Two Nine Turns Yin Pill, one for each person.

Seeing Yin Xinyue and the red girl sitting at the table, closing their eyes slightly, Qin Mu was also a little unsure, what was the situation.

"This Nine Turns Yin Pill, the medicinal power should be very powerful. "

"In a short period of time, with the current physical quality of the two of them, they can't absorb too much medicinal power at all, they can only absorb ...... slowly over time."

Qin Mu drank tea silently and thought to himself.

At the same time, he is also paying close attention to the state of the two wives, and the most intuitive feeling is the breath of the two of them!

A few minutes later,

The aura on the red girl's body began to change first.

followed by Yin Xinyue.

And with the aura on the two wives, increasing step by step, Qin Mu was a little relieved.

There is a breath change to improve,

That means...... The power of medicine is absorbed!


Yin Xinyue and the Red Girl did not absorb much medicinal power.

And their aura and state only stopped soon after varying degrees of improvement.

"Huh, that's the end?".

"Sir, this elixir you got for the two of us can't be a fake, right?"

Yin Xinyue touched her face suspiciously, very puzzled.

The red girl on the side was thoughtful, and said in a low voice: "That's not the case, Sister Xinyue, the medicinal power of the pill is very majestic, and we will definitely not be able to absorb it all at once." "

"To put it simply, consumption, absorption, promotion, and reciprocating cycles are similar to practicing kung fu, constantly raising the upper limit again and again!".

The Red Girl said so

Qin Mu understood in an instant, and nodded again and again: "The second aunt's wife is worthy of being a person who practices martial arts, and her judgment is really accurate." "

Yin Xinyue has no experience in this area

But Sheng was thoughtful in one hand, and suddenly said: "Then after that, isn't it that the faster we consume, the faster we improve?"

"Theoretically, it should be. The Red Girl nodded uncertainly.

"Let's eat first. "

Qin Mu whistled and signaled that the cook on the side of him would deliver the meal.

Yin Xinyue and the red girl were obviously relieved, and the expression on their faces seemed to be a little happy.

And it's no wonder

Qin Mu's body was ......

It's not bad to say that it's steel and iron!

Mortal body,

Who can stop him from having a fight?

"Eat first, and then have the strength to work when you are full. "

Qin Mu glanced at Yin Xinyue meaningfully, and added, "Mrs. Yin, your body is already weak, so you have to practice." "

The red girl hurriedly nodded in agreement: "Indeed, you have to train Sister Xinyue's physique first, at least you have to have the power to protect yourself, don't you?"

Yin Xinyue was directly dumbfounded.

Plastic Sisterhood?

I thought that I had given Qin Mu a room for his aunt's wife

Be able to share your own hard work a little.

Yin Xinyue never thought that Qin Mu, who was working hard with blood and tears, was purely a trait that the enemy was strong and I was strong!

Even if the enemy is outnumbered,

It's still a charge, and it's extremely ferocious.

"It seems that one sister is not enough. "

"It's not going to go on like this......


Yin Xinyue was holding the rice in her mouth, and she secretly pondered: "I have to look for a good candidate again, I don't believe it, no matter how powerful Qin Mu is, can he still be an enemy?!".

As soon as I think about it,

Yin Xinyue's heart was a little proud.


The time of the day is in cultivating feelings, brushing the pot and working, swaying blood, tears and sweat, and it passes quickly.

Early the next morning,

Qin Mu received Chen Yulou's flying pigeon passenger, and after quickly scanning it, he already understood seventy-seven-eighty-eight.

"In the end, he is an expert in tomb robbery. "

"The speed of stepping on the plate to probe the wind is indeed fast enough...... It's okay, just pull out my group of soldiers to try the fire. "

After quickly finalizing the idea,

Qin Mu first woke up the two wives, and prepared to take Yin Xinyue and the red girl together to enjoy the scenery in Lao Xiongling.

Under the dual effect of 'Nine Turns Yin Dan' + 'Jingyuan Feeding',

In just one day,

Yin Xinyue's changes are the most obvious, not only is her skin fairer and smoother, but even her strength, speed, etc., have been significantly improved!

One enemy is not ten

But three or two good hands, it is estimated that it is difficult to hurt her, provided that there is no knife or gun.


The change of the red girl is not too obvious, but the victory is in a solid.

Because the red girl is a person who practices martial arts, her muscles and bones have almost been finalized, and her strengthened physical quality is more stable, and her combat effectiveness has improved a lot.

"Don't move...... I haven't woken up yet!!".

Yin Xinyue's wake up was not small

But after seeing Qin Mu's handsome face, he got up and was dissipated, and Yin Xinyue rubbed her confused beautiful eyes: "Something happened today?"

"Yes, we're out today. "

Qin Mu smiled and pinched Yin Xinyue's pretty face, and added, "Take you to the deep mountains and old forests to take a look around and rob a tomb or something." "

Yin Xinyue: "Hmm...... Huh?!".

Instantly refreshed!

These two days have been almost day and night

Yin Xinyue is waiting to go out for a stroll and have a good time.

Qin Mu slapped his backhand, patted the big () melon of the red girl next to him, and said, "Get up red girl, go to Old Bear Ridge!"

While the two wives were busy washing up and packing their luggage.

Qin Mu found Adjutant Liu.

"This time, Mr. Chen and Luo Lao are crooked, how many people have come out?"

Hearing Qin Mu asking,

Adjutant Liu recalled for a moment and replied, "On Mr. Chen's side, there are about more than 1,000 Xieling wrestlers. "

"There is an engineer battalion over there, and there seems to be a double-gun team, and if you count the axle weight and backup, there must be more than 1,000 people. "

"Understood. Qin Mu nodded slightly.

The manpower of these two companies is almost the same.


Chen Yulou tried his best to invite Qin Mu to join him, his intention, Qin Mu could guess without using his brain, it was nothing more than a word...... Look!

I just want to see the personal soldiers in Qin Mu's hands

What a degree!

If Qin Mu, a personal soldier of 1,500 people, could threaten Changsheng Mountain with its combat effectiveness, Chen Yulou would definitely have corresponding measures.

As the saying goes,

Human nature is suspicious,

Especially Chen Yulou, the head of Changsheng Mountain, is ambitious, not to mention, he is also very suspicious, which is normal.

"But I just married the red girl, and in a short period of time, Chen Yulou shouldn't be too tight. "

"It doesn't hurt. "

"It's really time to tear your face and not be emotional, the backbone of the two families will die, and the rest of the miscellaneous soldiers will be messed up if they are not messy!".

As soon as I think about it,

Qin Mu looked at Adjutant Liu and said in a deep voice: "You send the order out now, let Xu Dabao's infantry battalion and Wang Ercannon's artillery battalion all give me the most covert way to sneak into the area of Lao Xiongling!"

"Remember, you can be slow, but you can be absolutely hidden, you know?!".

"Understood, Boss Qin!" Adjutant Liu gave a military salute and replied in a deep voice.

"Well, go ahead. "

Qin Mu waved his hand and didn't give any other orders.

This time when he entered Laoxiongling to explore Bottle Mountain, Qin Mu only planned to bring a cavalry battalion in, and with the current combat effectiveness of this group of soldiers, there was no problem in dealing with those miscellaneous soldiers.

"It depends on how Chen Yulou chooses this time. "

"It doesn't matter if you want to tear your face, hit. "

Qin Mu shook his head with a smile, and a sentence came to his mind: "The warlord is in flames, and the leader dies violently, listen...... How pleasing to the ear?!".

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