move forward easily, not to mention that there is no road left!


With a muffled sound, a golden light suddenly lit up where the jacket fell, followed by a burst of fire!

“Damn it! It can really catch fire!”

Sun Honglei was shocked.

Everyone also showed an uneasy look. Although the exit is likely to be opposite, but the road is gone, as long as you go in, you may be burned into this barbecue!

However, a look of surprise flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes. The moment the golden light lit up, he really looked at the bug again. At the same time, he also noticed that the bug itself was black and mixed in the gravel, so it was really hard to find. !

He pondered for a moment and said, “I have a way to pass safely!”

When the worried people on the front heard Zhang Chen’s voice, they suddenly became energetic, and they all looked at Zhang Chen.

“These bugs should only glow when they are frightened and preyed on, and the light they emit should be so hot that they can ignite combustibles!”

“However, these bugs can’t move and can’t actively attack people. We only need to useIron or stone tools will do the trick! ”

Rexi nodded slightly, gave Zhang Chen a thumbs up and said, “Mr. Zhang’s words make sense!”

“That’s right, isn’t the engineer shovel we brought in use!”

Huang Bo said excitedly, and pulled out two folding sapper shovels from his bag!

“How many do we have?”

Zhang Chen nodded and glanced at everyone.

“I still have one!”

Lin Yu looked around and said.


Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and arranged: “Let’s take turns! Tubal, Hong Lei, and me, come first!”

“It’s fairer to change people every 50 meters!”

“Yes! But my arm is injured and I can’t use force…”

Seeing that Zhang Chen’s work is quite reliable, Rexi didn’t deliberately make things difficult for their brothers, he hesitated for a while.

Sun Honglei was suddenly unhappy, and was about to sneer when he suddenly heard Tubal say: ‘I’ll be my brother for fifty meters behind! ’

Seeing this, Sun Honglei didn’t say anything.

Zhang Chen nodded and greeted everyone to start!

Zhang Chen is in the middle, Tubal and Sun Honglei are on both sides, the three of them dug forward side by side!

This method really works, and Zhang Chen and the others are only clearing the worms on the soil layer, not digging deeply, and the speed of progress is very fast!

As the golden light lit up, the positions of everyone moved forward a little bit.

Sun Honglei snorted, rubbing his buttocks with his hands from time to time, the temperature of the golden light was very high, and it turned red when the engineer shovel was hot!

Fortunately, they brought gloves, otherwise their palms would have been scalded!

Tubal and Zhang Chen are much better, especially Zhang Chen, who is not very sensitive to this hot temperature!

However, as the distance got farther and farther, the expression on Zhang Chen’s face not only did not relax, but instead became more dignified!

He found that it was more like a worm’s nest, and the position of each worm was fixed at 630, just like a beehive, which had been precisely planned.

And Zhang Chen faintly felt that these bugs looked more like larvae!

All creatures in this huge abyss are used to feed them!

And what’s even weirder is that what’s under the worm should not be soil, to be precise, it’s like a layer of ash!

However, Zhang Chen doesn’t know what kind of ash it is!


While Zhang Chen was thinking about it, Tubal was stunned as if he had shoveled something!

Zhang Chen turned his head to take a look, and saw a shiny thing under the black-gray soil!

Tubal’s pupils shrank sharply, and he dug out the shiny thing with a shovel!


Standing behind Zhang Chen, Rexi looked at the dirt stained thing in surprise.

Zhang Chen turned his head suspiciously, thinking how did this guy see it at a glance?

From Rexi’s eyes, he saw a hint of panic.

“Have you seen this jug?”

Zhang Chen stared at Rexi suspiciously.

“Um… no, I haven’t seen it before!”

Rexi said subconsciously.

At this time, Sun Honglei also straightened up, staring at Rexi and Tubal with alert eyes: “You recognize this is a wine jug even if you are still buried in the ashes, and you don’t know?”

“Have you two been here before?”.

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