Chapter 290: Two Magical Weapons Come Out Together


The vertical eyes on Sun Honglei’s forehead suddenly opened.

A beam of light shot out directly, shining directly on the ghost vine that bound Li Yunyun!


Where Sun Honglei’s pupil light shined, a layer of black smoke immediately appeared on the surface of the ghost vine!

There are also pus-like black liquid dripping, which is nauseating!

“Ah ah ah, courting death!”

Feeling the pain from the ghost vine, Zhang Qiling’s face suddenly turned hideous!

I saw a ghost vine covered with blood-red barbs, suddenly separated from Zhang Qi~spirit’s body!

A wink.

Carrying a fierce “huhu” wind, Portable slammed towards Sun Honglei in the distance!

“Hong Lei, run!”

As early as when the ghost vine appeared on Zhang Qiling’s body, Huang Lei took Huang Bo and the others to flee elsewhere!

Seeing that Sun Honglei was still standing there stupidly, Huang Lei shouted in horror.

Little life matters, now is not the time to be a hero!

However, Sun Honglei couldn’t avoid it, and watched the fierce ghost vine drawn towards him!

“That’s what it feels like!”

Sun Honglei looked like he was frightened, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Of course he’s not a fool!

The reason why I stood up just now was “oversighted” to the ghost vines on Zhang Qiling’s bodyGet started!

It was he who felt the desire of the ghost eyes on his forehead!

The ghost eye sent him a strong message.

If the ghost vines on Zhang Qiling’s body can be devoured, the ghost eyes on Sun Honglei’s forehead will usher in another evolution!

This is also the reason why Sun Honglei stood up without fear of death.

Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!

Besides, Sun Honglei also wanted to prove himself in front of Zhang Chen!

It’s too late to say.

In just a moment of effort, the ghost vine swung by Zhang Qiling was only half a foot away from Sun Honglei!

It seems that Sun Honglei will be split in two at the next moment!

Sun Honglei shouted in his heart.

Facing a life-and-death crisis.

An unprecedented violent energy condensed in Sun Honglei’s pupils.

The diameter of Sun Honglei’s pupil light has soared by more than three times, directly annihilating the ghost vine attacked by Zhang Qiling into nothingness!

Li Yunyun looked at this scene in shock, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.

She is a dignified corpse, and she is helpless against the ghost vines on Zhang Qiling!

In her opinion, Sun Honglei, who was just an ordinary person, was able to directly destroy the ghost vine.

For a while, Li Yunyun’s eyes lit up, and she became interested in the ghost eyes on Sun Honglei’s forehead!

Sun Honglei’s move shocked everyone else!

Huang Bo, who was the first to react, shouted excitedly at Sun Honglei.

“Hong Lei, well done!”

Sun Honglei, who was as pale as paper, smiled and was just about to say a few words of modesty.

There was a feeling of extreme dizziness in the brain.

The enhanced version of the shattered pupil light just now consumed almost all of his mental power!

Before his consciousness dissipated, Sun Honglei looked at Zhang Chen with hope!

“Zhang Chen, I’ve done my best, it’s up to you!”

Then he tilted his head and fell to the side.

The fast-eyed Huang Bo rushed over and held Sun Honglei in his arms!

“Hong Lei Hong Lei, are you alright?”

Huang Bo shouted anxiously.

After trying Sun Honglei’s breathing and heartbeat, they found that there was no problem. Huang Bo and Huang Lei were relieved.

A single blow had no effect.

Zhang Qiling, who was already provoked, waved a ghost vine and attacked Sun Honglei and the others!

At this time, he can no longer care about Li Yunyun in his hands, and just wants to get rid of Sun Honglei and then hurry up!

“Hey, did you forget me?”

Zhang Chen’s cold voice rang out.

Point to Zhang Qiling!

“Whoosh” sound.

The seven spirit-killing nails flew towards Zhang Qiling as fast as lightning.

When Zhang Qiling reacted, the seven spirit-killing nails had already been nailed to the ghost vine!

Zhang Qiling’s eyes were blood red, and his mouth let out a roar like a beast.

The ghost vines that popped out of his head were struggling fiercely!

After the desperate struggle of the ghost vine, the seven spirit-killing nails that were originally nailed into it began to loosen.

“Immortal Binding Lock, give it to me!”

Zhang Chen, who was already prepared, said silently in his mouth.

The Immortal Binding Chains ambush underground sprang out like a hidden dragon, and Zhang Qiling was bound firmly in the blink of an eye!

Let Zhang Qiling, including the ghost vines, be immobile.

The ghost vine secretes a special black liquid, and I want to corrode the immortal binding lock, but it is useless!

On the contrary, the Immortal Binding Lock is too strong to restrain the ghost vines, and the ghost vines, which were originally fierce and monstrous, began to shrink slowly!

But because of the relationship between the seven-star annihilation nails.

It can’t do it if it wants to retract Zhang Qiling’s head again, and it has become a turtle in a urn!

Zhang Chen stepped forward, cut off the ghost vine that bound Li Yunyun with his knife, and rescued her.

“Thank you, I owe you a favor this time!”

Although she looked very embarrassed, Li Yunyun still smiled at Zhang Chen and said generously.

She couldn’t tell at all that she was a corpse fairy, more like a lady.

Zhang Chen shook his head calmly, pointed to Yaya and said, “It has nothing to do with me, you should be thanking her!”

Li Yunyun nodded.

Immediately looking at the wilted ghost vine on Zhang Qiling’s head, he couldn’t help licking his lips.

“I’m very interested in this thing, can you sell it to me?”

Li Yunyun made no secret of her desire.

Now Zhang Qiling has no resistance at all, so the ghost vine naturally belongs to Zhang Chen, it depends on whether he wants it or not.

Zhang Chen touched his chin and began to think about it.

. 0

To be honest, the ghost vines on Zhang Qiling’s body are not very useful to Zhang Chen.See what’s so mysterious!

“It’s not impossible to sell it to you, it depends on what price you can afford!”

After thinking about it, Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

Li Yunyun was embarrassed.

Although she is expensive as a corpse fairy, she has been lying in a coffin for hundreds of years, and there is nothing valuable!

If she was like Zhang Chen, she would have so many magical instruments by her side.

Dealing with the ghost vine will not be so difficult, there is no room to fight back!

As for the corpse fairy essence in her body, Zhang Chen must have no interest!

“Oh, to be honest, I really can’t come up with anything good… How about I promise myself?”

Li Yunyun bit her lip lightly and looked at Zhang Chen pitifully, showing a look of pity!

He also turned around deliberately, revealing his exquisite body.

It seems that he hopes that Zhang Chen will give her the ghost vine for free for the sake of her beauty.

Unfortunately, this trick doesn’t work for Zhang Chen!

“Sorry, I’m not interested in you!”

Zhang Chen said expressionlessly, an old woman who has been dead for hundreds of years still wants to seduce him?

“Little brother, don’t be so heartless! By the way, I have some news that you are definitely interested in!”

Li Yunyun seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said with a bright eye.

“what news?”

Seeing Li Yunyun’s swearing appearance, Zhang Chen was interested, but on the surface she was calm.

Li Yunyun deliberately approached Zhang Chen and whispered in his ear!

After listening to Li Yunyun, Zhang Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up. </p>

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