Wu Ling's hearing has been systematically transformed, not to mention being in front of him, even if it is a hundred meters away, he can detect any wind and grass.

As soon as this voice came out, Wu Ling immediately stiffened his neck, motionless, and had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

I'll go.

Who is it on top of my head? When

did it appear? Sadako? But Sadako can't be without movement, right

? From the time we came in, it had only been half an hour at most, and how did 'it' climb to the ceiling?

Why didn't I notice ...... at all

Could it be that this person has been in this room all along?

These thoughts flashed through Wu Ling's mind.

He pinched the dagger in his hand hard, forced himself to calm down, and asked softly to Wu Xian next to him, "Brother, did you hear that?"

Wu Xian didn't know when he stood next to Wu Ling, he took the dagger handed over by Wu Ling, and then clenched it in his hand, making a posture of preparing to attack.

The two brothers glanced at each other, their thoughts wandering in their eyes.

The next second.

Wu Ling made a move, he directly held the flashlight and turned around, and the dazzling pale light hit the ceiling that made a sound in an instant.

Suddenly, the man on the ceiling was revealed.

But the 'person' in front of me, I don't know if he can still be called a human.

The creature's appearance was extremely strange, lying on the beam like a spider, its body was nearly three meters long, but its body was as thin as a hemp rod.

Because it was back-down, the spine in the middle was even more prominent, and its bare back was covered with black cysts, as if it had a pimple on its back.

How can I say this feeling?

It's like combining a man and a toad with a spider.

And what is creepy is that the face of this black shadow is not a normal person's face, but a face covered with blisters, as if it has been soaked in boiling water, pale as gray but bulging.

On its shoulder was a sarcoma the size of a sea bowl.

The sarcoma was covered with unknown yellow mucus, and the sarcoma trembled and trembled, looking as if it was conscious, constantly squirming, and extremely disgusting.

Moreover, this thing's eyes have no whites, and the black eyeballs occupy almost the entire eye socket, which at first glance looks like a carrion corpse that has been gouged out and parasitized by spiders.

Because of the angle problem, Wu Ling intuitively saw all the images of this monster.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Wu Ling saw the true face of this monster, his heart trembled, and the cold sweat on his back instantly poured out.

At this moment, his brain was instantly clouded. The thousand words in his heart only turned into a foul mouth:

", brother, the spider has become a sperm!"

In an instant, Wu Ling slammed the flashlight in his hand out of physical instinct.

He has a lot of hands, and he is also accurate.

The flashlight slashed through the air in a perfect arc and slammed into the spider-man's face with a 'poof' sound.

The monster seemed to be smashed by Wu Ling's whining and this hand.

It didn't move until the flashlight fell from it to the ground with a soft snapping sound.

Its slender neck, accompanied by a few clicks that seemed to be bones misaligned, directly twisted and rotated 180 degrees at an angle that ordinary people couldn't do, and its eyes stared coldly at Wu Ling.

When he subconsciously threw the flashlight on the 'Spider-Man' in front of him.

Wu Ling instinctively wanted to take a step back, but found that the black shadow suddenly turned his head at some point, staring at him deadly.

He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next second.

Wu Ling only felt a vicious wind in front of his forehead, and before he could react, a pale and withered claw suddenly appeared in front of him, as if it was about to pierce his head.

"Frog fun, teleport, you?!"

Wu Ling's pupils shrank, and his body subconsciously counterattacked.

During this time, don't look at Wu Ling has been eating, drinking and having fun, but his physical agility is very high, although he is not as good as any peerless master, but it is not bad.

He was shocked by the monster's speed, but he took two steps back with the same rapidity, and ducked with one backwards.

Then he reacted quickly and kicked the monster in the chest, directly kicking it out more than a meter away.

"Bang dang!"

With a loud dull sound, the monster was kicked by Wu Ling and smashed directly on the writing desk behind it, making a loud noise.

Wu Ling was so frightened by this voice that he shook his body, and there was a fried expression on his face, as if he didn't realize that this sound was caused by him.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the monster twisted its body and stood up from the smashed desk as if it were not in pain.

Wu Ling was stunned for a moment, and said with emotion: "I'll go, so durable?"

The monster bowed down, staring at Wu Ling with dark eyes.

It grunted in its throat a few times, and once again lunged at him at a breakneck speed.

Wu Ling was also a master of art at this time, although his hands were a little trembling when he was afraid.

But that didn't stop him from picking up the stick next to him and preparing to give the monster another home run.

After all, this is the first time he has encountered a supernatural monster except for the female ghost sister!

He swallowed his saliva, clenched the wooden stick in his hand, and there was a little excitement in his eyes:

"Come on, show up, little baby."

However, before Wu Ling could make a move, he only felt a flash in front of his eyes, accompanied by the sound of a sharp weapon piercing into the flesh with a pop.

The monster flew out again, crashing into the wall behind it.


Wu Ling blinked his eyes in confusion, eh, why did my little baby fly?

Before he could recover from the act of his 'little baby' being kicked away, he smelled an extremely familiar smell on the tip of his nose.

Then a person's back appeared in his eyes, and he was protected behind him by Wu Xian.

When the monster pounced towards Wu Ling, the dagger in Wu Xian's hand was thrown at it at the same time.

The silver-gray dagger pierced the monster's lute bone directly with the momentum of breaking through the air, and then steadily inserted into the cement wall behind the monster.

Even because of the force of the knife thrower, the dagger shook up and down when it was inserted into the wall.

When Wu Ling saw that the dagger was actually embedded in the wall, his eyes lit up, and his mouth let out a "wow".

Although the walls here have become a little brittle due to the time, they can directly pass the dagger through the monster's body and then pierce the wall.

This wrist power, this finger power, good bull batch!

With the scream of the monster being stabbed by the dagger, black blood dripped from its shoulder.

Suddenly, there was an extremely fishy smell in the air, and the smell was extremely unpleasant.

The smell is like a person who has not brushed his teeth for hundreds of years, suddenly eats several heads of garlic, stinky tofu, and stinky mandarin fish, and then suddenly sighs on the tip of the human nose, which can almost make people stunned.

Wu Ling already had a sensitive nose, and this smell almost didn't smoke him.

He only felt a pain in his nasal cavity, and then an indescribable feeling of nausea came up directly from his stomach, and he almost didn't vomit.

"I'll go, what does this smell like?Why does it stink so much?Did this guy just come out of the septic tank?"

Wu Ling pinched his nose with one hand, while tugging at the corner of Wu Xian's clothes, and pulled him to the side with a cold face.

He was really stimulated by this smell, the corners of his eyes were red, his tears were almost choked, and an idea suddenly occurred in his heart.

"Master, I won't be the first person next door to be killed by my own fart, right?"

Then, as if it had an autonomous mind, it clutched its injured shoulder, had a very resentful expression on its face, screamed in its mouth, and fled through the door.

After seeing the monster go out from the door and disappear into the darkness, Wu Xian took back his cold gaze.

turned to the little man behind him who was still mighty just now, but now he was wilting like a kitten.

Wu tilted his head and looked Wu Ling up and down for a long time, and found that he was not injured, but when his stinky little face was wrinkled, he was relieved and a little funny at the same time.

He reached out and pinched Wu Ling's face, and asked with a smile, "Are you okay?"

Wu Ling's smoked brain was a little confused, and the dull hair on the top of his head was lying on his stomach and collapsed in the middle of his golden hair, looking like he was not energetic.

When he heard Wu Xian's words, he wrinkled his nose, patted him on the shoulder with an unhindered face, and said with a small mouth:

"Don't worry Aiqing, I'm very healthy, but my nose is a little uncomfortable."

Wu Xian was amused by his stubborn appearance, and reached out to lift his chin.

"I'll see.

Wu Ling couldn't resist Wu Xian, and he raised his chin forcefully and glanced at his nose a few times.

Wu Xian saw that although Wu Ling's nose was a little red, it was not swollen inside, it should be a reaction to some stimuli from choking.

He reached out and pinched the tip of Wu Ling's nose, "It's okay, it's just a little red, I should have just been stimulated by that smell." "

Whew. Wu Ling nodded and responded.

Wu Xian recalled his feat just now, with a little unknown thought in his eyes, but said softly in his mouth:

"You weren't scared, were you?"

Wu Ling shook his head, patted his small chest and said, "No, I'm bold, how can I be scared so easily."

Wu Xian didn't deny this, just now Wu Ling smashed it with a flashlight and kicked it with his foot, which shocked him.

However, he is also curious about when his brother will be so good.

At this time, Wu Ling looked up at Wu Xian as if he remembered something

, and asked, "By the way, brother, what was that thing just now? Why does it look so bumpy? And the smell is so bad, it can't be a weird species from an alien planet, right?"

Wu Xian shook his head and said slowly:

"I don't know very well, but if I'm not mistaken, that thing should be a fistula."

"Fistula?" Wu Ling scratched his neck, he saw that Wu Xian was a step away from him, he couldn't help but take a step forward with him, blinked his eyes and asked

, "What is that?"

Wu Xian looked at the little derpy hair that floated in front of his eyes again, and explained:

"I don't know what this thing is, but I've heard people say that this kind of thing can only be bred in some special environment of yin and evil places."

"Legend has it that in some kind of mountainous ethnic group, this thing represents the supreme sorcerer and medium, but some people say that this thing is a representative of evil, and it will be ominous when encountered.

Speaking of this, Wu Xian took a few steps forward, took out the dagger that was pierced through the wall by himself, clenched it in his hand, turned to look at Wu Ling and said

, "Although I don't know why this thing is here, it should have nothing to do with the person who brought us here, maybe it was deliberately placed by that person."

Wu Ling moved his little nose when he heard this, stretched a small face, and said with a small mouth: "Wow, that person is so insidious." "

He looks like he is generous, it's exactly what Wu Xian says, what he believes, and he doesn't even doubt it.

Wu Xian looked at his straightforward appearance, pinched his little derpy hair with his fingers, and said softly:

"So the world is very dangerous, don't run around, you know?"

Wu Ling blinked, he always felt that his brother had something to say, but this did not prevent him from obediently making an OK gesture.

"Okay, don't worry, brother, I'll be your hench in the future, if you let me go left, go left, if you let me go right, I'll go right, if you let me hit the south wall, I'll hit the south wall, and I'll listen to you.

Wu Xian was stunned for a moment, and finally chuckled: "You don't have to be so extreme."

He re-tied the dagger to his cuffs and walked towards Wu Ling.

However, he had just taken two steps forward when a disgusted little voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey, stinky brother, you're stepping on that blood, it stinks.

Wu Ling looked at the pool of blood under Wu Xian's feet with a disgusted expression.

Because he pinched his nose, his voice inevitably took on a somewhat nasal tone, sounding pitiful and innocent.

"Oh, it tastes good, it smells like stinking shit.

Wu Xianyan paused when he heard this, and glanced at him helplessly.

He looked down at the blood stains under his feet, frowned, and was just about to find something to wipe it when a small head suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although Wu Ling was choked enough, he still had the kung fu to tease Wu Xian: "Brother, you have really become a stinky brother this time."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and grabbed the corner of Wu Xian's clothes.

It was as if he didn't know that the smoky smell in front of him came from his brother.

Wu Xian looked at the smoked thing in front of him for a few seconds, and he was about to vomit, but he still stretched out his hand to the child, and asked softly,

"Aren't you afraid of the smell?"

Wu Ling glanced at Wu Xian a little strangely when he heard this, and said confidently: "You are here."

Wu Xian was stunned for a moment and looked down at him: "Is that it?"

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