Chapter 147: Guest group from the future!

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Zhang Chen ignored everyone’s weird expressions, because time was running out, and those stone men leaning against the wall were moving towards everyone mechanically.

He hurried up the stairs, turned around and saw that Sun Honglei and the others had followed, and walked towards the third floor without looking back!

According to his observation, monsters on each floor can only live on a specific floor, and cannot go up or down at will.

As long as they are on the third floor, these stone men can’t attack them!

Everyone also feelsWhen they were weird, they turned their heads and saw the stone man walking towards them strangely.

But when they saw that Sun Honglei was closely behind Zhang Chen and had already taken the first step to the third floor, shock flashed in their eyes.

Isn’t that the other figure they saw just now!

But at this moment, they didn’t have time to think too much, and ran to the third floor behind Zhang Chen.

In the studio hall of the program group, the three guests and the director group showed shocked expressions on their faces.

The picture on the screen is really incredible!

The picture from a few minutes ago is reproduced again like a videotape!

“Elder Fang, what’s going on?”

Shen Ming muttered to himself, after the guest group entered the demon tower, he found that he had become a fool, let alone explain it, it was impossible to figure out what was going on.

The picture in the lens has exceeded his cognition!

Fang Tangyi just shook his head, his eyes full of shock, he couldn’t figure out what was going on at all!

“Maybe this is the strangeness of the demon tower!”

Fang Tangyi said solemnly, this time he really opened his eyes!

In the picture, after everyone went to the third floor, they stopped at the entrance of the third floor, Zhang Chen’s body froze in place, and his eyes were directed at the center of the third floor!

I saw a person who looked exactly like him walking towards the fourth floor with a group of guests!

Although it only flashed by, he clearly saw the figure of that person!

He looked startled, and muttered to himself: “It really is true!”

When he was just on the second floor, Sun Honglei and others told him about the strange incidents he encountered, but he still didn’t fully believe it. Now, after seeing it with his own eyes, he began to confirm that what the guest group said was true!

He frowned, and a dignified and strange light flashed in his eyes, this demon tower is really strange!

“Zhang Chen, did you see it just now?”

Huang Lei stared at the stairway in the center of the third floor.


Zhang Chen nodded slightly, signaling everyone not to go forward without authorization.

“Do you know what’s going on?”

Huang Lei was surprised.

“I don’t know! But according to what you said, and the scene I just saw, I guess it may have something to do with the eyes of Queen Jingjue!”

Zhang Chen shook his head and said.

“You mean imaginary space?”

Lin Yu said in surprise.

“Well! I don’t know if you have noticed. When we went up, we didn’t pay attention to our existence, that is to say, we could see them, but they couldn’t detect us!”

Zhang Chen said.

“It seems to be the case…”

Huang Lei groped his chin and recalled it carefully. It seems that it was the same when he was on the second floor. There was no trace of them in the eyes of those people like them!

It feels like watching a video from the past!

“What I want to know is, are those people really us?”

Huang Bo feels that his brain is not enough at this moment, and he must have a nervous breakdown if he thinks about it any more!

Sun Honglei heard the words, his lips moved a few times, but he closed his mouth, nodded slightly and looked at Zhang Chen, as if Huang Bo said the doubts in his heart.

・・・・ Flowers・・・・・

Everyone also stared at Zhang Chen nervously.

“should be!”

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and nodded.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Zhang Chen in stunned eyes. Although they had already guessed in their hearts, they still felt horrified when they heard Zhang Chen’s words!

How can the same self appear in a world?

After a long time, Sun Honglei saw that everyone was silent, so he asked tentatively, “If they are us, then who are we?”

…… 0

Zhang Chen shook his head: “I’m just guessing, we just saw a person, it may be a projection of imaginary space! It belongs to us in the future!”

“The future of us?”

Huang Lei frowned, recalling the scene from the second floor to the third floor, as if it really was!

What they do and say is exactly the same as that group of people.

“That is to say, we will enter the fourth floor from the middle passage later?”

Huang Lei said in surprise.


Zhang Chen nodded, although he was not completely sure, but for now, only this explanation is the most reasonable!

“I suddenly have an idea! In fact, seeing myself is not a bad thing!”

Huang Bo listened to it for a while, as if inspired, and instantly felt that his thinking became clear.

Seeing his excited look, everyone showed a slightly suspicious look.

“Tell me?”

Huang Lei Road.

“Since they areFor our future self, that is to say, whatever they do is what we are about to do. As long as we keep up with them, can’t we go to the top? ”

“Even if there is danger in the middle, we can see it in advance!”

Huang Bo said excitedly. predict.

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