Chapter 233: Huang Lei Rescue


“do not move!”

Zhang Chen suddenly said to Sun Honglei with a solemn expression.

Right now!

Zhang Qiling had collapsed to the ground, Sun Honglei took a few steps back, stepped forward cautiously, and helped Zhang Qiling up, he tentatively stretched out his fingers on Zhang Qiling’s breath.

When he found that he was still breathing, he let out a small breath.

He took a closer look and found that on Zhang Qiling’s forehead, there was only a strange black pattern where the vines grew!

The weird vine disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

“Brother, you are a human or a ghost!”

Sun Honglei muttered in fear, dragged Zhang “Jiu San San”‘s spirited body to a safe position, and looked at Zhang Chen worriedly.

I saw the coffin in front of Zhang Chen shaking more and more!

Sun Honglei’s just relaxed heart became tense again!

And Zhang Chen didn’t seem to be willing to wait any longer, so he stepped forward and slapped the coffin lid!

Then he jumped deep to the coffin wall, ready to give the contents of the coffin!

The dragon scales on his arm have already emerged. With this palm, even if the monster in it cannot be killed, it can be seriously injured!

Sun Honglei’s heart was in his throat, and he secretly prayed that Zhang Chen would succeed!

But to his surprise, Zhang Chen’s raised palm suddenly stopped!

And his sturdy body suddenly trembled!

It seems to have seen something incredible!

“Why are you here?”

Zhang Chen’s unbelievable voice suddenly sounded.

Sun Honglei was shocked. Hearing Zhang Chen’s tone, he seemed to be talking to Huang Lei and others. He hurriedly got up and ran in the direction of the coffin tentatively.

But before he got close, Huang Bo’s head was exposed from the coffin!

“I’m going! Almost suffocated me!”

Huang Bo wiped off the sticky liquid on his face, gasping for breath and roaring.

“Pogo, why do I feel like I’m in a coffin?”

“Are we dead?”

Huang Lei’s face was covered with sticky liquid, and he couldn’t see anything at all. The whole person was like he was just pulled out of the water!

At this moment, Sun Honglei slapped Huang Bo’s face and roared, “Let you pretend to be ghosts!”

This slap seemed to wake everyone up.

Huang Bo covered his face, only then did he see clearly that Zhang Chen and Sun Honglei were standing in front of him, while he and Huang Lei Linyu were in the coffin!

“What’s the matter with you?”

Zhang Chen jumped off the coffin and signaled everyone to come out first.

Huang Bo’s figure was still flexible, he jumped out of the coffin, and after shaking off the mucus on his body, he said to Zhang Chen with a disgusting face: “I don’t know, just after Hong Lei went down, a tentacle suddenly appeared in the hole. Strange, grasped and dragged it into the hole!”

“You too?”

Zhang Chen suddenly realized that it was the tentacle who did it just now. It seems that this coffin is the tentacle’s nest.

Huang Lei and Lin Yu also nodded.

“Zhang Chen, where are we? Why do I smell so bad?”

Fat Di, Yaya and Chana have woken up now. They looked around in confusion and looked tired.

“Under the sea!”

Zhang Chen spit out two words without any detailed explanation.

Seeing this, Huang Lei said: “It’s not safe now, I’ll tell you in detail later!”

The three girls nodded obediently.

“Hey, why is this coffin moving?”

At this moment, Huang Bo’s surprised voice suddenly sounded 0?

Zhang Chen suddenly raised his head, and sure enough, he saw six hanging coffins, shaking slightly!

The black stone keeps falling off!

It seems that the six coffins will fall down at any time!

Zhang Chen said to everyone with a solemn expression.

Not to mention the monsters in the coffins, even the force of the six coffins falling down can smash everyone to pieces!

Everyone also knew that the situation was critical, so they hurriedly stepped back.

“Why is there a dead person here!”

Suddenly Fatty screamed.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Zhang Qiling was lying on the ground with a dark face, not a trace of anger all over his body, he looked like a long-dead corpse!

Knowing that Zhang Qiling couldn’t die so easily, Zhang Chen said to everyone: ‘He’s just in a coma! ’

“In a coma?”Huang Lei looked suspicious. In their opinion, this little brother is dead.

But since Zhang Chen said so, there is no need for them to struggle any more.

“Just now, the little brother ate that tentacle monster, which may cause changes in the formation, and the coffin hanging on it may soon fall off, you little 37 hearts!”

Zhang Chen warned, looking at the coffin that was constantly shaking.

At present, it can be confirmed that among these six coffins, there must be Xu Fu’s tomb!

The immortal medicine and the ancient mirror of the King of Qin must be among them!

“The monster was eaten by this guy before?”

Huang Bo stared at the hanging coffin above and nodded slightly, but immediately felt that something was wrong. He experienced the power of the tentacle monster himself.

It’s acceptable for this little brother to kill him, but what the hell is it?

“Yes, it is indeed eaten, I saw it with my own eyes!”

Recalling the previous scene, Sun Honglei still felt a chill in his heart. </p>

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