Chapter 183 One coffin and two kings! Two exquisite queens? | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone also saw the face that stood up from the coffin, and it really was Chana!

Just how could Chana be in the coffin of Queen Jingjue?

Or maybe it’s not Chana, but the Queen of Essence?

Countless questions are circling in everyone’s mind!

Zhang Chen frowned, staring at the strange woman from the coffin!

The woman’s eyes were tightly closed, and her body exuded death!

He was stunned for a moment and said, “This is not Chana, that is Queen Jing Jue!”

“Exquisite Queen?”

Huang Lei was stunned, and only felt incredible for a while, why does Queen Jingjue look exactly the same as Chana!

If this woman is really the queen of quintessence, where did the real Chana go?

And the mysterious man who opened the coffin just now, who is he?

Everyone can’t think of an answer even if they want to break their heads!

The atmosphere is weird again to the extreme!

However, it seems that they can’t help thinking about it. The Queen Jingjue in the coffin has completely stood up, and then slowly walked towards everyone step by step!

The robe on her body was dragged on the ground, her steps were steady, and her posture was solemn!

The whole body exudes the domineering style of the ancient queen!

“It’s so pretty!”

Sun Honglei was shocked and said, he has never seen such a dumpling before, not only is it not scary, but it has a faint feeling of surrender!

“Nine-10” “You really deserve to be the famous Queen of Excellence!”

“This temperament is amazing!”

Huang Bo praised, but the grip of the half of the spear in his hand is tighter. The more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous it is. It seems that this sentence is more suitable for Queen Jingjue!

Maybe everyone was conquered by the temperament of the exquisite queen!

Everyone, including Zhang Chen, didn’t do anything, just staring at the Jingjue Dynasty and the others step by step!

Everyone’s heart beat faster, and even breathing became a little difficult!

They also don’t know what the Queen is going to do!

Before they figure out the purpose of the Queen Jingjue, they dare not move!

When Queen Jingjue walked to the middle of the stone path, everyone’s heart suddenly accelerated, and if they moved closer, they reached a dangerous distance. If Queen Jingjue’s corpse changed her hands, I’m afraid they would suffer a big loss!

Zhang Chen’s palms were also sweating, and he was a little hesitant about whether to strike first!

Sun Honglei and the others stepped back slightly, but suddenly they found that Queen Jing Jue had actually stopped.

“What is she doing?”

Huang Lei said solemnly.

Zhang Chen didn’t answer, just stared at Queen Jing Jue, and the unicorn tattoo on his body slowly emerged!

He was originally a decisive person, but he was a little hesitant at this moment, although the woman in front of him was a legendary queen no matter how she looked, and she also had a strong sense of death in her body!

But as Queen Jingjue approached, he found that the deadly aura of the Queen Jingjue and her body was slowly fading, just like a zongzi transformed into a human in a short period of time!

He seems to be calm, but in fact his heart is turned upside down!

Is the ability of this elite queen already so powerful?

Can you have the ability to come back from the dead?

While he was hesitating, Queen Jing Jue who stopped suddenly suddenly opened her eyes!


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief everywhere, looking at Queen Jing Jue with shock, only to see that Queen Jing Jue’s eyes were full of rich blood red!

The temperament of the whole person is also a bit more weird and evil because of the weird eyes!

“Don’t look her in the eyes!”

As if realizing something, Huang Lei hurriedly covered his eyes with his arms and shouted to everyone!

He had heard Zhang Chen’s words before, the eyes of Queen Jingjue have the ability to teleport people to the imaginary space!

When he saw those weird red eyes, his first reaction was that he was done!

The same goes for Sun Honglei, Huang Bo and others!

As soon as Huang Lei’s words came out, they hurriedly covered themselves with their arms.own eyes!

It’s just that Huang Lei caught a glimpse of Zhang Chen out of the corner of his eye, but he didn’t avoid Queen Jingjue’s strange eyes. Instead, he stared at Queen Jingjue with wide eyes!

He was stunned, Zhang Chen didn’t know the strangeness of Queen Jingjue’s eyes!

He just wanted to remind him, but after thinking about it, he felt wrong for a moment. Haven’t they entered the imaginary space now?

The Absolute Queen’s eye ability doesn’t have any effect on them anymore!

He raised his head embarrassedly, but saw a scene that made him stare at his pocket!

I saw that Queen Jingjue suddenly opened her arms and looked up at the dome like Jesus, her long black hair and the robe behind her rose without wind!

A screeching roar resounded!

That voice is like magic!

In the bottomless abyss in front of everyone, a voice resembling the crying of ten thousand ghosts, and the Queen Jingjue responded to each other!

And they were horrified to find that the voice of �O�O�@�@ sounded behind them at the same time!

Everyone turned around in horror!

Strangely, in the dark depths, countless white monsters like tentacles appeared!

And those tentacles are flying towards them!

“Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more harmful it will be, and Zongzi is no exception!”

Huang Bo’s expression changed greatly, while scolding, he broke the gun with his hand to open the approaching tentacles!

The crowd formed a group, and Huang Bo and Hong Lei protected everyone!

Those tentacles seem to have thoughts, attacking everyone from all kinds of tricky angles!

But thanks to the strengths of Huang Bo and Sun Honglei, everyone was able to cope with all their hard work.

On the other hand, Zhang Chen frowned, and stared at the Queen of Jue Jing who stretched out his arms to control the tentacles!

I don’t know why he always thinks that this elite queen is a little weird!

Her methods seem strange, but they are actually not powerful!

The fire unicorn on Zhang Chen’s shoulder slowly emerged, he turned his head and glanced at the forced retreating crowd, but a golden flame popped out at random, igniting those tentacles!

There was a crackling sound in the air!

The dense tentacles quickly subsided under the burning of the golden flame!

Everyone wiped the sweat from their foreheads, looked at Zhang Chen gratefully, and looked at Queen Jingjue again!


The Queen of Essence, who was frustrated with one blow, let out a roar again!

This sound is more piercing than before!

The air seemed to shake suddenly, and a strange coldness gushed out from the bottomless abyss of the ghost cave!

In the dark abyss, something black seems to be climbing up!

The sound like a hundred ghosts crying has become more piercing and intimidating!

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank sharply, he had a premonition that the Queen of Absolute Essence seemed to summon some kind of strange creature from the abyss!

Naturally, he would not allow Queen Jingjue’s tricks to succeed!

He stomped on the ground, and his body shot out at the Queen Jingjue like an arrow from the string!

But Queen Jing Jue still stood there, as if she didn’t care about Zhang Chen’s attack!

“Give me death!”

Without the black gold ancient knife, Zhang Chen used his physical strength to shoot this palm!

And the golden flame of the fire unicorn has already lingered on the palm of his hand, he is extremely confident, even if the strange queen of essence eats his palm, it will be torn apart!

Everyone gasped and looked at Zhang Chen with shock!

In my heart, I sighed that Zhang Chen is really a ruthless person, such a beautiful and unparalleled queen, he can destroy flowers!

But when Zhang Chen’s palm was about to hit the body of Queen Jingjue!

The body of Queen Jing Jue, who had been standing still, suddenly retreated strangely!

And it’s extremely fast!

A ruthless look flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, and he said mockingly, “I think you are so powerful, I’m not trying to hide!”

He pointed his toes on the ground, and his figure became a little faster again!

But suddenly she saw a mocking smile on the corner of Queen Jing Jue’s mouth!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed slightly, and an unpleasant feeling came to his heart!

Next second!

He suddenly heard the exclamations of Huang Lei and others behind him!

I saw that Queen Jingjue’s huge copper coffin suddenly flew into the air, and then flipped around in the air, standing straight in front of Queen Jingjue!

“Do you think this thing can stop me?”

Zhang Chen let out a low roar, just about to speed up, but suddenly his expression changed drastically!

I saw Chana, who had been missing for a long time, lying quietly in the copper coffin at the moment!

“That’s Chana?”

Huang Lei’s surprised voice suddenly sounded!

A deep hatred flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes. It turned out that the Queen of Jingjue had already designed it!

Deliberately block yourself with Chana!

No wonder this woman is laughing at herself!

“Be careful Zhang Chen, that’s Chana! ”

Fat Disheng was afraid that Zhang Chen would beat Chana to death with one palm, and exclaimed…

“It’s over! I’m afraid it’s too late!”

Huang Bo opened his eyes wide and sighed.

At this moment, Zhang Chen is less than twenty centimeters away from the coffin, so he has no time to withdraw!

Hearing Huang Bo’s words, everyone’s hearts sank, and they secretly scolded the Queen Jing is really hateful!

Zhang Chen’s eyes were filled with a cold color, and at this moment he couldn’t stop, he could only fight to the death!

His toes touched the ground again, his body twisted suddenly, and with the power of the rotation, his palms slammed on the copper coffin!


A deafening sound rang out!

The huge copper coffin was like an arrow from the string. With the strong blessing of Zhang Chen’s palms, it shot towards the Queen Jingjue behind!

But Chana in the coffin was bounced back by this distance!

Zhang Chen opened his arms and embraced Chana’s body!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn’t expect Zhang Chen to have this trick, and escape the danger!

2.7 After Zhang Chen hugged Chana, he was stunned for a moment. He found that Chana seemed to be out of breath!

He suddenly raised his head, and suddenly saw that the expression of Queen Jing Jue in the high place changed greatly, and looked at him in horror!

The red light in her eyes disappeared in an instant!

The eyes regain a little familiar clarity!

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. He actually saw some familiar smells on Queen Jingjue’s body!

“Zhang Chen…”

While Zhang Chen was hesitating, a faint sound rang in Zhang Chen’s ear.

He lowered his head and saw Chana lying on his chest, opened his eyes slowly, and stared at him with a sluggish breath.

“never mind…”

Zhang Chen comforted him.

Chana nodded and buried her head in Zhang Chen’s chest.

When the people in the back saw that Chana was rescued, they immediately surrounded him nervously.

“Chana, are you alright?”

Fat Diyaya and Chana have a very good relationship, and said worriedly.

Zhang Chen supported Chana and nodded to Fatty.

I saw that Zhana’s face was a little pale, and she seemed to be a little weak. She saw Fat Di and the others, a smile appeared on her face, and she nodded slightly: “I’m fine, thanks to Zhang Chen for saving me.”

“Chana, why do you look the same as Queen Jingjue?”

“And still lying in the coffin of the Queen Jingjue?”

Huang Lei was surprised. .

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