Chapter 303: Nine Dead Tombs and Dragon Armor


Zhang Chen stretched out his hand and touched it, showing such an expression as expected.

The material of the rock in the depression is obviously different from that of the whole rock wall, and it looks like it was filled later!

Of course, this also requires careful observation to find out.

“Li Yunyun, it’s up to you! Use your fingernails to dig out the rocks here!”

Zhang Chen turned his head and said to Li Yunyun.

This kind of rough work, naturally, Zhang Chen does not need to do it himself!

Li Yunyun didn’t act petty at this time, and did as she was told.

Zhang Chen continued to observe the surroundings to see what was unusual!

The corner of his eyes glanced at Sun Honglei’s feet inadvertently.

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank suddenly!

He was surprised to find that Sun Honglei’s feet had been covered with clusters of patina-like things at some point in time!

“This is… the nine-death shocking mausoleum armor!”

For a moment, lightning flashed in Zhang Chen’s mind.

Suddenly, Zhang Chen was extremely shocked and took a deep breath!

It turns out that Nine Dead Jingling Jia did not notice them, but quietly followed them!

Zhang Chen didn’t act rashly, and information related to the Nine Deaths Jingling Armor flashed in his mind.

According to relevant book records, the Nine Death Jingling Armor is a kind of sharp organ for guarding the tomb and preventing theft, and its formation conditions are extremely harsh!

Rumor has it that for more than a thousand years, no tomb robber has ever hit the Nine-Death Jingling Armor.

The Nine Deaths Jingling Armor is extremely special and mysterious. It originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!

It must be an ancient bronze ware from three generations, and a special copper etching is leached with the blood of the corpse.

Its shape is like a copper flower born from copper sexual invasion!

This pale green copper flower has been eroded by the accumulation of blood for many years.

Buried in the ground with dragon veins for a long time, it will turn into something that is half metal and half plant by means of earth energy!

It can continue to spread around the mausoleum where the yin is condensed, and grow in the shape of coral spines or cobwebs!

Those copper-etched flowers covered with barbs, similar to piranhas, stick into the soil and rock formations like the roots of plants.

Usually they hide in the soil, and when they meet a living person, they will be frightened and violent!

All creatures approaching the tomb will be strangled to drink blood, and it is hard to prevent.

And it is not only extremely tough, can avoid water and fire, but also contains corpse blood poison, stabs a living person and immediately sees blood and seals the throat!

What’s even more exaggerated is that because of the nourishment of dragon energy, the growth rate of the Nine Death Jingling Armor is extremely fast.

As long as there is a continuous supply of dragon energy, the Nine Death Jingling Armor can even grow into the legendary ultimate form “Nine Death Tomb Dragon 々” Armor!

Of course, it’s only possible!

Zhang Chen doesn’t know how far this nine-death shocking mausoleum armor has grown, whether it is the arrangement of the king of Wuyang, or the masterpiece of Feng Shigu.

If it is Feng Shigu’s handwriting, it’s okay to say, at most only a few hundred years, and it will not grow into the ultimate form!

If it was arranged by the Wuyang King, it would be very bad.

However, the possibility of the Nine Death Jingling Armor transforming into the “Nine Death Tomb Dragon Armor” is extremely low, and it is not much higher than that of a mortal becoming an Earth Immortal!

Zhang Chen let out a deep breath.

He didn’t open his mouth to remind everyone, in case everyone was in a hurry and caused trouble.

Since the Nine Deaths Jingling Jia just followed and didn’t mean to violently hurt anyone, he could just wait and see what happened!

However, Zhang Chen was still rather puzzled.

Rumor has it that the Nine Dead Jingling Jia encounters a living person like a shark smelling blood, and has never had the habit of keeping his hands!

It’s really strange that I can’t bear it now!

But to Zhang Chen heFor us, this is a great thing.

“Is it because Sun Honglei has a special physique and doesn’t look like a living person? Or is it influenced by Li Yunyun’s corpse fairy’s breath? Or is it because I’m wrong, this is not a nine-death shock at all?”

Zhang Chen thought about it, and finally denied his guess.

He remembered it clearly.

When everyone first came, the ground was clean and there were no such things at all, the patina seemed to grow in an instant!

Zhang Chen couldn’t think of anything other than Nine Deaths Shocked.

“Zhang Chen, why are you so stunned, what do you do next?”

Li Yunyun’s voice pulled Zhang Chen’s thoughts back in time.

Zhang Chen looked at the rock wall in front of him.

Li Yunyun has hollowed out the position he just pointed, revealing a gap five inches long and one inch wide!

Zhang Chen just glanced at it and remembered the gold medal of “Guanshan Taibao” that Bashan Monkey gave him.

“It should be it!”

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but glanced at Sun Honglei’s feet again, and at the same time took the gold medal out of the system space.

“Strange, why does Zhang Chen keep looking at my feet? Did I just pee my pants from fright?”

Sun Honglei, who had a big brain hole, couldn’t help but think so.

When Sun Honglei was about to look down, Zhang Chen’s serious voice came over: “Don’t be distracted, just look at me here!”

The corner of Zhang Chen’s eyes kept falling on Sun Honglei.

Everyone didn’t know why, but they still obeyed, listening to Zhang Chen’s words was always right!

Sun Honglei suppressed his curiosity and tried his best not to look down.

However, Li Yunyun glanced at Sun Honglei’s feet with a little doubt, the boss with a pair of beautiful eyes opened in an instant!

Li Yunyun recognized it at the first sight of the patina!

This is the nine-death shocking mausoleum armor!

Soon, Li Yunyun calmed down and pretended that nothing happened. She thought the same as Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen inserted Guanshan Taibao’s gold medal along the gap he just dug into it!

Then I exerted a little force and found that it could indeed turn.

This means that half of the success has been achieved, Zhang Chen couldn’t help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After rotating ninety degrees vertically!

Everyone could clearly hear the dull “‘ 々 KAKA” sound from the inside of the rock wall.

For a time, Sun Honglei and the others were overjoyed.

Then, the indestructible rock wall slowly moved down inch by inch!

Finally, it was level with the ground, revealing a passage for three people to walk side by side.

This technology is amazing!

But now is not the time to sigh.

From the beginning to the end, Nine Deaths Jingling Jia did not attack, which made Zhang Chen’s heart that had been hanging all the time, quietly relieved.

Zhang Chen turned around and waved to everyone.

“I can’t see it, you really have two strokes!”

Li Yunyun gave Zhang Chen a rare praise.

After he finished speaking, he lifted his legs and walked towards the exposed passageway.

Almost as soon as Li Yunyun stepped in (Nuo Qianhao) stepped in, the oil lamps hanging on both sides of the passage lit up!

The sudden scene shocked everyone.

This kind of feeling is like someone is waiting for them on purpose!

After everyone walked in.

The rock wall seemed to sense something, and it rose up again with a “bang”, completely blocking the road.

Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced, the Nine Dead Jingling Jia didn’t follow, and now he was completely relieved!

Sun Honglei still doesn’t know that he has walked through the gate of hell.

After coming in, I looked around nervously!

On both sides of the passage, there are colorful murals!

The content in the painting is very strange, they are all blood-red coffins!

There are also circles of chains attached to it, as if the dead person in the coffin would climb out.

Just after a few glances, Sun Honglei, Huang Bo and the others felt cold foxes all over their bodies!

I don’t know if it was an illusion, Sun Honglei and the others always felt that the coffin on the mural was shaking. </p>

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