Chapter 194 Golden Flood Dragon! Zhang Chen broke his arm! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen’s eyes widened, he could feel the death energy in the ghost cave burst out at this moment!

The power in his body has a faint feeling of being contained!

The strangest thing is that the lines that extend to his feet slowly actually control his actionsAbility!

He looked up in surprise, and found that in addition to Queen Jing Jue, the other members of the guest group were also trapped in place by the black lines and could not move!

“Does this black pattern have the ability to control people’s actions?”

Zhang Chen was surprised.

He turned his head to look at the black snake, and saw that the black snake’s huge body also climbed the black lines, and its huge body was constantly struggling!

But those black lines are like strong and elastic iron cables, trapping the black snake’s body tightly!

A look of horror flashed in his eyes, this awakening is really mysterious, and it has such a powerful ghost technique!

He instantly understood Zhang Qiling’s purpose, but it seemed that the price was a bit high!

I saw Zhang Qiling half-knelt on the ground, his naked upper body was completely covered with black lines, and the black unicorn on his chest was flickering with a terrifying black light!

This kind of ghost technique seems to consume a lot of Zhang Qiling, and I saw his body trembling slightly, it seems that he is maintaining 21 lines of strong physical strength!

Suddenly Zhang Qiling raised his head abruptly, his dark eyes looking at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and even his eyes turned black!

“Continue to attack it for seven inches!”

“The holy beads must be taken out!”

Zhang Qiling’s voice was hoarse, not like it came out of his throat!

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded subconsciously, he turned his head to look at the black snake trapped by the black lines, and a golden flame suddenly flashed in his eyes!

A breath that was diametrically opposite to the strong dead aura in the ghost cave burst out from Zhang Chen!

A condensed golden unicorn completely enveloped Zhang Chen!

As soon as the golden unicorn appeared, Zhang Chen broke free from the shackles of black lines!

After seeing Zhang Chen’s changes, Zhang Qiling’s eyes flashed a little shocked!

Seeing this, Queen Jing Jue stared at the black snake with her icy eyes!

Suddenly, as if she had made a decision, the icy aura all over her body erupted again, she slowly closed her eyes, and her face turned pale again!

I saw her hands form a strange gesture, and between her index finger and her lips, she silently chanted an obscure incantation!

Her voice is not loud, but she seems to have a strange magic power for black snakes!

I saw the huge body of the black snake suddenly twist again, like a locomotive-sized mouth giving out a painful roar!

The black lines bound to the snake have a faint feeling of being stretched and broken!

Zhang Chen opened his eyes wide and saw a huge ball suddenly bulging at the position of seven inches from the snake’s belly!

The ball seemed to be attracted by the Queen of Essence, and madly hit the snake’s belly, trying to break out!

“Queen Jingjue! Are you going to betray the promise of the ghost cave?”

The black snake let out a roar!

Queen Jing Jue’s expression remained the same, she was still chanting the spell, and she even spoke a few points faster than just now!

The holy beads keep hitting the snake’s belly!

Although this kind of impact could not inflict fatal damage on the black snake, Zhang Chenjing absolutely found the position of the holy bead!

Zhang Chen stared at the protruding snake belly, his feet slammed on the ground, and his body flew out instantly!

Everyone knows that when they see a golden unicorn stepping on the void, it shoots towards the snake’s belly like a comet!

They have seen this scene, but Zhang Chen’s attack was blocked by the giant golden claws of the black snake, and he almost died because of it!

But the difference is that this time Zhang Chen’s speed is faster, but he just took advantage of the weapon black gold ancient sword to be gone!

Everyone silently prayed for Zhang Chen, and the attack was a success!

When Zhang Qiling saw Zhang Chen’s action, a low roar came out of his throat again, and the sound of Wan Gui’s neighing suddenly intensified by several points!

Countless zongzi madly crawled towards the black snake from the ghost cave!

The black pattern extending to the belly of the black snake spreads toward the top of the black snake’s body again!

Those black lines became wider and tougher, tying the black snake tightly!

The three cooperated seamlessly, and the powerful black snake fell into a dead end!

As long as Zhang Chen hits with one hit, he can tear open the belly of the black snake and take out the holy bead!

Everything is in the blink of an eye!

Zhang Chen’s figure instantly reached the belly of the black snake, and the golden fire unicorn let out a roar, opened its big mouth and suddenly bit down on the bulging part of the black snake’s belly!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Zhang Chen really lived up to expectations!

“Come out to me!”

Zhang Chen let out a low roar, twisted his arms suddenly, and the scales on the black snake’s abdomen shattered!

The thin snake belly was torn apart immediately!

His speed is extremely fast, and with Zhang Qiling’s ghost technique controlling the black snake, he has a chance to succeed!

But to his surprise, the trapped black snake did not resist, and seemed to give up struggling!

He felt a little uneasiness in his heart, but the opportunity was fleeting, he didn’t have time to think about it, and his arm stabbed hard at the belly of the black snake again!


a soundThe muffled sound suddenly appeared!

Zhang Chen only felt a strong force coming from his arm, and a feeling of soreness and numbness surged all over his body!

He opened his eyes wide, but saw a golden light appear in front of him!

A huge golden scale appeared in front of him!


Zhang Chen was stunned, he looked up at Wu Snake!

I saw the black snake’s scarlet eyes staring at him with a playful taste!


His heart is like a lightning strike!

It turns out that this guy has already evolved, but the original black scales have not been returned!

The strength of the golden scales has reached a terrifying level, and even with the power of the Qilin bloodline, it cannot be shattered!

“Weak humans!”

Wu She spit out human words, and all the black scales on his body exploded 817!

A golden dragon appeared in the boundless ghost cave!

The terrifying power made Zhang Chen feel stuffy for a while, he covered his chest, and even a trace of bright red blood leaked from the corner of his mouth!

The black pattern wrapped around the black snake shattered along with the black snake’s scales!

Zhang Qiling vomited black blood, flew upside down several dozen meters, and fell heavily to the ground!

“It’s still one step away from being a complete body!”

Queen Jing Jue’s face was pale, and she stared at the golden body of the black snake in horror!

“Everyone will die in the ghost cave!”

“Including the elite queen who violated the agreement!”

The black snake’s voice was full of indifference, its golden giant claws suddenly grabbed Zhang Chen!

That awe-inspiring momentum locked Zhang Chen tightly, and even Zhang Chen, whose speed was like a meteor, felt a great sense of restraint coming from his surroundings!

Life and death!

He bit the tip of his tongue, and the power in his body exploded again!

He kicked on the golden scales of the snake’s belly and retreated!

But the golden claws of the black snake are faster!

The golden raised claw suddenly grasped!

Zhang Chen’s arm shattered!

The pain that almost made him pass out was surging all over his body!

Zhang Chen’s eyes have turned scarlet, and beads of sweat the size of beans are rustling down!

He saw that his arm was crushed by the golden giant claws, and the splattered minced meat fell on his face! .

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