Chapter 139 I smell the stench of corpses! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Huang Bo shouted, turned his head and ran towards everyone!

Huang Lei cast a flashlight and glanced at it in surprise. When he saw that the stone pier in the river suddenly moved, he immediately knew it was broken!

Before the three girls left the shore, they saw a black thing standing up from the river, and they were instantly stunned!

“Go back to the shore!”

Zhang Chen shouted, the black gold ancient knife on his back was already in his hand!

The crowd suddenly shuddered and ran back desperately!

Sun Honglei and Lin Yu’s pistols are out of ammunition, and they have no fighting power in the face of such monsters!

Zhang Chen thought it was a crocodile at first, but when he saw that thing standing up, he immediately realized that something was wrong. It had spikes all over its body, and a pair of eyes covered with scales bulged out!

The mouth is conical, and the tongue is like a snake, forked!

“Overlord salamander?”

This word suddenly appeared in his mind, this thing has lived from ancient times to the present, the outside world has long since disappeared, and it can only be seen under the Kunlun Glacier!

“Isn’t it a crocodile?”

Huang Bo heard Zhang Chen’s voice and screamed as he ran, but his feet were already in disarray, and he was not as sensitive as before.

“Pogo! Run!”

Everyone who had retreated to the shore shouted anxiously when they saw Huang Bo falling into the water!

Huang Bo’s face turned blue, the water in the river was freezing to the bone, and his whole body was aching from the cold, but compared to the big guy behind him, it was nothing!

And when he fell into the water, his movement speed was obviously a little slower, the big guy flicked his tongue and rolled towards Huang Bo!

Huang Bo turned his head in horror, the whole person is stupid, the size of the king salamander is too big!

At least four meters long!

Disgusting slime hangs from the huge mouth!

I’m afraid that if you take a bite, it will be over!

Before the body of the Overlord Salamander got close, the spring-like tongue fell on Huang Bo’s neck!

At this moment, Zhang Chen suddenly took a step forward and mentioned Huang Bo’sHis arm was like throwing a sandbag, and Huang Bo was directly pulled out of the water and thrown on the shore!

Huang Bo found himself suddenly in the air, and was almost caught by the big guy’s tongue just now. He was lucky enough to escape, but what made him collapse was that Zhang Chen’s strength was too great!

This time, he threw him several meters high!

The ground is full of stones, and this will cost him half his life!

However, Sun Honglei, Huang Lei, and Lin Yu responded quickly, and the three of them stretched out their hands to grab Huang Bo’s body abruptly.

Although Huang Bo didn’t fall, he knocked the three of them to the ground!

On the other hand, Zhang Chen took the black gold knife and cut off the tongue of the overlord salamander!

At this moment, he is naked on the upper body. Although the fire unicorn has long since returned to its original state, the black unicorn tattoo has also been revealed. The upper body is bare, the black gold ancient knife is in hand, and standing in the torrent of smashed ice floating, the whole body reveals a savage and sturdy aura!

Although the size of the overlord salamander is very similar to that of a crocodile, its main weapon is not its teeth. Its spring-like tongue is its main predatory weapon!

The mucus on it is full of toxins, as long as it is infected, it will definitely die!

Zhang Chen raised his knife and fell, and the tongue of the overlord salamander snapped in half in an instant!

He didn’t have the slightest panic in his expression, instead of retreating, he advanced, and he slashed again on the head of the Overlord Salamander!

The huge and sturdy skull was instantly chopped in half!

Everyone on the shore was dumbfounded. Although they knew that Zhang Chen’s fighting power was strong and he had killed the bigger iron-headed dragon king, he used skill.

Now this is pure strength crushing!

And it’s two sharp knives!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the giant salamander’s body lying limply on the ground.

Zhang Chen rushed the black gold ancient saber in the river, hung it on his back again, turned his head and said to everyone, “It’s alright!”


Huang Lei was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted and greeted everyone to come over again.

The icy river water was splattered with blood, and there was a sour smell in the air!

Huang Lei covered his mouth, showing disgust.

“I don’t know what to eat to grow up with this thing. The meat is so stinky. I’m even thinking about taking off the barbecue pad to pad my stomach!”

“You can pull it down, I won’t eat this thing even if I starve to death!”

Huang Bo said depressedly, he was almost scared to death by this thing just now!

After crossing the river, Huang Lei suddenly sniffed and stared at everyone suspiciously: “Did you smell the fragrance?”

“Same as braised pork!”

Huang Bo glared at Huang Lei: “Are you crazy, besides ghosts, who can cook braised pork for you in this place!”


Sun Honglei also snorted and said suspiciously, “¨.It’s not the smell of braised pork, it’s the smell of chicken stewed with mushrooms?”

“Are you two xx!”

Huang Bo directly swears!

“The taste is over there!”

Huang Lei ignored Huang Bo, pointed his finger to the right, what he smelled was real, it couldn’t be fake, and he walked towards the right suspiciously.

“Well! Yes, it’s over there!”

Sun Honglei also nodded, showing a solemn expression, the smell of food in this place is really weird, but the nose will never lie!

Everyone stared blankly at the two looking for food like animals, with indescribable strange expressions flashing in their eyes.

“There is an entrance here!”

“It’s still two!”

Suddenly, Sun Honglei shouted at everyone.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong, but he still walked over.

After stepping forward, Zhang Chen really saw a hole with a similar shape, and they were all U-shaped. From the outside, you couldn’t see what was inside!

“The smell (Nuo Zhaozhao) comes from here!”

Huang Lei pointed to the hole on the right.

“Strange, why can’t we smell it?”

Huang Bo scratched his head, looking at Huang Lei and Sun Honglei, it didn’t look like he was lying!

“I smelled it too, but it didn’t taste like it was French perfume…”

Fat Di looked strange.

When Yaya and Chana heard the words, they sniffled and nodded, seeming to agree with Fat Di’s statement.

“Why did I smell the breath of the cultural relics?”

Lin Yu looked surprised, this is too strange!

“Damn it! Is my nose broken?”

Now it was Huang Bo’s turn to be dumbfounded. He stared at Zhang Chen in surprise: “Did you smell it?”

Everyone’s eyes also turned to Zhang Chen, as if curious about what Zhang Chen smelled.

I saw Zhang Chen nodded slightly and said to everyone, “What I smell is the stench of corpses!”.

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