Hu Bayi, Shirley, and the fat man knew Li Mo's purpose.

But Uncle Ming, they don't know.

Seeing that Li Moming knew that there was danger inside, and he wanted to open the crystal free mountain, the whole person was stupid.

After a long time, Uncle Ming came back to his senses.

He frowned and thought for a moment.

Could it be that Li Mo lied to him, the purpose was to fool them all to the top, and then he could monopolize the glacier crystal corpse.

If it were someone else, he would naturally not think so.

But this man is Li Mo!

Li Mo can conjure things out, and then change the means of non-existence, they have all seen it.

If they went up, Li Mo could completely empty this place by himself.

"Brother Li Mo, let's come together, and we have to face the danger together. "

"That's just your guess. "

"It's hard to say if it's true. "

Chu Yi frowned at Uncle Ming and Li Mo beside him, and then said, "Brother Duji, since this thing is so dangerous, I don't think it's better to touch it." "

"It's a depression here, and if the surrounding snow-capped mountains collapse, it's designated to be buried. "

"You haven't seen the power of avalanches, it's pretty scary. "

Li Mo glanced at the two of them, he naturally knew about the worries of the first year, but he had a solution to this.

As for Uncle Ming......

What he was thinking, he knew it clearly, it was nothing more than that he was afraid that he would swallow that glacier crystal corpse.

Li Mo patted Chu Yi's shoulder, and then said, "Since I want to open, I naturally have a way to protect myself." "

"But the danger has just been said, and those who are afraid can take refuge from it first. "

Ah Xiang trembled, and Peter's yellow eyes flashed slightly, but in this situation, they still felt safer by Li Mo's side.

Seeing that everyone chose to stay, Li Mo shrugged his shoulders and said. 860 "Let's go up and get some preparations." "

He didn't want to be surrounded by wolves.

Everyone returned to the first floor of the nine-story demon tower, filled up the fuel for the fire, and then brought some tools and supplies.

Just as they were about to go back down and open the crystal disk, Li Mo looked up at the ice cave above.

"The wolves are coming. "

"What?" the crowd immediately became vigilant.

Uncle Ming asked with a bit of incredulity: "Didn't we destroy that disc?"

Hu Bayi guessed, and then said, "It should be that we touched the crystal free mountain, so that the wolf king noticed it." "

"The wolf king noticed that his ancestral holy relics were passive, and he couldn't help it, this time, they were afraid that they were going to be ruthless. "

At this time, Hu Bayi and the fat man both threw the guns on their bodies aside, and then took out the piccolo and released all the Gu worms.

It was the first time Uncle Ming had seen them summon so many kinds of Gu worms.


Just when Uncle Ming was about to take a large number of the poisonous insects around them, a big white cat rushed in from the hole above.

Suddenly, everyone's guns were aimed at the big cat.


Li Mo beckoned to the cat-headed monster.

A cat-headed monster about the size of a large wolfdog, shrunk to the size of an ordinary cat, and scurried to Li Mo's side.

In its mouth, it has a lingzhi in its mouth.

Seeing the Ganoderma lucidum, Chu Yi couldn't help but exclaim: "This is the eighty-eight flavor pearl Ganoderma lucidum grass?!"

At first, he almost died trying to pick this grass.

But even then, he couldn't get his hands on the grass.

Unexpectedly, Li Mo casually sent out a strange little animal, and the little animal brought it back!

This (ajfi) is simply amazing.

Chu Yi couldn't help but say with some envy: "If you can raise a few small animals like this, then it will be much easier to collect medicine." "

Listening to his emotion, Hu Bayi and the fat man couldn't help laughing.

Don't look at things being well-behaved next to Li Mo, it's a sin eater!

This thing is fierce, this thing!

If it is released, it can overturn more than a dozen wolves.

In addition, it is now refined into a Gu by Li Mo, and it is highly poisonous, it is simply a killing machine.


The sound of a wolf howling began to come from above.

"No, we can't be here, we're too passive here. "

The scope of this demon tower is not large, they can't use their hands and feet at all, and once they shoot, they are likely to accidentally injure their own people.

"We have to go up. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Mo.

Li Mo nodded at him.

It's true that this place is too small.

Just the Gu worms summoned by the fat man, Hu Bayi, and Shirley Yang almost filled the entire space.

At that time, once the fight starts, these Gu worms are getting bigger, and the entire demon tower is afraid that it will be burst.

The crowd walked on the ice field.

At this time, the snow was no longer up to their thighs.

"Damn, are we digging up the ancestral grave of the Wolf King?

The fat man looked around.

In the darkness, several pairs of green eyes stared at them.

Those eyes, like fluorescent lights in the night, twinkled in all directions.

Almost at the same time, dozens of vicious wolves rushed towards them from different directions.

And the first to meet them were golden butterflies.

The butterflies were like burning trailing meteors, rushing towards the wolves. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then the brush exploded, turning into a ball of fire, burning the wolves to the point of screaming.

Seeing the flaming butterfly exploding, Uncle Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and reached out to pull Ah Xiang's hand with a little palpitation, as if he was looking for some comfort.

"This ...... Can this butterfly be so powerful?"

Ah Xiang was obviously a little stunned, she didn't expect that Gu could be so powerful.

Li Mo walked up to her and asked, "How do you feel?"

Ah Xiang was taken aback, then looked at Li Mo and nodded heavily: "Very powerful!"

"Do you want to be as good as them?"

Ah Xiang nodded without thinking about it.

Li Mo's eyes narrowed, and then said, "Then if you leave with us at that time, you will become like them." "

Uncle Ming was stunned for a moment, then reached out and squeezed Ah Xiang's hand.

And Ah Xiang's eyes are constantly flickering, as if she is making a choice.

Uncle Ming thought that Ah Xiang was thinking about whether to leave him or not.

But in fact, Ah Xiang thought about whether to give up his plans and give up his identity as the ghost mother of the demon country.

Li Mo watched her struggle.

Ah Xiang has been locked in a glass cover since she was born, and after she was found to have real eyes, in order to ensure that her eyes are pure.

She didn't have a good life, and she was later accepted as a goddaughter by Uncle Ming, but she was actually using her.

So she wants to use everyone around her to come to the demon kingdom and become a ghost mother.

But it's all a hoax.

She will never be a ghost mother.

This girl is still young, although the Five Immortals Sect can come back from the dead, even if she really falls into a scam, it is not without a way to live, but it is good to be able to take a little less wrongful road.

After about two minutes, she finally made up her mind: "I'll go with Master!"

After speaking, she took a deep breath, then pulled Uncle Ming's hand away and walked to Li Mo's side.

"The past has nothing to do with me, in the future, Ah Xiang is just a disciple of the Five Immortals Sect!"

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, increase the loyalty of your disciples by 100%, get rewards, Myelin Cleansing Pill*10, Barrier Breaking Pill*10, Moon Branch Immortal Tree*1000!]

Washing the marrow pill, as the name suggests, washing the essence and cutting the marrow, for the disciples who are just starting out, the effect of this thing is faster than the spiritual spring, more pure, but compared with the spiritual spring, it is also more painful.

The Barrier Breaking Pill can forcibly break through the upper limit of cultivation.

The Moon Branch Fairy Tree, planted in a small world, can provide convenience for nocturnal creatures, and is very popular with nocturnal creatures.

Ah Xiang was bound by the rules before, but now she joined sincerely.

Since this is the case, Li Mo is no longer pressing her.

Li Mo took out a piccolo and a round-bladed scimitar again.

"Hold, this is the apprenticeship. "

After Ah Xiang got the things, her eyes were shining, and she looked at the things in her hand with a little joy.

"Brother Duji, you are really generous enough to your disciples. "

Standing beside them, Hatsuichi who was wary of the wolves around him couldn't help but be envious.

The power of this round-bladed scimitar was something they had seen with their own eyes when they were in the Bone Cave before.

Blowing short hair is no problem.

Hu Bayi took a round-bladed scimitar and directly split one end into two pieces.

The power and sharpness were definitely the best they had ever seen.

"That's where it goes?"

Li Mo turned his hand, and then pointed at Ah Xiang's head.

"Since I have already entered my Five Immortal Sect, I naturally want to teach you some of the skills of my Five Immortal Sect. "

A light cyan light blended into Ah Xiang's body little by little.

Ah Xiang only felt a tightness all over her body, and her consciousness was blurred for a while.

When she came back to her senses.

She's already in another place.

In the center of the cliff, there is a Chijo waterfall rushing down on it, and there are also mountain waterfalls in the distance on the left and right, and under the cliff under their feet, there seems to be the sound of rumbling water.

Around, there is a lot of water mist in the air.

And in the mist, it is a rainbow that lasts for a long time!

The palaces around them were piled up with huge stone blocks.

It doesn't look luxurious, but it has a kind of ancient solemnity and heaviness.

Just looking at those palaces gives people a feeling of breathlessness.

"This is the site of the Five Immortals Sect. "

Li Mo spoke up to bring Ah Xiang back to his senses.

Ah Xiang looked at Li Mo with a shocked gaze.

She didn't know how she got here, but she could tell it wasn't an illusion!

This is where it really is!

In other words, her master ran around with the sect as an adult!

No wonder, so many huge animals and items, he said to accept them, and put them when he said to put them.

Here, let alone collect those animals and things, even if you move into a mountain, I'm afraid it's not a difficult task.

Li Mo stretched out his hand and summoned someone.

"This is a new disciple, you take her around, familiarize herself with the environment, and then carry out the inheritance of the Five Holy Envoys by the way. "


Li Mo retracted his mind and looked at the battle situation outside.

ps: Please order!Order!Ask for flowers!Thank you, Yanzu!.

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