Chapter 177 Explosion! Fire unicorn phantom! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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That voice was like swallowing something, strangely anxious!

Everyone only felt that their limbs were cold all the time, and slowly turned their heads, and they saw that the originally motionless high priest was stuffing the huge stone plunger into the mouth!

The bead that emits red light is almost the size of the head of the high priest!

But the high priest swallowed the beads so hard!


Huang Lei was dazzling, the high priest who had always been like a statue actually moved, and the first thing was to swallow the strange blood beads!

Zhang Chen was also surprised, the blood-red beads entered the high priest’s body, and the red light penetrated the body – out!

He could even see the bones and blood vessels of the high priest!

And what’s even more weird is that he saw a dent in the middle of the closed eyes of the high priest!

As the bead completely entered the body of the high priest, the dent was slowly opening!

Lin Yu and others also noticed this strange scene!

He was surprised: “Is that the third eye?”

Everyone’s heart trembled!

But no one answered, because the third eye had already opened, and the bloody red light was like a divine sword piercing the void, shooting at everyone!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed drastically, he turned his head and shouted at the crowd, “Get out of the way!”

Everyone subconsciously avoided, only to see that the red light suddenly cut a ravine more than one meter deep from the ground!

And this seems to be just the beginning, the red light is still moving towards everyone, and the speed is extremely fast!

Zhang Chen had a hunch that this high priest was not a good thing, but he didn’t expect it to be so powerful, the rocks were chopped into pieces, and if the mortal body touched it, it would be gone in an instant!

He was holding a black gold ancient knife and blocked it in front of him!

The red light is like a gushing torrent, extremely heavy!

Zhang Chen used all his strength to barely resist!

However, the black gold ancient knife is terrifyingly hot, and the golden flame and red light meet together, turning into a terrifying golden red!

Huang Lei was shocked when he saw it, and sighed that this high priest was too powerful!

Zhang Chen killed the three red-haired dumplings just like killing chickens, but it was so difficult to meet this high priest!

He was anxious in his heart. He wanted to help but was afraid of causing trouble to Zhang Chen, so he tore up the ancient book of bullshit prophecy in his hand!

And threw it towards the high priest, scolding the old thing for its many tracks!

But this time, it seemed to anger the high priest, and the high priest suddenly jumped out of the snake’s mouth and landed firmly on the ground!

Open your mouth, and suddenly there are countless blood-red light spots!

As soon as the light spot appeared, it was entrenched in the air, the red light flashed like breathing, and the air made a buzzing sound!

Huang Lei’s complexion changed greatly, only then did he see clearly that the red light spots were all small bugs, the size of which was the same as theirs.The fire ladybug I saw was very similar, but it was only glowing red!

The red light spot paused in the air for a few seconds, and suddenly attacked Huang Lei and others!

Huang Lei’s expression changed greatly, he could sense a piercing chill coming from the surface, he subconsciously threw the backpack out, trying to repel these strange bugs!

But a strange scene appeared!

I saw that as soon as the backpack touched the red worm, it turned into an ice lump, and fell to the ground and shattered into scum!

Huang Lei’s face was pale, and his eyes were full of horror. This is not a fire worm, but an ice worm!

Huang Lei’s attack seems to have angered the ice ladybug again!

The scalp-numbing humming sound suddenly came out!

The red light all over the sky immediately rushed towards Huang Lei, Lin Yu and Fatty Di Yaya!

Everyone turned their heads and ran!

But how can the speed of human running be comparable to the flight speed of ice ladybugs!


The ice ladybug catches up with everyone in an instant!

At this moment, a unicorn roar sounded!

A fire dragon instantly shot into the center of the ice ladybug!

Golden flames soared into the sky!

Swallow the ice ladybug instantly!

Everyone slumped on the ground, sweat dripping from their faces!

They turned to Zhang Chen in horror, only to feel a wave of fiery fire hit!

In the anxious line of sight, a unicorn phantom with golden flames all over his body appeared in front of everyone!

“Is this a fire unicorn?”

Everyone was stunned, seeing Ningshi as a real fire unicorn, they suddenly had the urge to kneel!

They also saw a tall and straight figure in the center of the fire unicorn. Although they couldn’t see the appearance clearly, from the perspective of stature and temperament, that person was Zhang Chen!

The phantom of the fire unicorn let out a low roar, and the huge mouth swallowed all the red light from the third eye of the high priest!

And the red light doesn’t seem to cause any damage to the fire unicorn!

Zhang Chen pressed step by step, the phantom of the fire unicorn above his head slowly walked towards the high priest!

The high priest seems to have also noticed the power of the fire unicorn phantom on Zhang Chen’s body!

The third eye is fully opened into a circle!

A more intense red light shot towards Zhang Chen!

The fire unicorn phantom, opened its mouth, and golden flames spurted out!

Instantly cancels out the red light, and shoots towards the high priest with the remaining energy!

Obviously, the power of the unicorn phantom far exceeds that of the red light!

Zhang Chen’s speed suddenly accelerated, and finally turned into running, and the unicorn phantom was also beating on him!

The high priest seemed to sense the danger. When the spreading flame was about to touch him, his body suddenly jumped up and fell into the snake’s mouth again!

Zhang Chen let out a low roar, stepped on the belly of the stone snake, and jumped up high!

The unicorn phantom on the body opened its huge mouth and bit the high priest in the mouth of the snake!

Huang Lei and others were stunned when they saw it, and they were all shocked by Zhang Chen’s domineering power!

In front of the unicorn phantom on Zhang Chen’s body, the mysterious high priest retreated steadily!

Just when everyone thought the victory was in their hands, they suddenly felt the ground tremble slightly!

The glacier in the dome cracked a huge gap!

“Is this an earthquake?”

Huang Lei was horrified, if the glacier collapsed, they would definitely be buried in the ruins!

Everyone stood unsteadily, their bodies swayed uncontrollably, and their eyes looked around in horror.

I saw an even more bizarre scene appear!

The tens of meters high snake head suddenly swayed and fell off at any time, as if it was about to collapse!

“Zhang Chen be careful!”

Fat Di shouted anxiously, at this moment Zhang Chen’s figure is still fighting with the high priest in Shekou!

Lin Yu looked at the stone snake in horror, with a look of horror in his eyes, and saw black ink-like scales suddenly appear under the fallen rubble!

The scales actually glowed with an oily luster under the light of the fire!

“This is a black snake…”

Lin Yu sat on the ground with his buttocks and pointed at the stone snake dumbfounded!

Everyone also noticed that Lin Yu was different, and when they looked up, they saw that the stone on the snake’s body had already fallen off, and the python like a dragon appeared in front of everyone!

“This snake is alive…”

Huang Lei’s face was pale, and he looked down at his feet, only to see that the nine-story demon tower began to collapse, and huge black scales suddenly appeared!

Fat Di and Yaya almost fainted from fright!

In the mouth of the snake, Zhang Chen also noticed the change of the stone snake, and his eyes flashed with horror, and he did not expect that the stone python was actually real!

The jet-black fangs are more than two meters long, and its strength can be imagined!

The resurrected black suddenly waved his head!

The glaciers in the dome are starting to break!

Zhang Chen’s body was also thrown 100 meters away!

After rolling for a few laps on the ground, heSaw the High Priest also appearing nearby!

However, the high priest is much more embarrassed than before, looking a little sluggish, and the third eye between the eyebrows has been closed!

Zhang Chen’s eyes are full of anger!

It must have been the ghost of the high priest who awakened the black snake just now!

He stretched out his hand, the black gold ancient knife flew into his hand instantly, and then the high priest was split in half with one knife!

For a moment, the blood-red beads rolled down in front of Zhang Chen!

He was stunned for a moment, picked up the beads, and saw that there were cracks on the beads, with the outline of an eyeball in the middle!

・・・ Flowers 0 ・・・

“Zhang Chen save me!”

Just as he was about to find out, Huang Lei’s voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Zhang Chen turned his head and suddenly found that the nine-story demon tower had disappeared!

A giant python that penetrated the sky appeared in his field of vision!

Including him, they are all in the belly of the python!

Huang Lei and others clawed at the gaps in the scales, and their bodies were shaky!

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank sharply, he took out a rope from his waist and threw it backhand at Huang Lei and others!

The rope is precisely set in front of Huang Lei!

“Tie it around your waist!”

Zhang Chen grabbed the rope and said anxiously!

Huang Lei and others hurriedly followed Zhang Chen’s words!


Suddenly, a sound like thunder sounded.

Zhang Chen suddenly raised his head and saw the huge black head appearing in front of him!

That head is really too big, like a giant airliner!

The unicorn shadow on Zhang Chen’s body is extremely small in front of the huge head of the black snake!

It even has a faint taste of desalination!

“Give me back my eyes!”

The black voice sounded again!

Zhang Chen was shocked to see that the black eyes were tightly closed and there were no eyes!

He was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously handed over the stone beads in his hand…


Although the black snake can’t see it, it seems to be able to sense Zhang Chen’s movements, and the huge head is slowly approaching Zhang Chen!

Huang Lei and the others looked at the scene in front of them with pale faces, their thinking had already fallen into chaos!

From the moment the black snake appeared, their worldview had already collapsed!

There are actually giant snakes hundreds of meters in the world!


Suddenly Zhang Chen suddenly withdrew his hand, held Shizhu in his hand, and stared at the black snake vigilantly!

“Give me your eyes, and I can resurrect your companion!”

The black snake said again.

“A man cannot be resurrected from the dead! Do you really think you are a god?”

Zhang Chen still said coldly.

Huang Lei grunted and swallowed, this giant snake actually bargained with Zhang Chen!

Wu Hei suddenly became silent, and after a long time, his mouth suddenly widened, and he came to bite Zhang Chen!

At the same time, his body twisted suddenly, and Huang Lei and others flew out instantly!

That huge force directly broke the rope in Zhang Chen’s hand!

“Then you all die together!”

Wu Snake suddenly opened his eyes and stared coldly at Zhang Chen. The indifferent voice sounded, and the strong smell of blood came from the surface!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed greatly, this thing is really lying to him!

He suddenly crushed the stone eye in his hand!

As the stone eye shattered, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in front of him!

As soon as the black hole appeared, Zhang Chen felt a huge suction hit!

That power is too great to resist!

The black snake’s head was sucked into it instantly!

His body is also flying into the black hole uncontrollably!

Huang Lei and others are falling towards the bottom, and with this suction, they enter the color of the black hole!

He really guessed right, this stone eye and the fetish of imaginary space!

Once the stone eye is broken, the hidden entrance to the imaginary space appears!

With the bodies of the giant snake, Zhang Chen, Huang Lei and others entering the imaginary space!

The live broadcast screen suddenly disappeared!

The show is screaming!

“What about the signal?”

Ma Wen stood up and shouted, but was stunned for a moment. He suddenly remembered what Zhang Chen had said before that once they entered the imaginary space, the live broadcast signal would disappear!

Wasn’t the black hole just the entrance to the imaginary space…

The barrage of the live broadcast platform is crazy again!

“Have you really entered the imaginary space? Can’t the signal come out?”

“Isn’t that giant python too big just now? It’s still spitting out people’s words, could it be a Jiaolong?”

“I’m going! Why do I feel that the excitement has only just begun, didn’t Zhang Chen say that the Queen of Essence is in the imaginary space?”


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