Chapter 166 This sword can slay the evil spirits in the world! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone was shocked!

Seeing the golden flame, I immediately understood that the flame that burned the demon boy before was emitted from Zhang Chen’s body!

After a brief shock, everyone’s faces filled with ecstasy again!

Zhang Chen has such ability, shouldn’t it be easy to deal with this monster?

Sure enough, the golden flame was like a natural restraint of the monster, and it instantly enveloped the monster!


As if it was scorched, the black monster was covered in flames, its body twisted wildly, and the air was filled with a disgusting stench!

Zhang Chen’s expression was still cold, and the fire blade in his hand slashed down!

He is domineering, this is unstoppable, and it can slay the evil spirits in the world!


A knife fell.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

It was neat and unobstructed, and the monster with golden flames all over it instantly turned into two halves!

“do you died?”

Huang Lei said in surprise, staring at the two halves of the light group lying on the ground burning with golden flames.

“They’ve become two halves, should they be dead?”

Sun Honglei was a little unsure.

Naturally, everyone can’t see any clues, and they don’t know whether this thing is dead or not.

Although it seems to have been burned into slag, this thing is an evil thing transformed by yin after all. It has existed in the demon tower for thousands of years, and it is very likely to have some strange ability!

Everyone who was not sure turned their heads to look at Zhang Chen, hoping to hear the result from Zhang Chen’s mouth.

However, I suddenly saw Zhang Chen’s face was solemn, and he didn’t mean to relax at all. He stared at the two flames with cold eyes, as if he was facing a great enemy!

Everyone’s face changed suddenly!

“It’s not dead yet, is it?”

“This monster is really scary!”

Lin Yu said with shock on his face.

Zhang Chen didn’t speak, and everyone didn’t dare to move. They could only stand there and stare at the strange thing in front of them. They all knew the power of the golden flame. They could burn gold and iron, but the monster was still burning. I don’t know how much yin is in this thing!

Just as everyone was apprehensive, a black light suddenly shot out from the dark shadow and went straight to the stairs in the middle!

Zhang Chen looked surprised. He didn’t expect that there was such a thing hidden in the evil thing. That thing was extremely fast, and he went up the stairs in the blink of an eye!

Cutting the grass without eradicating the roots will only leave hidden dangers!

Zhang Chen raised his hand and threw the flame blade out. The speed was almost extreme, and he shot into the stairs in the blink of an eye, but unfortunately he was escaped by something!

Everyone’s expressions also changed greatly. I didn’t expect such a change to happen. The fire blade in Zhang Chen’s hand didn’t stop that thing!

As the dark thing left, Zhang Chen walked towards the stairs leading to the seventh floor with a dignified expression. He pulled out the fire blade, the golden flame disappeared, and the fire blade turned into a black-gold ancient knife.

He looked up at the seventh floor, but there was no shadow of that thing!

He didn’t even see what the thing looked like just now, but he could imagine how fast it was going!

Zhang Chen looked around and found that there was no danger on the sixth floor, so he glanced at the dull-eyed crowd and said, “Get ready to go to the seventh floor!”

Everyone was shocked, and then they recovered, stared at Zhang Chen and asked, “Did you see what it was just now?”

Zhang Chen shook his head: “No!”

The crowd suddenly sankWhen he fell silent, his heart was beating wildly. Zhang Chen’s eyesight was abnormal. Even he couldn’t see clearly. How powerful is that thing?

“That’s not right!”

“Zhang Chen, didn’t you say that things in this demon tower can’t enter other floors casually?”

“Why did that thing suddenly go to the seventh floor (cbei) just now?”

As if thinking of something, Lin Yu suddenly looked at Zhang Chendao in surprise.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Lin Yu’s words. When they were on the second floor, Zhang Chen did say it, and from their previous experience, it was indeed the case. After encountering dangers on other floors, just go up. Or go down and the danger will disappear!

But just now they saw it with their own eyes, that black thing did go up to the seventh floor!

Zhang Chen frowned: “Every floor has its owner, if you can enter at will between each floor, then the things on the top are likely to kill the things on the bottom, and if the things on the bottom go up to the top, it’s just like court death!”

“So for thousands of years, the monsters in this demon tower still maintain this stable ecology. If that thing didn’t run away, it would definitely die in my hands. Only by taking risks on the seventh floor will there be a chance of survival!”

Speaking of Zhang Zhangchen, he suddenly paused, and turned to be a little unsure: “But there is another possibility…”

Everyone was fascinated by what they were listening to, when they suddenly saw Zhang Chen stop, and hurriedly asked curiously, “What is the other one?”

Zhang Chen’s complexion suddenly sank, everyone’s heart tightened, and their eyes were fixed on Zhang Chen.

“That thing is trying to wake up the owner of the seventh floor with death!”

Zhang Chen’s solemn voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone’s expressions changed greatly, and their faces were unbelievable.

“I’m going! That bastard is so cruel?”

Sun Honglei cursed loudly.

“I should have killed that thing just now. Now, maybe the owner of the seventh floor is waiting for us with his knife sharpening!”

Huang Bo also gritted his teeth and said, although this is only a possibility, but according to the law of their experience, what is the worst possibility will happen!

“Don’t say anything if you’re frustrated, the sixth floor has come over! The seventh floor can’t stop us!”

Huang Lei glanced at Zhang Chen and said to Huang Bo.

Huang Bo also realized that it was indeed inappropriate for him to say this, so he closed his mouth and said nothing.

Zhang Chen’s brows were furrowed, and he felt that the second possibility was the most likely, that the evil thing obviously had a mind, and revenge could be done 80% of the time.

These seven floors are bound to be more dangerous than here!

“I’ll go up first, you follow!”

The seventh floor was in danger, Zhang Chen was afraid that the guests would have an accident when he went up, so after he finished speaking, he rushed up with the black gold ancient knife! .

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